Joe Biden Flipping Out Over Losing to President Trump in the Polls – Democrats Losing Patience with Flailing Old Joe

Why don't you just call for everyone in Israel to commit suicide?
That would certainly end most of the worlds problems. After all, look at all the land they stole from the Palestinians since 1947.
Surrender to terrorists and mass murderers that have made it clear that they intend to murder everyone that lives in Israel?

Why don't you just call for everyone in Israel to commit suicide?

You're a total fucking genius!

Due to your low IQ you failed to understand my point. Instead of calling for surrender from either side, why not seek compromise?
I'm thinking his handlers are experiencing their own bloodbath by Biden and they're sick of it. That's why they're leaking this information. Biden knows he's going to lose to Trump and since he's never admitted to taking responsibility for anything, in his dementia mind, it's other people's fault.

Joey Xiden just can’t control his emotions

He sounds like a tyrant, yelling and prosecuting all his rivals
The Palestinians could say the same thing. Many don’t want to compromise with war criminal Netanyahu.

And isn’t someone who has murdered 13,000 children a terrorist?

Hamas started this war and was fully supported by the Gaza Palestinians. They deserve what they have coming.

In the second world war, the allies killed hundreds of thousands of 'innocent' civilians - including French people.

Like WW II, the Israelis have to measure the consequences of not eliminating Hamas against the cost of civilian lives.

In WWII, if we had not carpet bombed several French cities, the Allied army would have been trapped in Normandy and defeated. The consequence would have been that the war would have been lost, and most of Europe would have remained under Nazi control.

In the current war, the consequences of not destroying Hamas outweigh the cost of civilian casualties - especially since the Gaza Palestinians have fully supported Hamas, and that Hamas in Gaza is ALL Gaza Palestinians.

If you want to save the Gaza Palestinians, call for the full surrender of Hamas and the release of all hostages!

Otherwise, as I said, they deserve what they have coming to them.
Hamas started this war and was fully supported by the Gaza Palestinians. They deserve what they have coming.

In the second world war, the allies killed hundreds of thousands of 'innocent' civilians - including French people.

Like WW II, the Israelis have to measure the consequences of not eliminating Hamas against the cost of civilian lives.

In WWII, if we had not carpet bombed several French cities, the Allied army would have been trapped in Normandy and defeated. The consequence would have been that the war would have been lost, and most of Europe would have remained under Nazi control.

In the current war, the consequences of not destroying Hamas outweigh the cost of civilian casualties - especially since the Gaza Palestinians have fully supported Hamas, and that Hamas in Gaza is ALL Gaza Palestinians.

If you want to save the Gaza Palestinians, call for the full surrender of Hamas and the release of all hostages!

Otherwise, as I said, they deserve what they have coming to them.
How can you possibly vote for Biden after he has backed that war criminal Netanyahu?

I'm thinking
We're thinking you're oh-so-butthurt about losing over and over, and so very terrified about losing again.

And we're right. You see the losing coming, and you know you can't do anything about it, so you're just flailing around helplessly.
Hamas started this war and was fully supported by the Gaza Palestinians. They deserve what they have coming.

In the second world war, the allies killed hundreds of thousands of 'innocent' civilians - including French people.

Like WW II, the Israelis have to measure the consequences of not eliminating Hamas against the cost of civilian lives.

In WWII, if we had not carpet bombed several French cities, the Allied army would have been trapped in Normandy and defeated. The consequence would have been that the war would have been lost, and most of Europe would have remained under Nazi control.

In the current war, the consequences of not destroying Hamas outweigh the cost of civilian casualties - especially since the Gaza Palestinians have fully supported Hamas, and that Hamas in Gaza is ALL Gaza Palestinians.

If you want to save the Gaza Palestinians, call for the full surrender of Hamas and the release of all hostages!

Otherwise, as I said, they deserve what they have coming to them.
This conflict has been going on for decades. Both sides have committed atrocities. It is simplistic to just blame the Palestinians. And of course blaming Palestinian children is idiotic.

I only support compromise and deescalation on both sides. Israel has already gotten enough revenge. It’s past time for a cease fire.

Why don’t you condemn Biden? Do you enjoy the mass murder of children?
Hamas will never stop....
They are sworn to it
That would certainly end most of the worlds problems. After all, look at all the land they stole from the Palestinians since 1947.

Every increase in Israeli territory came only after Israel was attacked.

The original borders of Israel were very close to the borders established by the treaty of Jaffa, by Saladin and Richard I.

It was the Palestinians that refused to accept those borders and have repeatedly attacked Israel.

The Palestinians seem to be too stupid to learn that everytime they attack Israel, they lose land.
How can you possibly vote for Biden after he has backed that war criminal Netanyahu?

I support the full destruction of Hamas and whatever it takes to achieve that goal.

Why do you support the terrorists?
Every increase in Israeli territory came only after Israel was attacked.

The original borders of Israel were very close to the borders established by the treaty of Jaffa, by Saladin and Richard I.

It was the Palestinians that refused to accept those borders and have repeatedly attacked Israel.

The Palestinians seem to be too stupid to learn that everytime they attack Israel, they lose land.
Maybe you shouldn’t broadcast your ignorance quite so loudly.

The Nakba was well underway when the 1948 war began.

I'm thinking his handlers are experiencing their own bloodbath by Biden and they're sick of it. That's why they're leaking this information. Biden knows he's going to lose to Trump and since he's never admitted to taking responsibility for anything, in his dementia mind, it's other people's fault.

Fake news. The WaPost article this was based on is 99% about how Joe Biden is not getting the credit for the booming economy that he should and 1 isolated story from an unnamed person saying Joe got mad once. Funny.

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