Joe Biden announces 2020 presidential campaign

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

/——/ the first salvo to win Trump supporters Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters the "Dregs of Society" |
Chances are Biden will never even come close to being allowed by the DNC to be considered the dem candidate. Sure they want him to be a money raiser for them. But a serious candidate, never. He is everything that the dem party does not want. Old,white, experience. He has been on the wrong side of too many issues.

Even if by some miracle he was considered insane enough to be chosen Trump would just have to point out such things as his idea of shutting down paroles. As Biden so famously put it for everything but jaywalking.
No too many things to beat him up over.

WHo knows...Dem leaders love the establishment candidate.
I can't imagine this will go well for creepy Joe.
There is a bottomless pit of problems this guy has on him... from political, he is a CLASSIC /for/against/now for/now against Washingtonite.
Racist/Sexist quotes out the wazoo.... the hair raising videos where he simply cannot stop himself from mauling preteen girls... photo after photo viseo after video of hair smelling/hugging/shoulder caressing of every woman he comes within 10 yards of.
He will not survive the onslaught.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

I hope cortez endorsers h8m she was jumping all over a kentucky senate member for standing next to a card board cut out of her then she found out he was a democrat

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

Joe looks better when Steven Speilberg directs his performance.

Oh, note the primary focus of Joe Biden's candidacy.
It's nothing more than "Trump is a racist and I'm gonna stop him from being one".
Never mind the fact that Obama was a racist.....and Crazy Joe never said one thing against his black ass for 8 years.

We're all racists if we are conservatives. I got written up at work for mentioning there are more blacks shot by other blacks than white cops shooting blacks. Happened to be a black person present and he went right to the boss and next thing I know I'm being written up for "racist conversation". The left is unhinged.

Yet Eric Holder called Americans cowards for not discussing race.
Only proves that you can't do anything right in their wokish mindset.

Holder was a piss poor AG and a racist.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

Joe looks better when Steven Speilberg directs his performance.

Oh, note the primary focus of Joe Biden's candidacy.
It's nothing more than "Trump is a racist and I'm gonna stop him from being one".
Never mind the fact that Obama was a racist.....and Crazy Joe never said one thing against his black ass for 8 years.

We're all racists if we are conservatives. I got written up at work for mentioning there are more blacks shot by other blacks than white cops shooting blacks. Happened to be a black person present and he went right to the boss and next thing I know I'm being written up for "racist conversation". The left is unhinged.

Yet Eric Holder called Americans cowards for not discussing race.
Only proves that you can't do anything right in their wokish mindset.

You can't argue with reason with an indoctrinated mind.

Liberals are mentally ill.
Biden thinks a group that throws piss in the face of a disabled vet is “heroic.”

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

I think Biden can beat Trump; and is the most qualified among the Democrat candidates to do so. Bernie, Beto, Kamala, and Warren are too radical. That said, Biden may be forced to take on one of these candidates as his VP to appease the radical Left masters that run the Democrat Party.

He is proven Washington Leader with experience and, unlike Trump and Obama and much like Bush and Clinton, Biden can work across the aisle. If it has to be a Democrat, I want Biden.

To start I don't think it's gonna be Biden. If it is I don't see the Bernie crowd going alone as easy as they did when Hillary was awarded the nomination. It will be harder for Biden since there are so many people running, but then I don't think anyone understands the democrats delegate process.
Interesting factoid, when this thread first started, the Associated Press released his video on YouTube. I wanted to guage public reaction, b/c the ABC video had so little views and no comments.

Early this morning, the AP video had 65 comments, and they were ALL negative. They had a lot of hilarious jokes.

Unfortunately, AP has now disabled comments. Don't tell me there isn't a Deep State in the tank suppressing free speech trying to influence the opinions of folks.

AP is the propaganda arm of the deep state.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

I would not vote for Biden in the Primary - but I would certainly vote for him in the General.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

I would not vote for Biden in the Primary - but I would certainly vote for him in the General.

Your gonna vote for Kamala because your both racist and sexist. She is not white and a female. Only qualifications a nut like you needs.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

/——/ the first salvo to win Trump supporters Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters the "Dregs of Society" |

Biden is a pandering fool. Party is wayyyy too far left for him. And he’s a liberal.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

I would not vote for Biden in the Primary - but I would certainly vote for him in the General.

Your gonna vote for Kamala because your both racist and sexist. She is not white and a female. Only qualifications a nut like you needs.

You should probably clean your crystal ball.
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Biden very well could have won in 2016, but in 2020 Trump is a juggernaut.

Right, he would have had backing from Obama. Now he will have to answer why isn't Obama endorsing him.
Joe Biden was the only thing that gave Obama some legitimacy during the first campaign.
He needed a Washington establishment figure to convince all of those racist white Democrats to vote for a black guy.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

/——/ the first salvo to win Trump supporters Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters the "Dregs of Society" |

Biden is a pandering fool. Party is wayyyy too far left for him. And he’s a liberal.

Christ how many times has Biden already failed to win even 5% of the Dem primary vote?

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

/——/ the first salvo to win Trump supporters Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters the "Dregs of Society" |

Biden is a pandering fool. Party is wayyyy too far left for him. And he’s a liberal.

Christ how many times has Biden already failed to win even 5% of the Dem primary vote?

He'll get it this time. Look at the poles.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

I would not vote for Biden in the Primary - but I would certainly vote for him in the General.

/——/ If everybody thinks that way- Joe is toast.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

I would not vote for Biden in the Primary - but I would certainly vote for him in the General.

/——/ If everybody thinks that way- Joe is toast.

I don't care if Biden is toast in the Primary. I only care about the General. Biden lost me when he fucked over Anita Hill in the Thomas hearings.

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