Consumer Confidence Unexpectedly Plummets, Worst Decline in Three Years

When did Trump get a hole shot in his ear?

Kneega, what planet are you on?

I want to use that as my sig. That is all the stupidity I need in one sentence.

July 13, superdumbkneegrow.

No fuck boy, you are using it on an anonymous forum.

Nigga, get lost. You talk all your shit and you would never say that to a white man in his face because you know he'd kick your black ass back to Africa. Even your fucking user name shows you are black trash. "Brutha"? WTF is a "brutha"? Oh yea, it's a negro dude. Yea, we got a few of those around, most of them in prison.

So take you and your stupid ass half black niga bitch VP and get the fuck out.
One such promise: "We're going to give our police their power back," he told rallygoers in Waukesha, "and we are going to give them immunity from prosecution."
That doesn't mean what you think it means.

“I’m also going to indemnify all police officers and law enforcement officials throughout the United States from being destroyed by the radical left for taking strong action on crime,” Trump said Tuesday at a campaign event in Waterloo, Iowa. “These are people, they want to destroy them because they want to put criminals away.”

“They’re the greatest people, the police,” Trump added. “They’re under threat of losing their pension, their house and their family and losing everything.”

Indemnification, in legal terms, refers to when an individual’s legal damages and typically their legal defense are paid for by another entity. Legal experts say the vast majority of police officers are already virtually indemnified by the cities and counties they represent, noting that any additional changes would likely need to first go through Congress.

“At the highest level, Trump is simply wrong to suggest that police anywhere in the United States are losing their pensions, homes or families because of civil rights litigation,” said Patrick Jaicomo, a senior attorney at the Institute for Justice, a nonprofit civil rights law firm. “Police are already indemnified from liability and provided free legal representation in almost all lawsuits brought against them — setting aside the fact that they are also shielded by the court-created doctrine of qualified immunity.”

Under the doctrine of qualified immunity, police are protected unless courts find they committed a “clearly established” constitutional violation.
Odd. Nothing in there about open season on black people. Looks like you've been lied to.
Nigga, get lost. You talk all your shit and you would never say that to a white man in his face because you know he'd kick your black ass back to Africa. Even your fucking user name shows you are black trash. "Brutha"? WTF is a "brutha"? Oh yea, it's a negro dude. Yea, we got a few of those around, most of them in prison.

So take you and your stupid ass half black niga bitch VP and get the fuck out.
These types of forums allow weak, bitch ass white boys like you to live out your fantasies, because you would never have the guts to say that to a black man's face. Have fun fuck boy.
This thread is about consumer confidence.

Sinking at a time when people need to be aware of just how much Harris has screwed up their lives.

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