Joe Biden America... the real cost.

And both parties have brought up extending retirement age like 7,000 times.
It dies before it even reaches the floor let alone get on a bill.
I don't mind what I do for a living. I know what I am doing very-very well, that makes it pretty easy.
When I turn 65 I doubt I will fully retire, out of choice.
Like I say I am half retired now, I will probably work a little less and take more vacations.
Eventually I will probably get a weekend job doing something I enjoy because I want to.
Staying at home 24/7 is not what it's cracked up to be.
But Reagan did raise the retirement age in the 1980's. The secret is to do it to future generations. I was like 11 when Reagan fucked my ass. Which would make him a pedo.
And both parties have brought up extending retirement age like 7,000 times.
It dies before it even reaches the floor let alone get on a bill.
I don't mind what I do for a living. I know what I am doing very-very well, that makes it pretty easy.
When I turn 65 I doubt I will fully retire, out of choice.
Like I say I am half retired now, I will probably work a little less and take more vacations.
Eventually I will probably get a weekend job doing something I enjoy because I want to.
Staying at home 24/7 is not what it's cracked up to be.

I feel like when I'm 62 I may offer my boss a deal. Let me do my job in 4 hours a day, leave me the fuck alone, just pay me half my pay plus healthcare. I will continue to sell what I sell but I'm only going to do 4 hours a day. I sort of do this now when I take vacation days and I totally get my job done in 4 hours. Maybe I don't prospect for new business but I respond to quotes and I close them. So yea, I think in 10 years that might be a good option. Because I want the healthcare and I don't mind working but I'd like to cut the hours down to 4 hours a day instead of 9. What I do is start at 8am and do what needs to be done in an hour or two, and then I make sure every sale gets put in and shipped before 4pm. So 8-10 and 2-4pm. Go to the gym or for a walk between 10 and 2. It would be nice.

And if I could keep my insurance till I get medicare, that would be SWEET!
Don't feel bad. I make a pretty good living and I don't have any kids and I save a ton and even I don't feel like I will ever have enough. MAYBE if my dad leaves me $400,000 I will feel like I have enough. But even then. Let's say I have $1 million dollars and I retire at 62. What am I going to get in social security $1500? Let's just call it $1500 a month. What about healthcare? I'm sure healthcare will eat up all my social security. So I have to wait till I'm 65.

Then let's say I get 5% a year on that million dollars. That's $50,000 a year. That's $4000 a month. OK I guess I'll be okay then but my biggest fear is that an old folks home will eat up my dad's $. So then maybe I'll only have $600,000 to live off. That's $30,000 a year to live off or $2500 a month.

I guess I'll be okay if ss pays for my healthcare bills. But what are my other bills? Condo dues, taxes, cable, internet, car costs, all the costs of having a boat. Even though my bills are pretty low still I bet I pay $1500 a month when it's all said and done. So that leaves me $1000 a month. What if I want to travel, get a gym membership, or an emergency expense happens?

And I'm single with no kids. If it's this tough for me, how do the rest of you who have kids save anything?

P.S. I also have the benefit of a rich brother. He has vacation homes in Up North MI, Greece and Florida. The three places I love to go. So I should be able to retire on a budget and still have fun.

I hate the people in Florida at his vacation home who are retires and on a pension and stuck there year round when the rest of us go north for the summer. I don't want to be so broke I can't go anywhere.

Another thing that scares me is inflation. It may seem like $1 million dollars should be enough today but who knows in 2032 when I turn 62 or 2035 when I turn 65.

And who knows what's going to happen to my 401K and other investments between now and then. Russia invades Ukraine and stays in it for 20 years will my stocks ever rebound?

This is why pensions were better than 401K's provided the company never goes bankrupt.

I do not feel bad at all, 6 years is far sooner than I thought we would be able to do it. I will be 65 and my wife 62. That is the soonest she can get her Federal Pension. I am also a retired Marine so I have that every month as well as cheap but great insurance so we do not need to worry about healthcare.

Between pensions and SS we will bring in about 7000 a month once we retire. Assuming 4% growth on our 401k/TSPs we will have about 600,000 in them when we quit adding to them.

Unless something unforeseen happens we will be retiring to Panama, which the cost of living is 60% of the US if you wish to maintain the same standard of living, we have met people that live there on less than 3000 a month and could not be happier.
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I do not feel bad at all, 6 years is far sooner than I thought we would be able to do it. I will be 65 and my wife 62. That is the soonest she can get her Federal Pension. I am also a retired Marine so I have that ever month as well as cheap but great insurance so we do not need to worry about healthcare.

Between pensions and SS we will bring in about 7000 a month once we retire. Assuming 4% growth on our 401k/TSPs we will have about 600,000 in them when we quit adding to them.

Unless something unforeseen happens we will be retiring to Panama, which the cost of living is 60% of the US if you wish to maintain the same standard of living, we have met people that live there on less than 3000 a month and could not be happier.

I'm lucky my condo dues and taxes are pretty low and one of my favorite places to go is my brothers hunting property up north. So my bills won't be that much and it doesn't cost me very much to do what I love.

The only costly thing I have is my boat. But even that's only like $3000 a year. Between them bringing it to me and taking it to storage every year. Plus the boat club dues for keeping a boat at the condos. This will be the one expense I will have when I'm retired and on a budget.

My brother has a place in Florida. I was thinking about getting a small RV and spend winters in FL.

I'm lucky my condo dues and taxes are pretty low and one of my favorite places to go is my brothers hunting property up north. So my bills won't be that much and it doesn't cost me very much to do what I love.

The only costly thing I have is my boat. But even that's only like $3000 a year. Between them bringing it to me and taking it to storage every year. Plus the boat club dues for keeping a boat at the condos. This will be the one expense I will have when I'm retired and on a budget.

My brother has a place in Florida. I was thinking about getting a small RV and spend winters in FL.


Wow, those are tiny!

Sounds like you have a good plan.
Don't feel bad. I make a pretty good living and I don't have any kids and I save a ton and even I don't feel like I will ever have enough. MAYBE if my dad leaves me $400,000 I will feel like I have enough. But even then. Let's say I have $1 million dollars and I retire at 62. What am I going to get in social security $1500? Let's just call it $1500 a month. What about healthcare? I'm sure healthcare will eat up all my social security. So I have to wait till I'm 65.

Then let's say I get 5% a year on that million dollars. That's $50,000 a year. That's $4000 a month. OK I guess I'll be okay then but my biggest fear is that an old folks home will eat up my dad's $. So then maybe I'll only have $600,000 to live off. That's $30,000 a year to live off or $2500 a month.

I guess I'll be okay if ss pays for my healthcare bills. But what are my other bills? Condo dues, taxes, cable, internet, car costs, all the costs of having a boat. Even though my bills are pretty low still I bet I pay $1500 a month when it's all said and done. So that leaves me $1000 a month. What if I want to travel, get a gym membership, or an emergency expense happens?

And I'm single with no kids. If it's this tough for me, how do the rest of you who have kids save anything?

P.S. I also have the benefit of a rich brother. He has vacation homes in Up North MI, Greece and Florida. The three places I love to go. So I should be able to retire on a budget and still have fun.

I hate the people in Florida at his vacation home who are retires and on a pension and stuck there year round when the rest of us go north for the summer. I don't want to be so broke I can't go anywhere.

Another thing that scares me is inflation. It may seem like $1 million dollars should be enough today but who knows in 2032 when I turn 62 or 2035 when I turn 65.

And who knows what's going to happen to my 401K and other investments between now and then. Russia invades Ukraine and stays in it for 20 years will my stocks ever rebound?

This is why pensions were better than 401K's provided the company never goes bankrupt.
/——/ I’m 72 this month. Medicare part B and dental is deducted from my SS each month. I still have $2k left over. I don’t know where you get your information from but call SS and ask what plans are available. I get mine through Aetna.
On you 401k, don’t be passive. Invest your $$$ in dividend paying stocks and have the dividends automatically reinvested to grow your portfolio. Learn how to trade covered calls. It’s like having an ATM on your PC. I generate weekly income that helps me rebuild my portfolio. Not as quickly as when Trump was president but I make enough to supplement my income without selling off any shares.
I'm lucky my condo dues and taxes are pretty low and one of my favorite places to go is my brothers hunting property up north. So my bills won't be that much and it doesn't cost me very much to do what I love.

The only costly thing I have is my boat. But even that's only like $3000 a year. Between them bringing it to me and taking it to storage every year. Plus the boat club dues for keeping a boat at the condos. This will be the one expense I will have when I'm retired and on a budget.

My brother has a place in Florida. I was thinking about getting a small RV and spend winters in FL.

FL can be miserable. Try the southwest. Even from Mesquite NV north of the Grand Canyon to the Phoenix area is nice in the winter.
Wow, those are tiny!

Sounds like you have a good plan.
I would go bigger but I saw my friend set his up and even the small ones are a pain in the ass. So all I really need is a place for me and my dog to sleep. We will set up lawn chairs by the camp fire outside and live outside most of the time. It's Florida so weather won't be a problem.

My brothers place up north is amazing. Has showers and electricity. I want him to let me build a off the grid small log cabin at the back of the property. I would stay in it when I go up and only use the house when I need a shower. Otherwise I prefer living off the grid in the woods.
/——/ Who are you kidding? democRATs don’t go along with anything that doesn’t advance their agenda. And Slick Willie bashed Trump for wanting to scrap it.
And I agree now. To think we would try and ONLY buy and sell to and from Americans is ridiculous. But there are certain industries (manufacturing) that need to stay at home. They are vital to our economy. Every other country did that when they started doing free trade.

Only America sent it's vital industry overseas. Why? Because manufacturing/auto companies were paying their employees too well. With pensions. So clearly they wanted to break the unions and lower their labor costs. Which hurt the American middle class very badly.

Clinton put labor and environmental protections in NAFTA when he signed it. Bush removed them.

Before sending it to the United States Senate, Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and to also allay the concerns of many Democratic House members.

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