Kamala is right about immigration.

Nonsense. It all exists today.

And we have THOUSANDS of privates in the Army sitting around doing nothing. Shuffling paper or digging holes just for the sake of digging holes. Just waiting for a war to break out. Use them to patrol. What are we paying them for?

Whether it worked or not, I would support bringing every single soldier home from overseas and have them sit around the border.
The so-called "immigration bill" that was rejected by the Senate would have allowed nearly 2 million immigrants per year into the U.S. Multiply that by four or five through "family reunification" and you have full blown replacement of white people.
Have you seen what democrats are doing to Eric Adams? It's not replacement of white people. It's replacement of Americans.
I said nothing about the government barring non citizens from returning to their country. I noted they can not stop citizens from returning so I can drunkenly stumble across the border from Mexico and they can't stop me.
Nobody would try to stop you, in fact, we would all encourage such a scenario and good riddance.
Here's the Biden/Harris immigration policy that has been in place since day one:

"I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "

When Trump was president I told his supporters that they need to demand that Trump address the actual issues, the employers hiring illegals.

I said otherwise the issue will only continue to grow. Trump nor his supporters did a thing about that and here we are.
You have been trying to exterminate us for centuries but you have failed. The white man has broken every treaty.
I don’t want whites exterminated. I want them to do the right thing.

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My ancestors never did any such thing. There are four Native Americans in my family tree. The Northeast was not where there was widespread violence. The South, Southwest, and Midwest had plenty.

You do not see Kamala going out to Maui and standing up for the Natives there. Kamala is funded and protected by those who offed them....
When Trump was president I told his supporters that they need to demand that Trump address the actual issues, the employers hiring illegals.

I said otherwise the issue will only continue to grow. Trump nor his supporters did a thing about that and here we are.
They are too entrenched in the economy. Many of our serious problems have been 'monetized' and if properly addressed would cause major economic upset. The biggest example is the drug problem. It has been rationalized, politicized and monetized and is now an integral part of the economy along with crime in general. Once an industry is built around a problem it becomes necessary to maintain the problem in order to maintain the industry regardless of the social costs.
They are too entrenched in the economy. Many of our serious problems have been 'monetized' and if properly addressed would cause major economic upset. The biggest example is the drug problem. It has been rationalized, politicized and monetized and is now an integral part of the economy along with crime in general. Once an industry is built around a problem it becomes necessary to maintain the problem in order to maintain the industry regardless of the social costs.

Of course they are. They are going nowhere. I know, that, you know that, Trump supporters know that.

Are they driving to a border crossing, being stopped and checked and being let in?

We have gang members in America. If they don't have records, they can cross the Canadian or Mexican borders too.

I asked you why can't Mexicans just walk or drive in after telling a border guard they're just visiting?

What do the people of Aurora want? No Mexicans allowed in even though legal check points? I don't think you understood my question.
I said nothing about the government barring non citizens from returning to their country. I noted they can not stop citizens from returning so I can drunkenly stumble across the border from Mexico and they can't stop me.
I thought you said the constitution doesn't allow one thing but does allow something else. I was trying to figure out what the constitution does allow. If it doesn't allow the government from stopping us from returning home from Mexico, what does it allow?
Immigration laws must be changed as currently way too many foreigners are allowed to enter the U.S. and remain indefinitely. Severe restrictions are needed.

You headline is wrong

No democrat, most of all zKamala Harris, is right on the immigration issue

No matter what she might be saying during the run up to the election, she will always put foreigners ahead of Americans

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