Joe Biden dangerously escalates the threat of all out war with Russia

Sadly, much like the FBI, the top brass in our military appears to have been politicized.
So it's a politicized Military Brass when the Trumpybear ignores their advice, but it's not listening to the Military experts when Biden does it. Thanks for that example of the blatant hypocrisy of the current GOP.
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So it's a politicized Military Brass when the Trumpybear ignores their advice, but it's not listening to the Military experts when Biden does it. Thanks for that example of the blatant hypocrisy of the current GOP.
What did Trump get wrong when disagreeing with the military? I can name several things already that Biden has.
They will never use them for a simple reason of self-preservation.
You are assuming that they believe we would respond in kind. What would give them that impression from this administration?
What did Trump get wrong when disagreeing with the military? I can name several things already that Biden has.
"In the fall of 2020 my analysis was that an accelerated withdrawal without meeting specific and necessary conditions risks losing the substantial gains made in Afghanistan, damaging US worldwide credibility, and could precipitate a general collapse of the ANSF and the Afghan government resulting in a complete Taliban takeover or general civil war. "

This was after the troop reductions from 12,600 to 8,600 in accordance with our obligations, which should have been conditional themselves to the Taliban honoring their obligations. I can't find any statement that the generals objected to those first unconditional withdrawals. But in this testimony in 2021 Miley voiced his opinion that he didn't want to go lower unless the Taliban started meeting their obligations. That caused a huge morale issue with our allies in the Afghan Army who were still in a shooting war with the Taliban.
Ok so then explain what would Putin-fondling Trump do that Biden did not. We know he called Putin's invasion "SMART!", ok what else?

Go ahead already. I've been asking for a year now and not one of you Trumpers can give an sane answer to this simple question.
President Putin "annexed" Crimea while President Obama and Vice President Biden were in office. Putin did not take or attempt to take any country during President Trump's administration. Once President Biden took office, Putin launched his attack on Ukraine. The world sees a weak, feckless president and is having their way with our country.

Saying that your opponent made a smart move doesn't mean you are allied with them. To think otherwise is just goofy.
You are assuming that they believe we would respond in kind. What would give them that impression from this administration?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I mean how drunk on politico coolaid do you have to be to think that Russia can ever launch nuclear strikes without being retaliated against?

Biden would be removed in all of two seconds if he won't press the button.
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"In the fall of 2020 my analysis was that an accelerated withdrawal without meeting specific and necessary conditions risks losing the substantial gains made in Afghanistan, damaging US worldwide credibility, and could precipitate a general collapse of the ANSF and the Afghan government resulting in a complete Taliban takeover or general civil war. "

This was after the troop reductions from 12,600 to 8,600 in accordance with our obligations, which should have been conditional themselves to the Taliban honoring their obligations. I can't find any statement that the generals objected to those first unconditional withdrawals. But in this testimony in 2021 Miley voiced his opinion that he didn't want to go lower unless the Taliban started meeting their obligations. That caused a huge morale issue with our allies in the Afghan Army who were still in a shooting war with the Taliban.
As you know, President Trump had postponed the date of withdrawal several times due to the Taliban not abiding by the agreement. It was going very well.

Then President Biden took office and made a colossal catastrophe of pulling out.

No sooner was Biden done with that fiasco than he started another war through Ukaraine with Russia.

How many wars did President Trump start?

As for Biden, surrender, Taliban.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I mean how drunk on politico coolaid do you have to be to think that Russia can ever launch nuclear strikes without being retaliated against?

Biden would be removed in all of two seconds if he won't press the button.

I am not a mindless drone and I actually pay attention to actions and don’t hang on every word from the fully woke MSM.

Perception is everything. Our enemies do NOT respect Biden. Early in the Russia/Ukraine war, a Russian general opined to Putin that he didn’t think the US would respond in kind if they decided to use nukes.

What I said was that Biden has given no indication that he has the cahones to respond in kind(nuclear). His ”woke” appointees are no better. Whether this is actually the case or not is irrelevant. It is all about perception. This administration wouldn’t shoot down a surveillance balloon until it crossed over our entire country. Get real.
I am not a mindless drone and I actually pay attention to actions and don’t hang on every word from the fully woke MSM.

Perception is everything. Our enemies do NOT respect Biden. Early in the Russia/Ukraine war, a Russian general opined to Putin that he didn’t think the US would respond in kind if they decided to use nukes.

What I said was that Biden has given no indication that he has the cahones to respond in kind(nuclear). His ”woke” appointees are no better. Whether this is actually the case or not is irrelevant. It is all about perception. This administration wouldn’t shoot down a surveillance balloon until it crossed over our entire country. Get real.

YOUR perceptions are full of fantastical bullshit. You are so drunk on rw politics that's all you see.

I watch Russian propaganda talking heads. Day in and out Biden is painted to be a Russia hating warmonger. No one in Russia has any doubt that a nuclear attack against NATO will be reciprocated and mutually assured destruction would be the outcome. NO ONE.
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As you know, President Trump had postponed the date of withdrawal several times due to the Taliban not abiding by the agreement. It was going very well.

Then President Biden took office and made a colossal catastrophe of pulling out.

No sooner was Biden done with that fiasco than he started another war through Ukaraine with Russia.

How many wars did President Trump start?

As for Biden, surrender, Taliban.

That is a lie. The date was never postponed by Benedict Donald. He reduced our troops, our leverage to force the Taliban to comply, but they never complied with any other condition except the truce with the US and our EU allies. Yet we not only reduce our force to a skeleton crew but we abandoned 5 bases to the Taliban according to the Doha Accords.

It was all a set up by Benedict Donald to try and make the Military and the new CiC look bad.

Russia started the War in Ukraine in 2014.
YOUR perceptions are full of fantastical bullshit. You are so drunk on rw politics that's all you see.

I watch Russian propaganda talking heads. Day in and out Biden is painted to be a Russia hating warmonger. No one in Russia has any doubt that a nuclear attack against NATO will be reciprocated and mutually assured destruction would be the outcome. NO ONE.
ALL OF WHICH has nothing, whatsoever to do with the subject of the thread.

The warmongers move us ever closer to nuclear holocaust.

Biden destroyed Obama's nuclear treaty with Russia, and moves us even closer to the world war the left so desperately wants.
You work here, paid by WHOM?
Are you trying to destroy the USA.

Yes you are.
I despise the ILK that you represent.
That is a lie. The date was never postponed by Benedict Donald. He reduced our troops, our leverage to force the Taliban to comply, but they never complied with any other condition except the truce with the US and our EU allies. Yet we not only reduce our force to a skeleton crew but we abandoned 5 bases to the Taliban according to the Doha Accords.

It was all a set up by Benedict Donald to try and make the Military and the new CiC look bad.

Russia started the War in Ukraine in 2014.
President Obama and Vice President Biden were in office in 2014 when seeing weakness, Russia invaded Crimea. Russia then did nothing until former Vice President Biden took office as President and again seeing weakness, Russia invaded Ukraine.

As for making President Biden "LOOK" bad, predictably, he has done that all by himself.

Worse, President Biden has allowed, actually encouraged, an alliance between Russia and China. An alliance President Trump strongly warned us about.

"By Josh Boak and Hannah Fingerhut | Associated Press"

"WASHINGTON — A majority of Democrats now think one term is plenty for President Joe Biden, despite his insistence that he plans to seek reelection in 2024."

"That’s according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that shows just 37% of Democrats say they want him to seek a second term, down from 52% in the weeks before last year’s midterm elections."


"MUIR: Let me ask you about the economy. You talk often about how the rate of inflation has begun to slow. Unemployment is now at its lowest level in 50 years, but you've also seen the polls. Our latest ABC News poll shows 4 in 10 Americans say they're worse off than when you were elected. Only 16% said they were better off. So why is that? Why aren't Americans feeling this?"

"BIDEN: Well, look, I think it goes well beyond the economy. Think about it. You make the news -- I mean, you interview for the news. Can you think of anything they turn on the television that makes you think, "God, that makes me feel good?" Everything is in the negative."


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