Joe Biden dangerously escalates the threat of all out war with Russia

The warmongers move us ever closer to nuclear holocaust.

Biden destroyed Obama's nuclear treaty with Russia, and moves us even closer to the world war the left so desperately wants.

You've got to be pretty fucking dumb you think some treaty is going to stop Russia from using nuclear weapons.

They will never use them for a simple reason of self-preservation. Nothing about Ukraine changes that fundamental calculation.
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You've got to be pretty fucking dumb you think some treaty is going to stop Russia from using nuclear weapons.

They will never use them for a simple reason of self-preservation. Nothing about Ukraine changes that fundamental calculation.

Yet we were all supposed to believe that Iran was living up to the deal Kerry and Obama cooked up.
Who is pushing support for Ukraine?

Yeah, the W crowd, right down to sissy pseudo Hollywood "tough guys" like cocksucker Sean Penn

We should not be militarily supporting Ukraine. We should be looking to mediate an agreement of some sort, instead, we are ramping up the possibility of a world wide conflict.

Democrats and RINOs are ignorant, power hungry war mongers.
The warmongers move us ever closer to nuclear holocaust.

Biden destroyed Obama's nuclear treaty with Russia, and moves us even closer to the world war the left so desperately wants.

'Biden' is Not in charge of shit..
it's the 'people' Actually Running Things That are calling the shots
Sad to see so many American cowards scared of Putin.

Toughen up buttercup.

Putin loves your fear.

Putin did not do 911, Zionist Fascists like Zelenskky did....

Did you cheer when Jew Army Rangers shot Pat Tillman and hate hoaxed it to Al Qaeda?

Still claim the USS Liberty was an "accident?"
The warmongers move us ever closer to nuclear holocaust.

Biden destroyed Obama's nuclear treaty with Russia, and moves us even closer to the world war the left so desperately wants.


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