joe biden claims obama administration was scandal free. They are rewriting history again.

In fact, the real scandals during the Obama administration is the tens of millions of dollars in the endless meetings Republicans had over Benghazi and Hillary Clinton‘s emails.

Republicans re-wrote their party platform to suck up to the Russians. They don’t see that as a scandal? How does that not borderline on treason?

And Trump had his own Benghazi type scandal when he sent soldiers in Africa out unprotected to die for no reason anybody could figure out. Yet.
At least the ambassador to Libya refused to leave. Those soldiers Republicans and Trump sent out to die had no choice whatsoever.

Republicans freaked out that Obama said he had more flexibility after the election, which is something all second term presidents have said.

Trump has an actual patron, a murderous despot named Vladimir Putin, that helped him win the election.

Trump said that he believes Vladimir Putin over our own intelligence agencies. Then of course we have to believe Vladimir Putin for saying this quote:


Like I said, if Trump believes Putin over our intelligence agencies, then this country needs to believe him when he said that he helped trump get elected. At Helsinki. In public. For the entire world to see.

Deantard, people died in Benghazi. Hell there was a movie made about it. Go watch it. That was NOT a witch hunt. Why the hell were we still there when everyone else left?

See, even Putin hates PC Democrats so much that he supported Trump.

I just love Hollyweird how historical y accurate those movies are. When you watch any movie about Custers last Stand, think of this. About 200 well trained US Army Cavalry and well armed were attacked by over 4000 Indians from at least 3 different tribes. Those 3 through everything they had a Custer. In the end, yes, a little over 200 Troops died but over 2000 Indians died as well. The battle pretty much ended the Northern Indian was because there was a slaughter. It was so bad that the 3 tribes never got over it and the US Army started rounding them up. Yes, there was a massicer but it was on the Indians side. But according to all the Movies, it was a one sided affair where only the Army was slaughtered.

I already laid out the time line on Benghazi and showed that there was no way in hell it could have been done any better. And the President and Hillary didn't have time to say yay or nay on anything until AFTER the rescue bird was launched and landed. Yes, Dorathy, there was a Rescue Launch with Special Forces and Medical people on it that arrived about an hour after the initial attack and two of the people killed were from that rescue party. So how about laying off that once upon a time BS that you rightwingnutjobs keep repeating.
You watch far too many Hollywood movies, made by child molesting Hollywood types...
DC and Hollywood have no idea what really happened at the battle of Little Bighorn, To find out what really happened you need to talk to some elders up here.

I have, Chief. Remember, I used to live there as well. And I walked with your people. So don't try and pull that crap on me. You have to understand, on the way things went down before and what brought it on, I rooted for the Indians and the loss of over 2000 Warriors was a HUGE loss and was the major factor in ending the wars with the Blackfeet, Sioux and others during that time. Part of my heritage wasn't treated any better.
You have, have you?
Anyway, By that time the war was already over and everyone knew it by then, the federal government had already won. But that’s not the point. You do realize that the Sioux, Blackfeet and Cheyenne tribes never have and still do not “get along”?

Then we have the Utes and the Navajo who also traditionally never go along. Do you have a point here?
Deantard, people died in Benghazi. Hell there was a movie made about it. Go watch it. That was NOT a witch hunt. Why the hell were we still there when everyone else left?

See, even Putin hates PC Democrats so much that he supported Trump.

I just love Hollyweird how historical y accurate those movies are. When you watch any movie about Custers last Stand, think of this. About 200 well trained US Army Cavalry and well armed were attacked by over 4000 Indians from at least 3 different tribes. Those 3 through everything they had a Custer. In the end, yes, a little over 200 Troops died but over 2000 Indians died as well. The battle pretty much ended the Northern Indian was because there was a slaughter. It was so bad that the 3 tribes never got over it and the US Army started rounding them up. Yes, there was a massicer but it was on the Indians side. But according to all the Movies, it was a one sided affair where only the Army was slaughtered.

I already laid out the time line on Benghazi and showed that there was no way in hell it could have been done any better. And the President and Hillary didn't have time to say yay or nay on anything until AFTER the rescue bird was launched and landed. Yes, Dorathy, there was a Rescue Launch with Special Forces and Medical people on it that arrived about an hour after the initial attack and two of the people killed were from that rescue party. So how about laying off that once upon a time BS that you rightwingnutjobs keep repeating.
You watch far too many Hollywood movies, made by child molesting Hollywood types...
DC and Hollywood have no idea what really happened at the battle of Little Bighorn, To find out what really happened you need to talk to some elders up here.

I have, Chief. Remember, I used to live there as well. And I walked with your people. So don't try and pull that crap on me. You have to understand, on the way things went down before and what brought it on, I rooted for the Indians and the loss of over 2000 Warriors was a HUGE loss and was the major factor in ending the wars with the Blackfeet, Sioux and others during that time. Part of my heritage wasn't treated any better.
You have, have you?
Anyway, By that time the war was already over and everyone knew it by then, the federal government had already won. But that’s not the point. You do realize that the Sioux, Blackfeet and Cheyenne tribes never have and still do not “get along”?

Then we have the Utes and the Navajo who also traditionally never go along. Do you have a point here?

Daryl, what are your thoughts on Andrew Jackson and James Polk?
Those aren't scandals. They are controversial actions and/or legislation.

There are no scandals associated with the Obama administration.


Joe Biden lied about Obama era scandals

The article proves the previous poster's point. Most of these are errors in judgement.
Benghazi - This is at most a error in judgement not a scandal. Even if the military had been called in, we have no way of knowing if it would have been different.

Operation Fast and Furious - Another error in management. This was the second ATF use of a gunwalking operation. The Bush Administration used a similar tactic in Operation Wide Receiver. However this went horribly wrong because it was so large that they lost control of it.

AP phone records - No scandal. The only question is whether they needed those records. There was nothing done illegally.

IRS abuse - The IG report found that the IRS targeted conservative and liberal organizationa. One of the key words that was used was progressive which is often linked to liberal groups. It was investigated by the IG and no connection was found to the White House.

No scandal in Obamacare. Obamacare is more popular than Trump.

spying on the Donald Trump campaign - That never happened. I'm sure Biden would love for Trump to run on that. That would prove to the voters how unhinged Trump is.

Solyndra - If it was a scandal, it is the type of scandal that many politicians are guilty of. Numerous Trump cabinet officials have been forced to resign for ethical reasons.

The bottom line is that there is 1 potential scandal here. Solyndra. Yet no one has provided any proof of potential wrongdoing, only accusations. What Biden said is essentially correct.
Obama administration fucked up in more ways than one with fast and Furious... But of course they don’t feel bad about the consequences...

That’s what big Brother is for... to spy on the Americans

Anything that gives the IRS more power is always wrong and obviously they did that.... Best thing anyone can do is abolished IRS.

Obama care was forced on millions of people that wanted no part of it whatsoever of it, anyone thinks Obama care is good for anybody that did not want it can shove it up their fucking ass.

Of course Obama spied on Trump, Obama loves the deep state.

Solyndra was 100% fraud and anyone that embraced it is a fucking piece of shit and a total moron...

Obama worked for progressives and no one else.... That’s what career politicians do
You still haven't proven any of those are scandals.
I just love Hollyweird how historical y accurate those movies are. When you watch any movie about Custers last Stand, think of this. About 200 well trained US Army Cavalry and well armed were attacked by over 4000 Indians from at least 3 different tribes. Those 3 through everything they had a Custer. In the end, yes, a little over 200 Troops died but over 2000 Indians died as well. The battle pretty much ended the Northern Indian was because there was a slaughter. It was so bad that the 3 tribes never got over it and the US Army started rounding them up. Yes, there was a massicer but it was on the Indians side. But according to all the Movies, it was a one sided affair where only the Army was slaughtered.

I already laid out the time line on Benghazi and showed that there was no way in hell it could have been done any better. And the President and Hillary didn't have time to say yay or nay on anything until AFTER the rescue bird was launched and landed. Yes, Dorathy, there was a Rescue Launch with Special Forces and Medical people on it that arrived about an hour after the initial attack and two of the people killed were from that rescue party. So how about laying off that once upon a time BS that you rightwingnutjobs keep repeating.
You watch far too many Hollywood movies, made by child molesting Hollywood types...
DC and Hollywood have no idea what really happened at the battle of Little Bighorn, To find out what really happened you need to talk to some elders up here.

I have, Chief. Remember, I used to live there as well. And I walked with your people. So don't try and pull that crap on me. You have to understand, on the way things went down before and what brought it on, I rooted for the Indians and the loss of over 2000 Warriors was a HUGE loss and was the major factor in ending the wars with the Blackfeet, Sioux and others during that time. Part of my heritage wasn't treated any better.
You have, have you?
Anyway, By that time the war was already over and everyone knew it by then, the federal government had already won. But that’s not the point. You do realize that the Sioux, Blackfeet and Cheyenne tribes never have and still do not “get along”?

Then we have the Utes and the Navajo who also traditionally never go along. Do you have a point here?

Daryl, what are your thoughts on Andrew Jackson and James Polk?

I really don't have any thoughts about either one. I do know that when we needed Andrew Jackson he was available. As for James Polk, he was like a followon to Jackson. Manifest Destiny was his big thing. For the time, Polk was what was needed for the expansion of the United States. Although, the Indians, Canadians and Mexicans may beg to differ.
You watch far too many Hollywood movies, made by child molesting Hollywood types...
DC and Hollywood have no idea what really happened at the battle of Little Bighorn, To find out what really happened you need to talk to some elders up here.

I have, Chief. Remember, I used to live there as well. And I walked with your people. So don't try and pull that crap on me. You have to understand, on the way things went down before and what brought it on, I rooted for the Indians and the loss of over 2000 Warriors was a HUGE loss and was the major factor in ending the wars with the Blackfeet, Sioux and others during that time. Part of my heritage wasn't treated any better.
You have, have you?
Anyway, By that time the war was already over and everyone knew it by then, the federal government had already won. But that’s not the point. You do realize that the Sioux, Blackfeet and Cheyenne tribes never have and still do not “get along”?

Then we have the Utes and the Navajo who also traditionally never go along. Do you have a point here?

Daryl, what are your thoughts on Andrew Jackson and James Polk?

I really don't have any thoughts about either one. I do know that when we needed Andrew Jackson he was available. As for James Polk, he was like a followon to Jackson. Manifest Destiny was his big thing. For the time, Polk was what was needed for the expansion of the United States. Although, the Indians, Canadians and Mexicans may beg to differ.

Obviously you have some thoughts. Such as modern day Democrats would hate both of them.
Ask the Urkaine and China how corrupt The Biden Family Is.

Millions were paid out in bribes to Biden from those two countries alone.

The Russians have given Trump millions of dollars as well. They also used Ukraine to launder money to Paul Manafort.

Of course Trump has been doing business with Russia for years so you know money changed hands.

Business is business and has nothing to do with Trump as POTUS.

You might want to check into the uranium Russia got. Might be an interesting story.

That would be a easy way to slip money to Trump and create a future asset for Russia.

Shep Smith has demolished the uranium deal. Try again.

I don't have to try again. You just have to prove what you say. But proof is something you don't think you need.

Try again.

Shep Smith has provided plenty of proof that Uranium One is a hoax by the right.
Once again, the old man needs some help. The Obama Administration was not free from scandal. It was free from being held accountable for its scandals.

It was relatively free from scandal. Errors of judgement are not scandals and you have proven nothing.
And no there was no conspiracy by the justice department or the FBI or CIA to protect anybody period and to say so is close to treasonous as far as I'm concerned. That would be Fox Rush etcetera etcetera and silly dupes...
Those aren't scandals. They are controversial actions and/or legislation.

There are no scandals associated with the Obama administration.


Joe Biden lied about Obama era scandals

The article proves the previous poster's point. Most of these are errors in judgement.
Benghazi - This is at most a error in judgement not a scandal. Even if the military had been called in, we have no way of knowing if it would have been different.

Operation Fast and Furious - Another error in management. This was the second ATF use of a gunwalking operation. The Bush Administration used a similar tactic in Operation Wide Receiver. However this went horribly wrong because it was so large that they lost control of it.

AP phone records - No scandal. The only question is whether they needed those records. There was nothing done illegally.

IRS abuse - The IG report found that the IRS targeted conservative and liberal organizationa. One of the key words that was used was progressive which is often linked to liberal groups. It was investigated by the IG and no connection was found to the White House.

No scandal in Obamacare. Obamacare is more popular than Trump.

spying on the Donald Trump campaign - That never happened. I'm sure Biden would love for Trump to run on that. That would prove to the voters how unhinged Trump is.

Solyndra - If it was a scandal, it is the type of scandal that many politicians are guilty of. Numerous Trump cabinet officials have been forced to resign for ethical reasons.

The bottom line is that there is 1 potential scandal here. Solyndra. Yet no one has provided any proof of potential wrongdoing, only accusations. What Biden said is essentially correct.
Obama administration fucked up in more ways than one with fast and Furious... But of course they don’t feel bad about the consequences...

That’s what big Brother is for... to spy on the Americans

Anything that gives the IRS more power is always wrong and obviously they did that.... Best thing anyone can do is abolished IRS.

Obama care was forced on millions of people that wanted no part of it whatsoever of it, anyone thinks Obama care is good for anybody that did not want it can shove it up their fucking ass.

Of course Obama spied on Trump, Obama loves the deep state.

Solyndra was 100% fraud and anyone that embraced it is a fucking piece of shit and a total moron...

Obama worked for progressives and no one else.... That’s what career politicians do
You still haven't proven any of those are scandals.

They have been proven, partisan morons such as yourself don’t recognize the truth. Solyndra and Fast and Furious are recognized as scandals. The fact you don’t the fact isn’t my problem.
Biden originally supported Bork while chair of the Judiciary Committee. Justice Bork would have forever fundamentally altered America.
Those aren't scandals. They are controversial actions and/or legislation.

There are no scandals associated with the Obama administration.


Joe Biden lied about Obama era scandals

The article proves the previous poster's point. Most of these are errors in judgement.
Benghazi - This is at most a error in judgement not a scandal. Even if the military had been called in, we have no way of knowing if it would have been different.

Operation Fast and Furious - Another error in management. This was the second ATF use of a gunwalking operation. The Bush Administration used a similar tactic in Operation Wide Receiver. However this went horribly wrong because it was so large that they lost control of it.

AP phone records - No scandal. The only question is whether they needed those records. There was nothing done illegally.

IRS abuse - The IG report found that the IRS targeted conservative and liberal organizationa. One of the key words that was used was progressive which is often linked to liberal groups. It was investigated by the IG and no connection was found to the White House.

No scandal in Obamacare. Obamacare is more popular than Trump.

spying on the Donald Trump campaign - That never happened. I'm sure Biden would love for Trump to run on that. That would prove to the voters how unhinged Trump is.

Solyndra - If it was a scandal, it is the type of scandal that many politicians are guilty of. Numerous Trump cabinet officials have been forced to resign for ethical reasons.

The bottom line is that there is 1 potential scandal here. Solyndra. Yet no one has provided any proof of potential wrongdoing, only accusations. What Biden said is essentially correct.
Obama administration fucked up in more ways than one with fast and Furious... But of course they don’t feel bad about the consequences...

That’s what big Brother is for... to spy on the Americans

Anything that gives the IRS more power is always wrong and obviously they did that.... Best thing anyone can do is abolished IRS.

Obama care was forced on millions of people that wanted no part of it whatsoever of it, anyone thinks Obama care is good for anybody that did not want it can shove it up their fucking ass.

Of course Obama spied on Trump, Obama loves the deep state.

Solyndra was 100% fraud and anyone that embraced it is a fucking piece of shit and a total moron...

Obama worked for progressives and no one else.... That’s what career politicians do
You still haven't proven any of those are scandals.
Well, they fucked over conservatives and were well suited for progressives...
Ask the Urkaine and China how corrupt The Biden Family Is.

Millions were paid out in bribes to Biden from those two countries alone.

The Russians have given Trump millions of dollars as well. They also used Ukraine to launder money to Paul Manafort.

Of course Trump has been doing business with Russia for years so you know money changed hands.

Business is business and has nothing to do with Trump as POTUS.

You might want to check into the uranium Russia got. Might be an interesting story.

That would be a easy way to slip money to Trump and create a future asset for Russia.

Shep Smith has demolished the uranium deal. Try again.

I don't have to try again. You just have to prove what you say. But proof is something you don't think you need.

Try again.

Shep Smith has provided plenty of proof that Uranium One is a hoax by the right.
Shep Smith is a progressive piece of shit
Those aren't scandals. They are controversial actions and/or legislation.

There are no scandals associated with the Obama administration.


Joe Biden lied about Obama era scandals

The article proves the previous poster's point. Most of these are errors in judgement.
Benghazi - This is at most a error in judgement not a scandal. Even if the military had been called in, we have no way of knowing if it would have been different.

Operation Fast and Furious - Another error in management. This was the second ATF use of a gunwalking operation. The Bush Administration used a similar tactic in Operation Wide Receiver. However this went horribly wrong because it was so large that they lost control of it.

AP phone records - No scandal. The only question is whether they needed those records. There was nothing done illegally.

IRS abuse - The IG report found that the IRS targeted conservative and liberal organizationa. One of the key words that was used was progressive which is often linked to liberal groups. It was investigated by the IG and no connection was found to the White House.

No scandal in Obamacare. Obamacare is more popular than Trump.

spying on the Donald Trump campaign - That never happened. I'm sure Biden would love for Trump to run on that. That would prove to the voters how unhinged Trump is.

Solyndra - If it was a scandal, it is the type of scandal that many politicians are guilty of. Numerous Trump cabinet officials have been forced to resign for ethical reasons.

The bottom line is that there is 1 potential scandal here. Solyndra. Yet no one has provided any proof of potential wrongdoing, only accusations. What Biden said is essentially correct.
Obama administration fucked up in more ways than one with fast and Furious... But of course they don’t feel bad about the consequences...

That’s what big Brother is for... to spy on the Americans

Anything that gives the IRS more power is always wrong and obviously they did that.... Best thing anyone can do is abolished IRS.

Obama care was forced on millions of people that wanted no part of it whatsoever of it, anyone thinks Obama care is good for anybody that did not want it can shove it up their fucking ass.

Of course Obama spied on Trump, Obama loves the deep state.

Solyndra was 100% fraud and anyone that embraced it is a fucking piece of shit and a total moron...

Obama worked for progressives and no one else.... That’s what career politicians do
You still haven't proven any of those are scandals.

They have been proven, partisan morons such as yourself don’t recognize the truth. Solyndra and Fast and Furious are recognized as scandals. The fact you don’t the fact isn’t my problem.
Solyndra was started by Bush.

Solyndra who? The Energy Department's loan program is now profitable.

Now you want to read about a really hilarious scandal? The funny part is putting such nonsense into words. But here is an article about Fast and Furious:

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

You want scandal?

Watch this:

The first ting that comes to mind is the insane "Operation Fast and Furious" where a charge of manslaughter can reach to the White House when the Obama administration authorized the shipment of over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico and one of them ended up being used to murder a Border Patrol Officer. The dirty little secret is that the media creates the scandals and if the media becomes the propaganda arm of an administration there can't be any scandals.
And no there was no conspiracy by the justice department or the FBI or CIA to protect anybody period and to say so is close to treasonous as far as I'm concerned. That would be Fox Rush etcetera etcetera and silly dupes...

There is no validated substance to back your claim besides what lies between your ears and your sophomoric dupe to boot.
Those aren't scandals. They are controversial actions and/or legislation.

There are no scandals associated with the Obama administration.


Joe Biden lied about Obama era scandals

The article proves the previous poster's point. Most of these are errors in judgement.
Benghazi - This is at most a error in judgement not a scandal. Even if the military had been called in, we have no way of knowing if it would have been different.

Operation Fast and Furious - Another error in management. This was the second ATF use of a gunwalking operation. The Bush Administration used a similar tactic in Operation Wide Receiver. However this went horribly wrong because it was so large that they lost control of it.

AP phone records - No scandal. The only question is whether they needed those records. There was nothing done illegally.

IRS abuse - The IG report found that the IRS targeted conservative and liberal organizationa. One of the key words that was used was progressive which is often linked to liberal groups. It was investigated by the IG and no connection was found to the White House.

No scandal in Obamacare. Obamacare is more popular than Trump.

spying on the Donald Trump campaign - That never happened. I'm sure Biden would love for Trump to run on that. That would prove to the voters how unhinged Trump is.

Solyndra - If it was a scandal, it is the type of scandal that many politicians are guilty of. Numerous Trump cabinet officials have been forced to resign for ethical reasons.

The bottom line is that there is 1 potential scandal here. Solyndra. Yet no one has provided any proof of potential wrongdoing, only accusations. What Biden said is essentially correct.
Obama administration fucked up in more ways than one with fast and Furious... But of course they don’t feel bad about the consequences...

That’s what big Brother is for... to spy on the Americans

Anything that gives the IRS more power is always wrong and obviously they did that.... Best thing anyone can do is abolished IRS.

Obama care was forced on millions of people that wanted no part of it whatsoever of it, anyone thinks Obama care is good for anybody that did not want it can shove it up their fucking ass.

Of course Obama spied on Trump, Obama loves the deep state.

Solyndra was 100% fraud and anyone that embraced it is a fucking piece of shit and a total moron...

Obama worked for progressives and no one else.... That’s what career politicians do
You still haven't proven any of those are scandals.

They have been proven, partisan morons such as yourself don’t recognize the truth. Solyndra and Fast and Furious are recognized as scandals. The fact you don’t the fact isn’t my problem.

Who does the official recognition for whether this is a scandal or not? Fast and Furious was not a scandal. It followed a operation under the Bush Administration called Operation Wide Receiver. There was no scandal. What happened is a error in management. They made the operation too big to manage. There is no evidence of any scandal in Solyndra. All you clowns have is accusations and not 1 scintilla of evidence to support it.

You are the partisan moron. The fact is you have a big problem. You are a lying little weasel.

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