Kamala is right about immigration.

I want to go back to 4 billion. Thanks to your version of capitalism ...
What's so magical about the number 4 billion? People are free to breed or not... I don't care either way. The planet doesn't care either. If corporations care, that's fine but they don't posess the power to force anyone to have kids.
The truth is, both sides seem to be ignoring our real problem. Illegal employers. It's probably politically not wise to call this out because neither side does it.

Corporations, our economy, relies on all these immigrants legal or not. So Kamala is right. Make them legal. That way the employer has to pay them more. The immigrant now has some power and can ask for more or go find another job. It'll bring wages up. We aren't having enough kids. Do you want your social security checks? Then MAKE THEM LEGAL.

And tighten up that border because terrorists, drugs, gangs are getting in that way. Not to mention illegal workers. But let's not play wack a mole with the immigrants. Go after their employers. Chop a finger off if they don't tell where they work. Waterboard them.
Rome had so many foreign slaves (workers) that they lost their identity and finally collapsed.
No citizenship for migrants.. ever

How do you think you got here?
My one grandfather came illegally. Married my grandmother who was born in Milwaukee but at age 3 moved back to Greece. She came back years later, met him, they married.

Why no citizenship for migrants? What do you have against them? They sure want to be here. And we need them. Clearly. When they come in there are plenty of jobs waiting. May as well make them legal so their employers can't exploit them or avoid paying taxes. Specifically social security taxes.

I have an idea. Tax immigrants for social security but lower how much they get when they retire at age 70. No 62, 65, 67. They have to make it to 70.

Fact check: Trump falsely claims almost all new jobs under Biden have gone to ‘illegal aliens’​

Make them legal.
Rome had so many foreign slaves (workers) that they lost their identity and finally collapsed.

How insulting to all the Mexicans, Blacks, Asians, Arabs who live here.

You said the same thing when the Italians started coming.

This country is great because of immigrants. Especially musically

What's so magical about the number 4 billion? People are free to breed or not... I don't care either way. The planet doesn't care either. If corporations care, that's fine but they don't posess the power to force anyone to have kids.
We had half the pollution when we had half the population. I think gas was 28 cents a gallon. And would be again if we stopped producing so many drivers.
What's so magical about the number 4 billion? People are free to breed or not... I don't care either way. The planet doesn't care either. If corporations care, that's fine but they don't posess the power to force anyone to have kids.
Ha! It was just a hunch but I looked it up and, I thought so...

The ozone problem began in the 1970s when scientists discovered that man-made chemicals were damaging the ozone layer

So why the 1970's you ask? DUH!
How insulting to all the Mexicans, Blacks, Asians, Arabs who live here.

You said the same thing when the Italians started coming.

This country is great because of immigrants. Especially musically

Not insulting at all, there are just too many of them here.
Not insulting at all, there are just too many of them here.

I know a lot of them that I grew up with. Their parents were immigrants, my dad was a immigrant. Lebanon, Iraqis, Iranians, Mexicans. Of course we all still have that pride for the countries our parents came from but ALL of us are pretty much white.

No accent.

We date/marry other ethnicities.

I'm thinking of my buddies asian wife. Her parents may be immigrants but other than the asian face, she's pretty much fully integrated into white culture.

I have a Mexican couple who are citizens now. They feel like they stick out. They feel like people sometimes look at them or treat them differently. They "look" Mexican. But I have a lot of Mexican friends who don't feel that way. I told them if they are getting any grief from anyone, it's probably only after the racist hears their accent.

When you have a good business professional Mexican neighbor, you'll feel a lot different. Or a co worker or friend who's parents happen to come to America from Mexico.

It's the immigrants who stay 100% in their poor ethnic high crime communities. They don't speak to Americans. Their kids are in gangs. They aren't living the American dream No economic opportunities. Growing up in violence.

I notice we don't have a problem in Dearborn MI with all the arabs. Why? Because we didn't cut them off from economic opportunities. In fact we put them in between us and the blacks as a buffer. So we treat foreign born Arab muslims better than we dob blacks who've lived here longer than you.
I know a lot of them that I grew up with. Their parents were immigrants, my dad was a immigrant. Lebanon, Iraqis, Iranians, Mexicans. Of course we all still have that pride for the countries our parents came from but ALL of us are pretty much white.

No accent.

We date/marry other ethnicities.

I'm thinking of my buddies asian wife. Her parents may be immigrants but other than the asian face, she's pretty much fully integrated into white culture.

I have a Mexican couple who are citizens now. They feel like they stick out. They feel like people sometimes look at them or treat them differently. They "look" Mexican. But I have a lot of Mexican friends who don't feel that way. I told them if they are getting any grief from anyone, it's probably only after the racist hears their accent.

When you have a good business professional Mexican neighbor, you'll feel a lot different. Or a co worker or friend who's parents happen to come to America from Mexico.

It's the immigrants who stay 100% in their poor ethnic high crime communities. They don't speak to Americans. Their kids are in gangs. They aren't living the American dream No economic opportunities. Growing up in violence.

I notice we don't have a problem in Dearborn MI with all the arabs. Why? Because we didn't cut them off from economic opportunities. In fact we put them in between us and the blacks as a buffer. So we treat foreign born Arab muslims better than we dob blacks who've lived here longer than you.
Blacks always get shoved to the back of the line. However, they are making progress.

None of those incidents happened in the Northeast, the closest being PA, which is Midwest.

Most if it was done by pro Slavery Confederate Democrats. Those folks lost the Civil War fighting my ancestors.

It is the same thing with "Netanyahu supporters" vs "Jews." "Netanyahu supporters" want total genocide of Islam. Many "Jews" like Einstein oppose that, Einstein in particular warned us about that along with many other American Jews.

This is what bothers me. Us Americans can drive over the bridge or through the tunnel to Windsor Canada. We just tell the toll booth operator we are just visiting for a day or 3 or a week. They let you go. Trust what you are saying is true.

So what would make us stay more than a week? If a company in Canada would pay me double what I could make in America.

So why can't Mexican's come visit America?

I don't understand why Mexicans don't just walk to the border crossing and tell them they want to go party for the day. I see movies where drunk Americans walk across the border back into America after getting drunk in Tijuana. So I know Americans can freely walk back and forth across the border. So why can't Mexicans do the same?
Mexicans are brown
Are they driving to a border crossing, being stopped and checked and being let in?

We have gang members in America. If they don't have records, they can cross the Canadian or Mexican borders too.

I asked you why can't Mexicans just walk or drive in after telling a border guard they're just visiting?

What do the people of Aurora want? No Mexicans allowed in even though legal check points? I don't think you understood my question.


Go to Aurora and get a clue...
As of July 1, 2023, the Hispanic population in the United States was 19% of the total population, or 65.2 million people. This makes Hispanics the second largest racial or ethnic group in the country.

This land is your land, this land is our land, from california, to the bla bla bla bla.
Your land means, Americans, and not illegals. Especially when states are allowing them to register, and some illegals in Arizona are already stating they plan to vote -- the Heritage Foundation (I'm already expecting the backlash) recorded hidden video footage of illegals being surveyed who had registered to vote and plan on voting in the upcoming elections. Not to mention all the 'anomalies' that have happened in multiple states like Oregon, Arizona, Texas, Ohio, etc.

Fortunately, the budget ceiling discussions expire at the end of the month, and Republicans are pushing for proof of citizenship in order to vote, which is critical. If you're registered to vote, you can vote, and there is no doubt that illegals will do this regardless of what the media is saying.
Nonsense. It all exists today.

And we have THOUSANDS of privates in the Army sitting around doing nothing. Shuffling paper or digging holes just for the sake of digging holes. Just waiting for a war to break out. Use them to patrol. What are we paying them for?
True. A simple chain link fence and the military is all we need to stop the runaway invasion by aliens.
My one grandfather came illegally. Married my grandmother who was born in Milwaukee but at age 3 moved back to Greece. She came back years later, met him, they married.

Why no citizenship for migrants? What do you have against them? They sure want to be here. And we need them. Clearly. When they come in there are plenty of jobs waiting. May as well make them legal so their employers can't exploit them or avoid paying taxes. Specifically social security taxes.

I have an idea. Tax immigrants for social security but lower how much they get when they retire at age 70. No 62, 65, 67. They have to make it to 70.

Fact check: Trump falsely claims almost all new jobs under Biden have gone to ‘illegal aliens’​

Make them legal.
End remittances to foreign countries. It adds $60-$80 billion to the debt every year. Sure reduces the 'value' that immigrants provide.
That part makes no sense. If you can process 4999 immigrants per day who cares how many are piled up at the border? You're only going to let 4999 in.
Most of whom would be processed and sent back…And then none

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