Joe Biden announces 2020 presidential campaign

As Rush Limbaugh mentioned the other night on Fox News on Monday night, that Joe Biden will not touch Bernie Sanders. His only stint is (obviously) Trump. He will make it the first phase. But Trump will hang him at the debates in the second phase. He is primarily there only because, the Dems (finally) let him out for recess. And that is pretty much all they have.

"It's better to have a senile working man with a broken mind, than a sane man with a broken heart." :)

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

Joe looks better when Steven Speilberg directs his performance.

Oh, note the primary focus of Joe Biden's candidacy.
It's nothing more than "Trump is a racist and I'm gonna stop him from being one".
Never mind the fact that Obama was a racist.....and Crazy Joe never said one thing against his black ass for 8 years.

What can Groping Joe run on?

Obama's 1% GDP average, that was the new norm?
Obama failed unaffordable healthcare that was created because of the "stupidity of the liberal voter"?
Obama's attack on Libya that allowed ISIS, the Jr varsity team" to rise up and force millions of Muslims to flee their country seeking asylum?
Obama's cash for clunkers that went over real well, and shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready, but boy did the liberal elites get billions of dollars?
Obama's QE forever where 4.5 trillion dollars was created so Apple, GM and other liberal companies can borrow money at 0% interest so they can buy their stock making 3% interest?
There are plenty more, but I get tired of repeating myself, because a liberal is just too stupid to know better, which is why public education needs to be privatized.

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Not to mention the Russia meddling happened under the Obama/Biden administration...

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

Announcing by youtube.......that worked out so well for Hillary.
I like Joe, I do. One day I watched him for a couple hours confirming ..cabinet members maybe?

He was very professional and getting it done despite Democrat Congress people being immature and pulling a bunch of bullshit. He was like "We're here to get a job done, and let's do this", and I can appreciate that.

He's not going to beat Trump, though. At least I hope not. He has that Obama stink around him.
I like Joe, I do. One day I watched him for a couple hours confirming ..cabinet members maybe?

He was very professional and getting it done despite Democrat Congress people being immature and pulling a bunch of bullshit. He was like "We're here to get a job done, and let's do this", and I can appreciate that.

He's not going to beat Trump, though.

The problem with Biden is that he shows too much respect to Deplorable Americans and his fellow D's aren't going to stand for it. When he had his interaction with conservative journalist Laura Ingraham Bite Me stated‘God’s honest truth, Ingraham, you’re my favorite of the right-wing crazies,’

He doesn't really take his extremism as seriously as the other hard core libs
I like Joe, I do. One day I watched him for a couple hours confirming ..cabinet members maybe?

He was very professional and getting it done despite Democrat Congress people being immature and pulling a bunch of bullshit. He was like "We're here to get a job done, and let's do this", and I can appreciate that.

He's not going to beat Trump, though.

The problem with Biden is that he shows too much respect to Deplorable Americans and his fellow D's aren't going to stand for it. When he had his interaction with conservative journalist Laura Ingraham Bite Me stated‘God’s honest truth, Ingraham, you’re my favorite of the right-wing crazies,’

He doesn't really take his extremism as seriously as the other hard core libs
Joe is from the blue collar working class. I don't think the new age crazy socialist kids are going to take to him like they do Bernie.
I like Joe, I do. One day I watched him for a couple hours confirming ..cabinet members maybe?

He was very professional and getting it done despite Democrat Congress people being immature and pulling a bunch of bullshit. He was like "We're here to get a job done, and let's do this", and I can appreciate that.

He's not going to beat Trump, though.

The problem with Biden is that he shows too much respect to Deplorable Americans and his fellow D's aren't going to stand for it. When he had his interaction with conservative journalist Laura Ingraham Bite Me stated‘God’s honest truth, Ingraham, you’re my favorite of the right-wing crazies,’

He doesn't really take his extremism as seriously as the other hard core libs
He has been in the establishment so long, Joe is the very definition of the DEEP STATE. He is a yes man to very powerful financial global interests that have a notion to dissolve the US and create an international order.

There will be a destruction of the Bill of Rights with Joe. His office authored the Patriot Act.

A Biden regime most certainly will progress the nation towards disarming the population, destroying the dollar, and merging the nation into a political union with Canada and Mexico.

He is a CFR stooge.

Why did he announce just like Hillary? Because they are going to run the same campaign. Yes, they think folks are that stupid. They rigged it once, why not do it again? :71:


For perspective, Biden has been oppressing and fouling shit up in D.C. since before AOC was born. :45:
I like Joe, I do. One day I watched him for a couple hours confirming ..cabinet members maybe?

He was very professional and getting it done despite Democrat Congress people being immature and pulling a bunch of bullshit. He was like "We're here to get a job done, and let's do this", and I can appreciate that.

He's not going to beat Trump, though.

The problem with Biden is that he shows too much respect to Deplorable Americans and his fellow D's aren't going to stand for it. When he had his interaction with conservative journalist Laura Ingraham Bite Me stated‘God’s honest truth, Ingraham, you’re my favorite of the right-wing crazies,’

He doesn't really take his extremism as seriously as the other hard core libs
He has been in the establishment so long, Joe is the very definition of the DEEP STATE. He is a yes man to very powerful financial global interests that have a notion to dissolve the US and create an international order.

There will be a destruction of the Bill of Rights with Joe. His office authored the Patriot Act.

A Biden regime most certainly will progress the nation towards disarming the population, destroying the dollar, and merging the nation into a political union with Canada and Mexico.

He is a CFR stooge.

Why did he announce just like Hillary? Because they are going to run the same campaign. Yes, they think folks are that stupid. They rigged it once, why not do it again? :71:


For perspective, Biden has been oppressing and fouling shit up in D.C. since before AOC was born. :45:

Did not realize he was that big of an asshole! :eek:

Patriot act? :fu:

That needs repealed. It tromps all over the 4th amendment.
Interesting factoid, when this thread first started, the Associated Press released his video on YouTube. I wanted to guage public reaction, b/c the ABC video had so little views and no comments.

Early this morning, the AP video had 65 comments, and they were ALL negative. They had a lot of hilarious jokes.

Unfortunately, AP has now disabled comments. Don't tell me there isn't a Deep State in the tank suppressing free speech trying to influence the opinions of folks.

Chances are Biden will never even come close to being allowed by the DNC to be considered the dem candidate. Sure they want him to be a money raiser for them. But a serious candidate, never. He is everything that the dem party does not want. Old,white, experience. He has been on the wrong side of too many issues.

Even if by some miracle he was considered insane enough to be chosen Trump would just have to point out such things as his idea of shutting down paroles. As Biden so famously put it for everything but jaywalking.
No too many things to beat him up over.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

I think Biden can beat Trump; and is the most qualified among the Democrat candidates to do so. Bernie, Beto, Kamala, and Warren are too radical. That said, Biden may be forced to take on one of these candidates as his VP to appease the radical Left masters that run the Democrat Party.

He is proven Washington Leader with experience and, unlike Trump and Obama and much like Bush and Clinton, Biden can work across the aisle. If it has to be a Democrat, I want Biden.
My guess is that, knowing he'll need to make the ticket far more PC-friendly, he'll name a PC-appropriate running mate fairly soon. He'd probably like it to be Kamala Harris, but she might last too long. Stacey Abrams is another possibility, but I'm sure there are more possibles.
Uh.......sorry, but having tits isn't a qualification for POTUS.
One should be a good leader, and be able to accomplish something, not having a history of spreading your legs to get a job or accusing your opponent of being a racist.
Of course Creepy Joe opens up his campaign with slander trying to gaslight something that isn’t there. He must be tired!
Repeat ad infinitum:

Creepy Joe Biden throws live puppies into rush hour traffic!

Creepy Joe Biden is a secret Satan worshiper!

Creepy Joe Biden fondles children!

Creepy Joe Biden is gay!

Creepy Joe Biden is the proprietor of Comet Pizza!

"Joe Biden" is Hebrew for "turtle fucker"!

Creepy Joe Biden killed Kennedy!

Creepy Joe Biden plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech!

Creepy Joe Biden slept with Stormy Daniels and paid her for her silence!

Creepy Joe Biden tried to get a Biden Tower built in Moscow!

Creepy Joe Biden bragged about grabbing pussies!

Creepy Joe Biden golfs too much!

Creepy Joe Biden will run trillion dollar deficits!

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