Joe Biden announces 2020 presidential campaign

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

I think Biden can beat Trump; and is the most qualified among the Democrat candidates to do so. Bernie, Beto, Kamala, and Warren are too radical. That said, Biden may be forced to take on one of these candidates as his VP to appease the radical Left masters that run the Democrat Party.

He is proven Washington Leader with experience and, unlike Trump and Obama and much like Bush and Clinton, Biden can work across the aisle. If it has to be a Democrat, I want Biden.

To start I don't think it's gonna be Biden. If it is I don't see the Bernie crowd going alone as easy as they did when Hillary was awarded the nomination. It will be harder for Biden since there are so many people running, but then I don't think anyone understands the democrats delegate process.

Whatever the process, Democrats had better stay close to center - green deals and tax the rich at the cost of a good economy is not going to cut it.
This is a sad thing when a good man like Biden gets run through the mud by the strumpets like this. Here is an announnment that I found telling and it made sense.

Even if you don't or won't vote for Biden, this still holds true.

That's politics, Daryl. It's a dirty business. Look what the dems are doing to Pence....

Pence did it to Pence. In his home state he couldn't get a job as dog catcher. His job as Governor took care of that. You want to reward bad job performance? Well, I guess so if history goes as it shows.

Doesn't make it any less dirty, Daryl. Look at all the mudslinging,,,,and from the democrats, also.
Oh by the way.....I'm still looking for a good man or woman that's in politics.
Smear them all and lets see who's still standing.

Here is a good read on how it works.
Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics
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