Joe Biden dangerously escalates the threat of all out war with Russia

You've got to be pretty fucking dumb you think some treaty is going to stop Russia from using nuclear weapons.

They will never use them for a simple reason of self-preservation. Nothing about Ukraine changes that fundamental calculation.
Republican logiks, which is illogical.
We aren't scared of him. Putin was scared of Trump, but he is laughing at Biden. It is not coincidental that Putin made moves when Obama and Biden were in office but none while Trump was in office. Try to keep up.
This coming from the same people that were telling us how friendly we should be to Putin's Russia while Trump was in Office.

Also AntonToo

Within a matter of minutes.

That spin must make you incredibly dizzy, but then, partisan hack will hack.
Holy shit, you don't even understand the difference between Iran enriching uranium and Russia launching a nuclear attack (which STAR treaty never even pretended to forbid, it's merely placed limits on stockpiles)

Iran's gov is highly unlikely to actually use Nuclear weapons for the same reason Russia will not...but they will get leverage, are less stable and do have a bunch more religious nutbags for us to be concerned about.
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Nobody said they can't fight for their freedom.

America is weak under this administration. That is exactly why Putin invaded in the first place and why he continues to push the issue. China isn't scared either and now are going to meet with Putin to discuss. Biden's weakness, as exhibited by his botched Afghanistan withdrawal, is the issue that started the entire mess.

America was weak under Trump. Trump abandoned Syria to Russia and Iran. Trump signed what his NSA advisor called a surrender document. The Taliban violated the agreement from day one and Trump did nothing. He rewarded them by withdrawing US troops even faster. Biden's visit to Kyiv and giving Ukraine longer range missiles rubbed Putin's nose in the dirt.
Trump surrendered Afghanistan.

Biden's decisions on Ukraine are correct.

Biden has done nothing with Iran.

There is no invasion from Latin America. We are being invaded by right wing Republican fascists.

More worthless hyperbole and rhetoric. You lost your credibility here a long time ago.
Like what?

Trump pulled out of Syria, giving Russia and Iran free sailing in Syria. Russia even took over a air base that the US used.

Trump talked about pulling US troops out of Germany.

Trump attacked NATO.

All I see is your stupid Putin suck-off bullshit.

Russia hasn't used nuclear weapons because they know they too will be reduced to a nuclear wasteland.

You think their mis-adventures in Ukraine will suddenly make them want to be erased from the face of the earth? Do you even think?
If Putin used a nuclear weapon in Ukraine, what would President Biden do? Supply jets Biden had promised not to do, as he promised he would not provide tanks?
IF and that's a mighty big if, that Russia and America go at it for whatever reason a nuclear exchange will be highly possible.

Russia is spread too thin with their efforts against Ukraine. And it's too big of a gap to bridge to engage American territory. They couldn't handle Ukraine and America at the same time.

Biden has been avoiding fostering peace at every chance. He has only been publicly supporting and heavily heavily funding their enemy. He has stacked troops nearby. He is goading them.
In case you had not noticed or have not been informed by the legacy media, China is aligning itself with Russia. That's an alliance we cannot beat.
You aren't good at answering questions are you?

Have fun debating yourself.

Your position is that if one does not support ZIONIST FASCISM, that one is a "jew hater."

You cheer acts of Zionist Fascism against America.

What does that make you?
Your position is that if one does not support ZIONIST FASCISM, that one is a "jew hater."

You cheer acts of Zionist Fascism against America.

What does that make you?
When did I cheer?

Are you just making things up now?
One thing good that the senate did in 2010. Now, tater is just throwing it all away.

Well, Obumma DID say that if there is anyone who can F things up, it is JOE BIDEN.


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