Joe Biden has a plan for that...Not a joke, folks: He’s running on a transformative policy agenda.

this is the most important piece of all the 2020 election. this is why Biden will win, my friends!

Obama ran on the Fundamental Transformation of America. Trump Transformed Obama’s transformation. So, what exactly is Biden Transforming?
this is the most important piece of all the 2020 election. this is why Biden will win, my friends!

Obama ran on the Fundamental Transformation of America. Trump Transformed Obama’s transformation. So, what exactly is Biden Transforming?
go on his website and read his proposals. that's your duty before voting. read Trump's shit too. hear every speech. every interview. I ORDER YOU!
Oh FFS. Come on Biden from his basement has been the poster child of delirium.

First, Biden has always been a major Pander guy. If you stood him up in front of the KKK it would take about three minutes for Joe to tell them that he totally supported their ideals, and always had.

Biden in the Oval would be like Mel Brooks playing the Governor in Blazing Saddles. No idea what he is signing, but signing away he is.

Now, the question is which owner of the Ovaries is going to get the nod? I have no heartburn electing a Woman to the White House, or the VP slot. I just wish the selection had more to do with qualifications, and experience, and intelligence, rather than her being a female, to try and suck up some more identity politics votes.

Joe Biden is, in all honesty, gone from Crazy Uncle Joe to Delirious Uncle Joe. If he doesn’t have Alzheimers, he has some sort of condition turning his short and long term memory into jello. Jesus, his videos are painful to watch anymore. And I voted for Obama twice, with Joe as number two.
The Biden policies are geared toward the usual groups that support democrats.
1. Housing checks for blacks/poor
2. $15/hr minimum wage. (so fewer jobs)
3. Free college, the states need to pay half
4. Fix for Obamacare, adding a low-cost public option.
5. More school funding (pay increase for teachers union)
6. Climate change agenda, Biden won't discuss these items
7. More union organizing (more union power)
8. Immigration like Obama had. Legalize those democrat voters

Even if Biden wins, will the democrats carry the House and Senate? Hell no they won't.
So Biden would be handcuffed as to what his EOs could accomplish.
this is the most important piece of all the 2020 election. this is why Biden will win, my friends!

You understand that if Trump were to somehow not win the election this fall, it'll be war, because you see we will act against you, and you will rue the day you invited our righteous wrath.... :fu:
So Biden would be handcuffed as to what his EOs could accomplish.
At this point I am of the opinion both parties will be handcuffed when it comes to anything requiring more spending. Not quite to the doom and gloom of drastic cuts coupled with increased taxes, but getting there with the fire hose of money we have pointed at the virus. I guess Democrats have the Modern Monetary Theory card to play which scares me more than our current spending habits.

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