Joe Biden dangerously escalates the threat of all out war with Russia

I guess correlation-does-not-equal-causation is too much of a concept for a dummy hack like you to understand.

Come back when you can reasonably explain how Trump would have prevented the Russian invasion.

It is rather simple. Fear of the consequences. Believe it or not, that goes a very long way towards world peace. Russian knew the worst thing that could happen if he invaded Ukraine would be a strong condemnation by Biden followed by some symbolic funding and aid. Putin was willing to make that move as it ultimately weakens the US both financially and military for a war that will not be won. With Biden, there is no fear nor respect. He is weak and possibly even comprised. China is walking all over us and will continue to do so.
Russia invade Ukraine in 2014. The latest assault came over a year after Biden took office. Puti-Bear's strategic blunder is far greater than GWB's blunder in Iraq IMO. He never expected a Nato unified by "Milquetoast" Biden. Ops, Must have been rope-a-dope Biden.

Right, he is shaking in his boots. Don't be a fool. Nobody respects or is scared of Biden. He is the weakest President in my lifetime by a long shot.
The warmongers move us ever closer to nuclear holocaust.

Biden destroyed Obama's nuclear treaty with Russia, and moves us even closer to the world war the left so desperately wants.
Agreed. History of the 20th century makes it plain that this is how the world wars start, with the U.S. supporting one side first with sanctions and then with more and more and more weapons, ever more powerful, and finally, always, with troops.

Meanwhile, the nation we are supposed to be helping whines nonstop that we ought to be helping them with soldiers, since they are the weaker power and can't win unless we go in with them to fight the enemy. That was Britain twice and South Vietnam once ---- oh, Korea, too. In the world wars we finally just gave in and drafted Americans to fight, in Korea we sent soldiers as part of a UN peacekeeping force, sure it was, the fact that the force was almost 100% American, like the same deal in Iraq, must have been a coincidence, right? In the case of South Vietnam, we sent "advisors." Then just poured in the drafted troops. And we lost the war anyway.

DO people see that the same pattern is working out again? Biden does need a war, because Americans are seriously disillusioned by government, and war is the ultimate distraction. If Biden can get a war going, he'll be re-elected, as Roosevelt was, as Bush was. First sanctions, then all the high-level pols trek to Kiev to show support, then they pour in more and more weapons of higher and higher technical capacity. Ukrainians (or South Vietnamese or Koreans or Iraqis) of course don't know how to fly or shoot such weapons, so now we have to send advisors. The next step after advisors is always a draft of Americans to fight there.

I don't say there is no enemy: Putin IS a problem, he is plainly pulling a Hitler, scooping up countries all around the current borders of Russia. But this does not affect us given Russia's small population and general disability.

And the European Union has a lot more population than we have: if they're so worried about Putin and energy supplies, why shouldn't they take care of it? They didn't ask our help during the Crimean War, which was essentially the same thing, in the same place.

The answer is that of course Europe would rather we fight the war for them, who wouldn't? And Biden is going to oblige them, I think, with conscripted young Americans. Because though this has nothing to do with us, Biden needs the war vote.
One thing good that the senate did in 2010. Now, tater is just throwing it all away.

It is rather simple. Fear of the consequences. Believe it or not, that goes a very long way towards world peace. Russian knew the worst thing that could happen if he invaded Ukraine would be a strong condemnation by Biden followed by some symbolic funding and aid. Putin was willing to make that move as it ultimately weakens the US both financially and military for a war that will not be won. With Biden, there is no fear nor respect. He is weak and possibly even comprised. China is walking all over us and will continue to do so.
Ok so then explain what would Putin-fondling Trump do that Biden did not. We know he called Putin's invasion "SMART!", ok what else?

Go ahead already. I've been asking for a year now and not one of you Trumpers can give an sane answer to this simple question.
Ok so then go ahead and explain what would Putin-fondling Trump do that Biden did not. We know he called Putin's invasion "SMART!", ok what else?

Go ahead already. I've been asking for a year now and not one of you Trumpers can give an sane answer to this simple question.

For the same reason that you wouldn't attempt to take the candy from the big kid on the playground if you knew, or even just believed, he would hurt you if you tried. If that same big kid gave you reason to believe that he was a pushover, a candy heist may be in order. I know, you don't get it.
For the same reason that you wouldn't attempt to take the candy from the big kid on the playground if you knew, or even just believed, he would hurt you if you tried. If that same big kid gave you reason to believe that he was a pushover, a candy heist may be in order. I know, you don't get it.
No offense, but you sound like a moron.

Without stupid analogies, just answer the simple question - WHAT WOULD TRUMP DO THAT BIDEN DIDN'T?

We KNOW that Trump had never supported putting our troops in Ukraine, nor would he have popular support for that.

So short of that, what is it that Trump could possibly do that Biden did not?
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No offense, but you sound like a moron.

Without stupid analogies, just answer the simple question - WHAT WOULD TRUMP DO THAT BIDEN DIDN'T?

We KNOW that Trump had never supported putting our troops in Ukraine, nor would he have popular support for that.

So short of that, what is it that Trump could possibly do that Biden did not?

No offense, but you clearly aren't very intelligent.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe it is what he didn't do? What he didn't do was to show weakness and incompetence by a botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, instead, he showed strength in many actions like killing Soleimani and his sanctions on Russia. How about the sanctions on completing Nord stream 2? Biden has done absolutely nothing but show weakness since day 1 in office. Bullies, like Putin, take advantage of the weak. Xi Jinping is also much more aggressive, if you haven't noticed. More to come from China.

Agreed. History of the 20th century makes it plain that this is how the world wars start, with the U.S. supporting one side first with sanctions and then with more and more and more weapons, ever more powerful,
More like entangling alliances.

What he didn't do was to show weakness and incompetence by a botched withdrawal from Afghanistan

I love how the New Republicans love to disrespect the finest military the world has ever known when it suits them. Benedict Donald unconditionally withdrew of 80% of our troops during his final months in office. He disregarded the conditions of the Doha Accords and withdrew our leverage over the Taliban. When President Biden made the decision to leave for good he tasked the best military minds to come up with a plan.
More like entangling alliances.

I love how the New Republicans love to disrespect the finest military the world has ever known when it suits them. Benedict Donald unconditionally withdrew of 80% of our troops during his final months in office. He disregarded the conditions of the Doha Accords and withdrew our leverage over the Taliban. When President Biden made the decision to leave for good he tasked the best military minds to come up with a plan.
Trump was right to get out of that mutilation-pit Afghanistan. I am SO tired of seeing limbless men on the TV ads!! How about just --- not sending them to places where we don't need to be at all and where they just get blown up all the time and never solve the problems and never win?

Finest military the world has ever known??????? We've LOST the last half-dozen wars, since Korea!!

Pres. Biden was also right to get out of Afghanistan: and thank God we finally did. But if he "tasked" the "best military minds" to come up with THAT plan, I have to tell you, we sure better not get in any more wars with those Einsteins leading it!!
Trump was right to get out of that mutilation-pit Afghanistan. I am SO tired of seeing limbless men on the TV ads!! How about just --- not sending them to places where we don't need to be at all and where they just get blown up all the time and never solve the problems and never win?

Finest military the world has ever known??????? We've LOST the last half-dozen wars, since Korea!!

Pres. Biden was also right to get out of Afghanistan: and thank God we finally did. But if he "tasked" the "best military minds" to come up with THAT plan, I have to tell you, we sure better not get in any more wars with those Einsteins leading it!!

"At the peak in 2011, we had 97,000 US troops alongside 41,000 NATO troops in Afghanistan. 10 years later when Ambassador Khalilzad signed the Doha agreement with Mullah Baradar on 29, February, 2020, United States at 12,600 US troops with 8,000 NATO and 10,500 contractors. This has been a 10 year multi administration draw down, not a 19 month or 19 day NEO. Under the Doha agreement, the US would begin to withdraw its forces contingent upon Taliban meeting certain conditions, which would lead to a political agreement between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan. There were seven conditions applicable to the Taliban and eight conditions applicable to the United States. While the Taliban did not attack US forces, which was one of the conditions, it failed to fully honor, any, any other condition under the Doha agreement."

Gen. Milley: (31:22)
"And perhaps most importantly, for US national security, that Taliban has never renounced Al-Qaeda or broke its affiliation with them. We the United States adhered to every condition. In the fall of 2020 my analysis was that an accelerated withdrawal without meeting specific and necessary conditions risks losing the substantial gains made in Afghanistan, damaging US worldwide credibility, and could precipitate a general collapse of the ANSF and the Afghan government resulting in a complete Taliban takeover or general civil war."

Politicians lose the wars while our military hardly ever loses a battle do they?

Nobody expected the Afghan Army to collapse so suddenly. But the truce held, and only violence in Kabul was an ISIS suicide bomber.

Plenty of pubic testimony about their decisions during that withdrawal.
Nobody expected the Afghan Army to collapse so suddenly. But the truce held, and only violence in Kabul was an ISIS suicide bomber.

Plenty of pubic testimony about their decisions during that withdrawal.
"Pubic testimony" is right. Self-serving, I'm sure. What a botch job.

However, at least we're out, so that's good.
No offense, but you clearly aren't very intelligent.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe it is what he didn't do? What he didn't do was to show weakness and incompetence by a botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, instead, he showed strength in many actions like killing Soleimani and his sanctions on Russia. How about the sanctions on completing Nord stream 2? Biden has done absolutely nothing but show weakness since day 1 in office. Bullies, like Putin, take advantage of the weak. Xi Jinping is also much more aggressive, if you haven't noticed. More to come from China.

Yep, you don't have shit as far as Trump doing something, so now you down to "Not doing" as if it would ever stop Putin from grabbing lands he wanted.

Even if we entertain that spurious bs, it was Trump that consistently advocated for and negotiated Afghanistan withdrawal and even TOOK CREDIT for it as it was happening. It's stupid for you to now claim his position was somehow more hawkish than Biden's.

Biden SPECIFICALLY had Germany threaten termination of Nordstream II if Russia invaded, this along with extensive list of other sanctions. They then followed through on it and oh btw have you checked on Nordstream I lately?
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I love how the New Republicans love to disrespect the finest military the world has ever known when it suits them. Benedict Donald unconditionally withdrew of 80% of our troops during his final months in office. He disregarded the conditions of the Doha Accords and withdrew our leverage over the Taliban. When President Biden made the decision to leave for good he tasked the best military minds to come up with a plan.

There there is this and the fact that Lloyd Austin was appointed by Biden, notably as the first "black" Secretary of Defense. Lloyd said Biden didn't listen to their advice. Lloyd also admitted to the fall of the Afghan government was much faster then they anticipated. Funny, many others did not underestimate this, in fact, those paying attention were very confident that the Taliban would take over in short order without our presence. It either exhibits a lack of insight or a purely political move. Austin also stated they wanted to leave a small number of troops on the ground there.

It is kind of like those that believed that this inflation was "transitory" because so many left-wing economists and the Fed. said so. Those with common sense and without a political bend knew better.

Think for yourself instead of being spoon feed by the MSM and particularly this crooked administration.

Contradicting Biden, top generals say they recommended a small force stay in Afghanistan
There there is this and the fact that Lloyd Austin was appointed by Biden, notably as the first "black" Secretary of Defense. Lloyd said Biden didn't listen to their advice. Lloyd also admitted to the fall of the Afghan government was much faster then they anticipated.
But the cuts to our troop strength had us already at the bare minimum before Biden took office after Trump ignored the General he appointed (not that who appointed who really matters much).

"Under the Doha agreement, the US would begin to withdraw its forces contingent upon Taliban meeting certain conditions, which would lead to a political agreement between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan. There were seven conditions applicable to the Taliban and eight conditions applicable to the United States. While the Taliban did not attack US forces, which was one of the conditions, it failed to fully honor, any, any other condition under the Doha agreement.

Gen. Milley: (31:22)
And perhaps most importantly, for US national security, that Taliban has never renounced Al-Qaeda or broke its affiliation with them. We the United States adhered to every condition. In the fall of 2020 my analysis was that an accelerated withdrawal without meeting specific and necessary conditions risks losing the substantial gains made in Afghanistan, damaging US worldwide credibility, and could precipitate a general collapse of the ANSF and the Afghan government resulting in a complete Taliban takeover or general civil war. "

This was advice given to the president before he made the reductions down to 2500 US troops, which he ignored. Also the only thing keeping those men safe was the truce with the Taliban, which was going to end May 1st. What was the Generals plan after the truce ended if we decided to keep those 25 hundred troops, or more, on the ground?

Funny, many others did not underestimate this, in fact, those paying attention were very confident that the Taliban would take over in short order without our presence. It either exhibits a lack of insight or a purely political move. Austin also stated they wanted to leave a small number of troops on the ground there.

Nobody said they thought the collapse would take days. Since Trump ignored the Conditions of the Accords and pulled most of our troops out and Biden didn't redeploy troops necessary to enforce them or continue the war, we left.

I'm just not liking the indictment of our military.....

But the cuts to our troop strength had us already at the bare minimum before Biden took office after Trump ignored the General he appointed (not that who appointed who really matters much).

"Under the Doha agreement, the US would begin to withdraw its forces contingent upon Taliban meeting certain conditions, which would lead to a political agreement between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan. There were seven conditions applicable to the Taliban and eight conditions applicable to the United States. While the Taliban did not attack US forces, which was one of the conditions, it failed to fully honor, any, any other condition under the Doha agreement.

Gen. Milley: (31:22)
And perhaps most importantly, for US national security, that Taliban has never renounced Al-Qaeda or broke its affiliation with them. We the United States adhered to every condition. In the fall of 2020 my analysis was that an accelerated withdrawal without meeting specific and necessary conditions risks losing the substantial gains made in Afghanistan, damaging US worldwide credibility, and could precipitate a general collapse of the ANSF and the Afghan government resulting in a complete Taliban takeover or general civil war. "

This was advice given to the president before he made the reductions down to 2500 US troops, which he ignored. Also the only thing keeping those men safe was the truce with the Taliban, which was going to end May 1st. What was the Generals plan after the truce ended if we decided to keep those 25 hundred troops, or more, on the ground?

Nobody said they thought the collapse would take days. Since Trump ignored the Conditions of the Accords and pulled most of our troops out and Biden didn't redeploy troops necessary to enforce them or continue the war, we left.

I'm just not liking the indictment of our military.....

Sadly, much like the FBI, the top brass in our military appears to have been politicized.

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