Joe Biden America... the real cost.

You don't understand.
I have money. That is one thing I don't need.
Time is far more precious. Don't know how old you are, but if you are least 50 or over that makes sense to you in a way you couldn't possibly know if you are younger than that.
I go in at 6:00am and I leave around noon... and I only work Mon-Thursday.
I work 24 hours a week. But I get paid for 40.
So...actually I make $57.50 an hour if you want to look at it that way.
Why would an owner do that? Because I know a lot. And I know a lot of people in the business.
Depending on what you do, if you stay in the same industry long enough - you know more than anyone else around you.
That's me.
So basically I am half retired at 58.
I most definitely don't want to change my scenario.
Would you?
Well, if you’re happy with the lifestyle and are willing to sacrifice money why would you blame Biden for your choice? You sound like an industry professional in something who could get more money if you wanted, but you don’t. You are missing the good side of the economy which is record growing wages. Not Bidens fault. It’s capitalism.
Well, if you’re happy with the lifestyle and are willing to sacrifice money why would you blame Biden for your choice? You sound like an industry professional in something who could get more money if you wanted, but you don’t. You are missing the good side of the economy which is record growing wages. Not Bidens fault. It’s capitalism.
Blame Biden for my awesome job? I have it awesome, there is nothing to blame.
You need to do better than this.

That is not an answere. The fact that you have to call me dumg and spit up on yourself tell me that you really don't know what the fuck your talking about Let me dumb it down for you, How has Biden effected the supply and demand issue that impacts inflation? Foe extra supply and demand the only issue?
Thats it ?? iamwhatiseem Thats your response. ??. Haven't you been taught to not bite off more than you can chew? You you're going to blame Biden for something you should first understand the issue, Run along now
Holy fucking shit on a shingle! Lets recap. YOU started a discussion about inflation and accused Biden of being responsible. A number of us tried to engage you on the topic with information to suggest that Biden is not the cause of inflation. It became clear that you have no actual knowledge of the dynamics of inflation and realized that you were out of yuor depth on the subject . Embarrassed by your ownstupidity , you then regress to a 13 year special ed bully and lash out like the child that you are. End of discussion
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You don't understand.
I have money. That is one thing I don't need.
Time is far more precious. Don't know how old you are, but if you are least 50 or over that makes sense to you in a way you couldn't possibly know if you are younger than that.
I go in at 6:00am and I leave around noon... and I only work Mon-Thursday.
I work 24 hours a week. But I get paid for 40.
So...actually I make $57.50 an hour if you want to look at it that way.
Why would an owner do that? Because I know a lot. And I know a lot of people in the business.
Depending on what you do, if you stay in the same industry long enough - you know more than anyone else around you.
That's me.
So basically I am half retired at 58.
I most definitely don't want to change my scenario.
Would you?

Yet all you do is whine about money.
Really? Think so?
He has not increased his pay since 2018.
How do I know? I do all of the companies books. I know where every single cent goes.
The decision to increase wages this year was mine, even though we let one person go and did not replace a retiree.
The owner, who is barely ever here, declined an increase in personal earnings.
Small business' not the same as these corporations I'm talking about. I just showed you the facts. It's obscene how much they make. And I have a brother who's a VP at a fortune 500. All those VP's make $1 million give or take. If your a black, hispanic, indian or woman $2-3 Million.

Lots of VP's in companies. And the VP of HR decides how much the CEO makes, the CEO decides how much he makes and the BOD approve it because they are also CEO's and VP's of companies and my CEO may be sitting on your board.

Let's put it this way. In the past it was 35X what the average worker made. Since unions were busted, the gaps gotten wider. Why? Labor doesn't have a seat at the table. That was the difference from when America was great and now. No more unions at the table. So when the CEO's and VP's give themselves raises and not the workers, who's there to complain?

GM and Ford employees make a lot because the unions fight for them.
Yet all you do is whine about money.
He has enough money that he argues for and votes for a party that wants to cut his benefits 20% and make him have to work 3 more years.

He values time yet he wants to have to work 3 more years until he can afford to retire.

Maybe he likes what he does for a living. I don't hate what I do but I'd rather be playing pickle ball.
/——/ So by raising prices, your customers are footing the bill for your cost of living increases, even if only partially. Now imagine all companies doing that. Inflation on the March.

Fuck you! Trump and all Republicans are always HORRIBLE to manufacturing. First they invented NAFTA and got Clinton to sign it. But then every time Republicans are in the White House, manufacturing struggles. We struggled during Reagan/Bush, then in 2000's with Bush as he sent 700,000 jobs a month overseas.

THEN Trump started a trade war with China. That personally hurt my company because we buy one of our cheaper machines from China. 2019. Remember that year? After Trumps HUGE tax breaks that were supposed to make America great again, in 2019 he got us only 2.3% growth. Only .01% better than Obama. And you republicans defended Trump. You said it was the perfect time to take on China and it might cause a little pain for a while but in the longrun will be worth it. Was it? Did we win?
He has enough money that he argues for and votes for a party that wants to cut his benefits 20% and make him have to work 3 more years.

He clearly does not have enough money as all he does is whine about the cost of things.

He values time yet he wants to have to work 3 more years until he can afford to retire.

Maybe he likes what he does for a living. I don't hate what I do but I'd rather be playing pickle ball.

This one I get. I would love to retire tomorrow but it would not be a wise thing to do. Sadly we were behind the 8 ball when it came to retirement savings and 10 years ago we had zero. 6 years from this month we will hit our goals and be the right age for SS and we will bail on the job market, and this country, and retire outside of the US
He has enough money that he argues for and votes for a party that wants to cut his benefits 20% and make him have to work 3 more years.

He values time yet he wants to have to work 3 more years until he can afford to retire.

Maybe he likes what he does for a living. I don't hate what I do but I'd rather be playing pickle ball.
And both parties have brought up extending retirement age like 7,000 times.
It dies before it even reaches the floor let alone get on a bill.
I don't mind what I do for a living. I know what I am doing very-very well, that makes it pretty easy.
When I turn 65 I doubt I will fully retire, out of choice.
Like I say I am half retired now, I will probably work a little less and take more vacations.
Eventually I will probably get a weekend job doing something I enjoy because I want to.
Staying at home 24/7 is not what it's cracked up to be.
Fuck you! Trump and all Republicans are always HORRIBLE to manufacturing. First they invented NAFTA and got Clinton to sign it. But then every time Republicans are in the White House, manufacturing struggles. We struggled during Reagan/Bush, then in 2000's with Bush as he sent 700,000 jobs a month overseas.

THEN Trump started a trade war with China. That personally hurt my company because we buy one of our cheaper machines from China. 2019. Remember that year? After Trumps HUGE tax breaks that were supposed to make America great again, in 2019 he got us only 2.3% growth. Only .01% better than Obama. And you republicans defended Trump. You said it was the perfect time to take on China and it might cause a little pain for a while but in the longrun will be worth it. Was it? Did we win?
/----/ First they invented NAFTA and got Clinton to sign it. "
Billy Boy, AlBore and the democRATs all praised NAFTA. Nobody forced them to.
He clearly does not have enough money as all he does is whine about the cost of things.

This one I get. I would love to retire tomorrow but it would not be a wise thing to do. Sadly we were behind the 8 ball when it came to retirement savings and 10 years ago we had zero. 6 years from this month we will hit our goals and be the right age for SS and we will bail on the job market, and this country, and retire outside of the US

Don't feel bad. I make a pretty good living and I don't have any kids and I save a ton and even I don't feel like I will ever have enough. MAYBE if my dad leaves me $400,000 I will feel like I have enough. But even then. Let's say I have $1 million dollars and I retire at 62. What am I going to get in social security $1500? Let's just call it $1500 a month. What about healthcare? I'm sure healthcare will eat up all my social security. So I have to wait till I'm 65.

Then let's say I get 5% a year on that million dollars. That's $50,000 a year. That's $4000 a month. OK I guess I'll be okay then but my biggest fear is that an old folks home will eat up my dad's $. So then maybe I'll only have $600,000 to live off. That's $30,000 a year to live off or $2500 a month.

I guess I'll be okay if ss pays for my healthcare bills. But what are my other bills? Condo dues, taxes, cable, internet, car costs, all the costs of having a boat. Even though my bills are pretty low still I bet I pay $1500 a month when it's all said and done. So that leaves me $1000 a month. What if I want to travel, get a gym membership, or an emergency expense happens?

And I'm single with no kids. If it's this tough for me, how do the rest of you who have kids save anything?

P.S. I also have the benefit of a rich brother. He has vacation homes in Up North MI, Greece and Florida. The three places I love to go. So I should be able to retire on a budget and still have fun.

I hate the people in Florida at his vacation home who are retires and on a pension and stuck there year round when the rest of us go north for the summer. I don't want to be so broke I can't go anywhere.

Another thing that scares me is inflation. It may seem like $1 million dollars should be enough today but who knows in 2032 when I turn 62 or 2035 when I turn 65.

And who knows what's going to happen to my 401K and other investments between now and then. Russia invades Ukraine and stays in it for 20 years will my stocks ever rebound?

This is why pensions were better than 401K's provided the company never goes bankrupt.

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