Joe Biden Forgets Where He Is

I love the somber look when he moves his head slowly from one side to another. All of this angst and worry. For 50 years Joe has been around. He has made his imprint. For what it is worth. That look must be for what he has helped to bring about.

I thought that he was scanning the area looking for some clue as to where he was.
Don't worry, some loser who couldn't beat him for the nomination will leap into action as vice president when Joe gets sent to a facility.
Don't worry, some loser who couldn't beat him for the nomination will leap into action as vice president when Joe gets sent to a facility.
Yes and that vp will be a radical black female democrat BLM Marxist.

THAT is who will be leading the country into hell if Senile Joe is allowed to cheat his way to victory
Tries to laugh it off as a joke when he realizes what he said. First 20 seconds

I was thinking... what was the joke?

Then it hit of course.... it was Biden talking... it was that he remembered something.

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