Joe Biden Claims That Your Own Children Are Not Your Children

Allow it?

You don't seem to understand.

You need to be ready to kill these people dead in their tracks, if you don't want to allow it.

The progtards have figured out it's over for them, so now one of two things is going to happen:

Either they're going to get mean, or they'll try to reinvent themselves. If they get mean, they'll get hurt. Maybe even dead.

Yesterday I saw a Minor Attracted Person flag. Thankfully Elon Musk said oh hell no

There's something terribly wrong going on
All lies of course. He never said your own children are not your children. But ya'll have been programmed to willingly accept these lies. But then again maybe you all hate teachers too.

"God bless the calculus teachers, and that is no joke. (Laughter.)

And what’s more, Rebecka’s school district is full of students who were a lot like she was.

The students in her district speak 62 different languages — 62. Many feel like they don’t quite belong. As you can imagine, Rebecka makes sure that they know that they do belong and they can achieve great things.

With Rebecka leading the way, the pass rate in her class went from 50 percent to 87 percent, nearly double the state average. (Applause.)

More of her students became National Merit Finalists than the entire rest of the district combined.

And, in the ultimate tribute, several of her former students are now math teachers themselves, as was referenced earlier.

Her students tell her even after they’ve graduated, they hold onto the lessons she taught them not only about integrals and derivatives but about community connections, about how all of us belong.

Rebecka put a teacher’s creed into words when she said,
“There’s no such thing as someone else’s child.” No such thing as someone else’s child.

Our nation’s children are all our children


We see you educating our students, your students. We also see you confronting them and comforting them when they’re in trouble, caring for them and inspiring them.

Our children are our nation’s future; they are in your hands. And that’s not hyperbole.

And looking out at all of you, that’s the one reason I can honestly say I’ve never been more optimistic about America’s future than I am today. I mean it.

We just have to remember who we are. We’re the United States of America. There is nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together. Nothing, nothing, nothing we’ve ever set our sights on we have failed in accomplishing.

So God bless you all. And God bless our nation’s teachers.

Thank you. (Applause.)
All lies of course. He never said your own children are not your children. But ya'll have been programmed to willingly accept these lies. But then again maybe you all hate teachers too.

"God bless the calculus teachers, and that is no joke. (Laughter.)

And what’s more, Rebecka’s school district is full of students who were a lot like she was.

The students in her district speak 62 different languages — 62. Many feel like they don’t quite belong. As you can imagine, Rebecka makes sure that they know that they do belong and they can achieve great things.

With Rebecka leading the way, the pass rate in her class went from 50 percent to 87 percent, nearly double the state average. (Applause.)

More of her students became National Merit Finalists than the entire rest of the district combined.

And, in the ultimate tribute, several of her former students are now math teachers themselves, as was referenced earlier.

Her students tell her even after they’ve graduated, they hold onto the lessons she taught them not only about integrals and derivatives but about community connections, about how all of us belong.

Rebecka put a teacher’s creed into words when she said,
“There’s no such thing as someone else’s child.” No such thing as someone else’s child.

Our nation’s children are all our children


We see you educating our students, your students. We also see you confronting them and comforting them when they’re in trouble, caring for them and inspiring them.

Our children are our nation’s future; they are in your hands. And that’s not hyperbole.

And looking out at all of you, that’s the one reason I can honestly say I’ve never been more optimistic about America’s future than I am today. I mean it.

We just have to remember who we are. We’re the United States of America. There is nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together. Nothing, nothing, nothing we’ve ever set our sights on we have failed in accomplishing.

So God bless you all. And God bless our nation’s teachers.

Thank you. (Applause.)
"Our nation’s children are all our children." - Sounds like Joey is claiming the children are his. Sick man
"Our nation’s children are all our children." - Sounds like Joey is claiming the children are his. Sick man

Sounds to me more like that he's claiming that they're government property as Buddy Brown said in post #61.
You know it's very interesting that Coyote marked my post about normalizing pedophilia as fake news. Hmm,.. what's that Coyote? They're called minor attracted persons to you? Saw that one coming for a while now.
Let's see if this is another right wing "what he actually said doesn't matter, what we're going to claim is the only thing that matters".
He said all children are "our children", he did not say your own children are not your children.
Laughable CRAP from the gatewaybullshiters.fuckthisnonsense

Clearly there are different levels of "ownership". There's "it's mine". The country isn't "mine" in the individual sense, it's "mine" in the sense of "it belongs to the people".

Figure it out, it's simple fucking LANGUAGE USAGE. Just because some people speak in grunts, doesn't mean intelligent people are speaking wrong.
My son is not yours, anyone elses, or societies.
What a fucking weird justification dude.
You know it's very interesting that Coyote marked my post about normalizing pedophilia as fake news. Hmm,.. what's that Coyote? They're called minor attracted persons to you? Saw that one coming for a while now.
You know it is interesting that …

a) you CLAIM you want to ignore me yet keep paging me. I guess this is just another one of your lies and you are (again) unable to control yourself (where is kindergarten cop when you need him?).

and b) I seem to be occupying a great deal space, rent free, in that ghetto you call a “head”.

Now…the fake news bit…you have yet to show there is any “normalization” of pedo either culturally or legislatively… yet continue to parrot those claims (Such a good little rightist parrot). I never even heard of the term “minor attracted person” until it was brought up here…

….yet you seem quite familiar with it.

At this point, the best advice I can give is to stop riding around in the van handing out candy…not a good idea for a person with your obsessions.
Now…the fake news bit…you have yet to show there is any “normalization” of pedo either culturally or legislatively… yet continue to parrot those claims (Such a good little rightist parrot). I never even heard of the term “minor attracted person” until it was brought up here…

Now that's the real fake news bit.

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