Joe Biden dangerously escalates the threat of all out war with Russia

We should not be militarily supporting Ukraine. We should be looking to mediate an agreement of some sort, instead, we are ramping up the possibility of a world wide conflict.

Democrats and RINOs are ignorant, power hungry war mongers.

What fucking agreement? Putin wants Ukraine and he would have it too without west's millitary support. Moldova is next on the menu.
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Putin did not do 911, Zionist Fascists like Zelenskky did....

Did you cheer when Jew Army Rangers shot Pat Tillman and hate hoaxed it to Al Qaeda?

Still claim the USS Liberty was an "accident?"
Aren't you the one who hates Jewish people?

Putin is trying to scare cowards with his fear mongering. Don't fall for it.
^^^See? The warmongers WANT all-out nuclear destruction.
All I see is your stupid Putin suck-off bullshit.

Russia hasn't used nuclear weapons because they know they too will be reduced to a nuclear wasteland.

You think their mis-adventures in Ukraine will suddenly make them want to be erased from the face of the earth? Do you even think?
There were many Prog communists who said the same thing in Korea, Viet Nam and the two ush family presidents' wars in multiple middle east areas. Remember? Now the white people that are hated are lovable in Ukraine. A lot more to this.
Trump broke the deal, why the hell would they live up to it?

I guess you missed the point. You are saying that it doesn't mean a thing that Putin pulled out of this nuclear agreement because it was not enforceable and yet you likely believed the Iran deal was. Neither are/were enforceable. Obama and Kerry are idiots and Trump pulling out of that deal made perfect sense.
What fucking agreement? Putin wants Ukraine and he would have it too without west's millitary support. Moldova is next on the menu.

He didn't invade under Trump and wouldn't have invaded had Trump be re-elected. He is taking advantage of weak leadership in the US and the ignorant people that support that leadership.

There is no agreement, however there are options that could appease both sides. Again, what don't you understand?
No. Now you are just making stuff up. I support Ukraine fighting for their freedom.

They aren't cowards like you.

Your fear makes America look weak.

Nobody said they can't fight for their freedom.

America is weak under this administration. That is exactly why Putin invaded in the first place and why he continues to push the issue. China isn't scared either and now are going to meet with Putin to discuss. Biden's weakness, as exhibited by his botched Afghanistan withdrawal, is the issue that started the entire mess.
Nobody said they can't fight for their freedom.

America is weak under this administration. That is exactly why Putin invaded in the first place and why he continues to push the issue. China isn't scared either and now are going to meet with Putin to discuss. Biden's weakness, as exhibited by his botched Afghanistan withdrawal, is the issue that started the entire mess.
America is stronger under this administration. Trump emboldened Putin with his support of the dictator.

You are scared of Putin and it shows.

Fortunately the Ukrainians, Biden and our allies are not scared.

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