Joe Biden gas prices still sky high at $3.66. 55% higher than when Trump left office.

Housing prices are extremely high

Electricity prices rising

Oil and gas prices high

Lumber, building materials the price is high

Food prices are extremely high

Car prices record high

Lies from the democrats record high
I'll just hold you responsible since you are lying about it and Shilling for the Democrats. You are such a typical dishonest Democrat, makes it pretty easy you don't even deserve to live in this country it's because of you the prices are so high. I've debunked your facts with my intelligent argument. You've got nothing.

View attachment 843542
You keep posting the same meme.

I'm afraid you aren't smart enough to have this discussion.

Have a good night.

And just a quick FYI, If you stop watching the midget porn on fast forward your blisters will clear up.
You keep posting the same meme.

I'm afraid you aren't smart enough to have this discussion.

Have a good night.

And just a quick FYI, If you stop watching the midget porn on fast forward your blisters will clear up.
Just some advice, stop lying. it's so typical of you Democrats and boring. I have to keep posting the same meme because you're not smart enough to get it


It always does. It's driving season and refineries are generally slowed down as gasoline season has faded. Consequently the short term demand spike causes prices to go up during the holidays. Check Thanksgiving. The biggest driving increase of the year.

Always happens.

You people are so funny.
Wow, where are you? I thought WA was bad at $3.72--you must be in CA.

Binden's state. For now. Ha. Once I hit 55, I'm probably outta here. Will see.

But my cars take premium, so that's why.

As an aside, it seems like dialogue is universally benchmarked on the lowest acceptable standard, interestingly. And not just for things like fuel. It's actually a thread worthy phenomenon in itself. Very similar to how they've purposely measured inflation's effect on the standard of living with chained cpi rather than standard cpI. In other words, if you can't afford steak because inflation has caused the prices to rise far too high, and buy hamburger instead, they conclude that you would have bought hamburger anyway even if the steak hadn't been so expensive, so the entire debate therefore becomes based on the cost of buying hamburger.

''Substantive equivalent,'' the scoundrels call it...
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Binden's state. For now. Ha. Once I hit 55, I'm probably outta here. Will see.

But my cars take premium, so that's why.

As an aside, it seems like dialogue is universally benchmarked on the lowest acceptable standard, interestingly. And not just for things like fuel. It's actually a thread worthy phenomenon in itself. Very similar to how they've purposely measured inflation's effect on the standard of living with chained cpi rather than standard cpI. In other words, if you can't afford steak because inflation has caused the prices to rise far too high, and buy hamburger instead, they conclude that you would have bought hamburger anyway even if the steak hadn't been so expensive, so the entire debate therefore becomes based on the cost of buying hamburger.

''Substantive equivalent,'' the scoundrels call it...
LOL. That's a good 'un. I think more like, I like a varied diet that includes steak, but when hamburger costs like steak should, I cut out the steak. Bastards! I've never heard it presented in quite that way but you present a good point.

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