Kamala is right about immigration.

What goes around comes around. White people replaced the Native through genocide. Now it’s your turn to be replaced. I have no sympathy.
... and natives replaced natives and land takeovers as well, and look how well the natives are doing today as they continue to suck on the government tit -- DD or F cup size.
Immigration laws must be changed as currently way too many foreigners are allowed to enter the U.S. and remain indefinitely. Severe restrictions are needed.

I love how kamala talks tough on illegal immigration while currently being the point person with delegated authority from the president to do something about it. Everything is always in the future and will fix things, and she keeps forgetting she's part of the current administration with delegated authority and has done shit about it the last nearly four years.
You headline is wrong

No democrat, most of all zKamala Harris, is right on the immigration issue

No matter what she might be saying during the run up to the election, she will always put foreigners ahead of Americans

The truth is, both sides seem to be ignoring our real problem. Illegal employers. It's probably politically not wise to call this out because neither side does it.

Corporations, our economy, relies on all these immigrants legal or not. So Kamala is right. Make them legal. That way the employer has to pay them more. The immigrant now has some power and can ask for more or go find another job. It'll bring wages up. We aren't having enough kids. Do you want your social security checks? Then MAKE THEM LEGAL.

And tighten up that border because terrorists, drugs, gangs are getting in that way. Not to mention illegal workers. But let's not play wack a mole with the immigrants. Go after their employers. Chop a finger off if they don't tell where they work. Waterboard them.
... and natives replaced natives and land takeovers as well, and look how well the natives are doing today as they continue to suck on the government tit -- DD or F cup size.

As of July 1, 2023, the Hispanic population in the United States was 19% of the total population, or 65.2 million people. This makes Hispanics the second largest racial or ethnic group in the country.

This land is your land, this land is our land, from california, to the bla bla bla bla.
The so-called "immigration bill" that was rejected by the Senate would have allowed nearly 2 million immigrants per year into the U.S. Multiply that by four or five through "family reunification" and you have full blown replacement of white people.
That’s simply not true. It would have shut down the border when confronted with 5,000 border crossers. If that happened on Monday… the border would be closed for weeks .
I love how kamala talks tough on illegal immigration while currently being the point person with delegated authority from the president to do something about it. Everything is always in the future and will fix things, and she keeps forgetting she's part of the current administration with delegated authority and has done shit about it the last nearly four years.
She said she will resurrect the 'immigration' bill and gleefully (hysterically) sign it into law, this greasing the way into the country for millions of immigrants. She wants more border personnel and judges to speed up the process of turning America brown.
That’s simply not true. It would have shut down the border when confronted with 5,000 border crossers. If that happened on Monday… the border would be closed for weeks .

Baby Bust: How a Family-Unfriendly Culture Has Left Us with Fewer Children​

Almost 4.3 million babies were born in the U.S. in 2006, the most born since the Baby Boom

Inflation flared up. The housing market peaked and began to come down. When my wife and I had our second child in 2008, births were falling below 2006 levels. Then the bottom fell out. The banks all failed and the economy plunged into its deepest recession, sending millions into unemployment — 10% of the workforce in 2009. The stock market lost half its value, demolishing Americans’ retirement savings. Birthrates followed the market’s downward trend.

Beginning in 2009, the economy began a recovery; birthrates did not.

People don't think voters listen to celebrities?

Until I feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water, I’m not bringing in another person to deal with that.” Miley Cyrus said she was speaking for all Millennials in proclaiming, “We don’t want to reproduce because we know that the earth can’t handle it.”

The economy continued to improve. The market doubled again from 2013 to 2019, and unemployment dropped to near-record lows. Yet the birthrate plummeted as fast as it had during the Great Recession.

In 2019, only 3.75 million American babies were born, way down from the 4.3 million in 2007

That’s simply not true. It would have shut down the border when confronted with 5,000 border crossers. If that happened on Monday… the border would be closed for weeks .
That threshold would never be met, and the border would remain open. What the bill is proposing is a maximum daily number of immigrants.
That threshold would never be met, and the border would remain open. What the bill is proposing is a maximum daily number of immigrants.
That threshold IS the maximum daily number at which point the border closes.

If it’s not met, with the increases in courts and judges, they would be able to process (and in most cases deny entry) the asylum applicants efficiently
That threshold IS the maximum daily number at which point the border closes.

If it’s not met, with the increases in courts and judges, they would be able to process (and in most cases deny entry) the asylum applicants efficiently
If more than 5000 showed up in a single day, why would the whole process be suspended for weeks when they are still able to process 4999 immigrants per day? If the border was 'closed' for 2 weeks 70,000 immigrants and asylum seekers would be piled up at the border and it would therefore never open.
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Baby Bust: How a Family-Unfriendly Culture Has Left Us with Fewer Children
I have to ask, is this a social problem to be solved? There's currently no law governing the number of children people have. You can have 0 or 1 or more than 1 and the law doesn't care.
The truth is, both sides seem to be ignoring our real problem. Illegal employers. It's probably politically not wise to call this out because neither side does it.

Corporations, our economy, relies on all these immigrants legal or not. So Kamala is right. Make them legal. That way the employer has to pay them more. The immigrant now has some power and can ask for more or go find another job. It'll bring wages up. We aren't having enough kids. Do you want your social security checks? Then MAKE THEM LEGAL.

And tighten up that border because terrorists, drugs, gangs are getting in that way. Not to mention illegal workers. But let's not play wack a mole with the immigrants. Go after their employers. Chop a finger off if they don't tell where they work. Waterboard them.
If you mean a guest worker program of one person but no accompanying family members that might be ok if we reform welfare at the same time to move able bodied Americans into the work force

Even if they dont want to work

But no citizenship for migrants - ever
I have to ask, is this a social problem to be solved? There's currently no law governing the number of children people have. You can have 0 or 1 or more than 1 and the law doesn't care.
The government cares. Corporations care. Our economies care.

I think we are over populated so I don't want the government encouraging people to have kids. Kamala is encouraging people to have kids. So is Trump. Why? Capitalism and corporate profits need it. But I wish we would go back to 1974

  • 1 billion: Reached in 1804

  • 2 billion: Reached in 1927, after 123 years

  • 4 billion: Reached in 1974, after 14 years

  • 5 billion: Reached in 1987, after 13 years

  • 6 billion: Reached in 1999

  • 7 billion: Reached in 2011

  • 8 billion: Estimated to be reached in 2023

  • 9 billion: Estimated to be reached in 2037

    • 10 billion: Estimated to be reached in 2057

I want to go back to 4 billion. Thanks to your version of capitalism, only rich people can afford to have kids. And poor people. That's good until we go fully automation and don't need ditch diggers anymore. So while we aren't having kids, let the Mexicans in. We need the workers.

Maybe we should insist half of them only have 1 kid each. LOL. Like China only the law is only for Mexican immigrants.
If you mean a guest worker program of one person but no accompanying family members that might be ok if we reform welfare at the same time to move able bodied Americans into the work force

Even if they dont want to work

But no citizenship for migrants - ever
No citizenship for migrants.. ever

How do you think you got here?

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