Joe Biden declared "unfit" for office....

It's hard to take seriously the same people who think Donald Trump is sane.

Just sayin.
Well, I would like you to be very honest right now. Did you think Biden acted normal at the debate? How about all the videos in the last year or so?
It's hard to take seriously the same people who think Donald Trump is sane.

Just sayin.
That's all you got, huh? School-yard crap? Wonderful.

Look, Sponge-Brains Shits-Pants is going to be the nominee on the dimocrap scum ballot for POTUS. Period.

He won the States necessary, the Delegates, including the Super-delegates, and he's got to stay in, in order to protect his Crime Family. That's why Hunter has been spending the last few nights at the White House and will continue to do so. He won't let Daddy drop out. No way. Same with Jill.

I don't care if you believe any of that. Since you have trouble with every-day reality, you almost certainly will not.

Look, I don't like Trump. I think he is a bombastic butthead, a jerk, the Andrew Dice Clay of politics.

But the one thing that makes him different from dimocrap scum (oh yes, you are) is that he seems to care about the American People. He, and the rest of us, want a Bottom-Up style of government. Where the people tell the government what to do.

dimocrap FILTH (yes, again, you are) are a totally Top-Down style. Elitists.

Here's how it goes -- College Campuses in the NorthEast and West Coast come up with Hare-Brained ideas, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media does the beta-testing and then, if it passes, it goes directly to the dimocrap scum party.

The People, the DEPLORABLES, are completely out of the loop.

You, being a dimocrap scumbag, think for some reason or another, that you are part of the "In-Crowd", part of the Elites, part of the Smart Crowd and that you'll have a place in Nomenklatura or, at worst, be an Apparatchik in the dimocrap scum Ruling Class. Because -- That's what you all think you are.

No longer does the dimocrap scum party represent the working Man and Woman. We're just "Deplorables" to them.

You know it, and I know it. What's scary to you is -- The rest of the Country is starting to figure it out..

The dimocrap scum Party is toast. I predict 300 seats in the House and 57 in the Senate for the Republicans in 2025.

The hard part then will be to keep THEM from turning into thieving scum.

Power corrupts.
Joe Biden declared "unfit" for office. The alleged cover up of his mental state is being revealed. I have watched his decline for years... when do the proceedings begin under the 25th Amendment to remove him from office?

The GOP has again not thought this through; this is a big mistake.
  1. If Biden performs at the second debate and performs well, the GOP will look like idiots and this will backfire in Trump's face.
  2. If they remove Biden and replace him with VP Harris, they remove Joe's Old Man Senile axe hanging over his head and a lot of people might prefer to vote for the now much younger, fresher, energetic Kamala even if she is a total idiot C-rag.
Think about this -- Every Republican Voter in here knew back in 2020 that Biden had something wrong with his brain. Even for a dimocrap.

As time went on, it got worse, WE could all see it. Every Freedom-Loving Conservative in the Country knew Biden's Brain wasn't functioning properly.

But dimocrap scum though he was just fine. To this day even, most of them don't care.

And you wonder why I hate, despise and detest not just dimocrap politicians but even more -- The voters.

To all of you, I would say a Big FUCK YOU!!. You knew what you were voting for and -- You didn't care. And you still DON'T CARE!

I'm thinking the 9th Circle of Hell for dimocrap scum voters.
Think about this -- Every Republican Voter in here knew back in 2020 that Biden had something wrong with his brain. Even for a dimocrap.

As time went on, it got worse, WE could all see it. Every Freedom-Loving Conservative in the Country knew Biden's Brain wasn't functioning properly.

But dimocrap scum though he was just fine. To this day even, most of them don't care.

And you wonder why I hate, despise and detest not just dimocrap politicians but even more -- The voters.

To all of you, I would say a Big FUCK YOU!!. You knew what you were voting for and -- You didn't care. And you still DON'T CARE!

I'm thinking the 9th Circle of Hell for dimocrap scum voters.

The government and media coverup of Biden's mental and physical decline is the biggest political scandal in our nation's history. when do the proceedings begin under the 25th Amendment to remove him from office?

The GOP has again not thought this through; this is a big mistake.
  1. If Biden performs at the second debate and performs well, the GOP will look like idiots and this will backfire in Trump's face.
  2. If they remove Biden and replace him with VP Harris, they remove Joe's Old Man Senile axe hanging over his head and a lot of people might prefer to vote for the now much younger, fresher, energetic Kamala even if she is a total idiot C-rag.
It's not the GOP that wants to remove Sponge-Brains Shits-Pants, it's dimocrap scum.

Joey Bananas is the best thing that could happen to the GOP right now. dimocrap scum - the entire Party is TOAST come November. I know it and the DNC knows it.

dimocrap scum can't save the Presidency for themselves, they know that. It's gone. Not a chance in the world of the scumbag FILTH of the DNC capturing it.

But they still might have a chance in 'down-the-ticket' offices, from House Reps to Dog-catcher if they can get Sponge Brains shits Pants off the ticket. The DNC is getting severe pressure from the down-ticket to get rid of Joey Shits-Pants.

What they want to do is get some nobody from nowhere, build him/her/it up into the greatest thing since JFK (who would be a Republican today) and bullshit their way into getting stupid dimocrap scum voters into showing up. Or stealing votes. dimocrap scum don't care about votes, they only care about ballots.
But the one thing that makes him different from dimocrap scum (oh yes, you are) is that he seems to care about the American People. He, and the rest of us, want a Bottom-Up style of government. Where the people tell the government what to do.
And that is what you think you get from Trump? You think he is working on behalf of the American people, or do you think he is working on his own behalf?

He doesn't care about you or anyone else, he cares about himself. He aspires to have the same power as Kim Jong Un or Vladimir Putin, two leaders he deeply admires. Whatever you might think he does for you is merely bread and circuses. His singlular acheivement as President was a tax cut for the wealthiest Americans. That aint you.

And yet millions of sheep like you believe otherwise, even though the evidence is as obvious as it can possibly be.
How'd that January 6th thing factor in at the end?
What J6 thing? The only person that died was a Veteran that was murdered by a Deep State Stasi Thug.

You are pathetic.

What J6 thing? The only person that died was a Veteran that was murdered by a Deep State Stasi Thug.

You are pathetic.

Wow, you really are fucked up.

Not that this comes as a surprise, or anything.
So what's going to happen right now? I can't see this as being good so close to the election.

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