Joe Biden has said repeatedly that there is systemic racism in America...what has he done the past 40 years to address it?

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He helped the first black man to be elected President
After insulting him with racial insults.

Couldn‘t be much of an insult if it didn’t offend Obama.
Kind of like the insults lefties sling around on this board. Now, I find it interesting that you don't count things as very insulting if the people they are supposedly aimed at are not insulted. Let's look at the Washington Redskins. How many true Native Americans were really insulted? I do believe the majority of those who got their panties in a wad were white liberals. Same with a lot of the "offended" culture we're dealing with today.

Native Americans have been protesting this for at least 50 years.
He helped the first black man to be elected President
After insulting him with racial insults.
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Then he proceeded to work at the pleasure of the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy for 8 years.
That's politics. Without Obama, Biden never gets near the White House without a visitor pass. He'd have been neither Veep nor POTUS. Of course he's going to put a lid on his racism long enough to pull that off. And why would you insult Jesse Jackson like that?

Since that's not the case, I'll let you stew in your delusion.
He helped the first black man to be elected President
He only did it to acquire a VPOTUS title that would make him a multibillionnaire with unbelievable extortion incomes from taxpayer-funded entitlements to foreign country, and oh, boy, that list of billion$ just like the ones Joe exploited were brimming on that 1.4 trillion in foreign entitlements the Democrats planned on exploiting all over again.

Just how stupid do your Democrat party bosses think that we the American people are unparalleled dummies to their pick pocketing our tax money American men and women paid by the sweat of their brows?
Raise your hand if you think anything will be better with regards to race relations when Biden leaves office.

Wasnt that Obama’s job? The USA elected a half white person and then he made race relations worse.
Biden stole tax money from schemes in China and the Ukraine and became a multibillionnaire at taxpayer expense due to knowing where and when Congress would plant taxpayer bonanzas to their foreign pals. The stinking Democrat Party takes 30 % of foreign aid when Biden holds high office.

Do Democrats think we are so stupid we don't know about the grand thefts their puppets snatch any which way they kkkan?:cranky:
He hasn't done enough but he's done something. That is better than a bunch of white men whining like entitled brats because they can't have every job or be all of the college admissions.
"There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. That little girl was me," Harris said.
It missed the mark when people did the research and found out Biden was for voluntary bussing, not forced bussing. This info never made it to the white wing bubble, though.
Harris, in the same exchange with Biden, explicitly says she does not believe Biden is a racist.

I’m going to now direct this at Vice President Biden. I do not believe you are a racist. I agree with you when you commit yourself to the importance of finding common ground.

She said this literally less than a minute before her "There was a little girl in California..."

The right-wing bubble [obviously] ignores this, and lies to claim Harris called him a racist.
Racism is worse than ever, what is he going to do in the next 4 years that he has not done the past 40?

He didnt want to send his kids to a racial jungle.

Ferguson happened under Obama’s watch. What did Obama do to help race relations?

They certainly did not improve.

What specific things is Joe going to do to improve race relations in the USA? Did he even say any policy he was going to implement during his administration?

Acvotding to Kamala Hartis during the Democrat Presidential debates, Biden engaged / participated in the systematic racism, hung aroud with his racist buds, praised them, told Americans how black kids could be / were as smart as little white kids, and a called Obama the 1st clean, articulate black guy in America, and told Blacks, "You ain't black" if you don't vote for me.'

Way to go, Brandon.
Raise your hand if you think anything will be better with regards to race relations when Biden leaves office.

Wasnt that Obama’s job? The USA elected a half white person and then he made race relations worse.
Haha, he ^^ didn't even make it one whole page before getting obliterated and having to change the subject of his own thread.

Good stuff.
And added the next black president to his ticket.
If you think Kamala Harris has the faintest chance of being elected president, I need to call the men with the butterfly nets and the coat with extra long sleeves. Her favorability ratings AMONG DEMOCRATS are even lower than Biden’s. Her only proponents are among the hard left extremist wing of the Democratic Party. While many democrats might hold their nose and vote for her, conservative Democrats and independents won’t and they are the votes that matter.
If you think Kamala Harris has the faintest chance of being elected president, I need to call the men with the butterfly nets and the coat with extra long sleeves. Her favorability ratings AMONG DEMOCRATS are even lower than Biden’s. Her only proponents are among the hard left extremist wing of the Democratic Party. While many democrats might hold their nose and vote for her, conservative Democrats and independents won’t and they are the votes that matter.
What I find confusing is that we have (some) blacks and (some) liberals screaming “raaaaacist!” at people who have never said or done anything racist while defending a bonafide racist - Biden - who opposed school integration, said he didn’t want his kids going to school in a racial jungle, said that “poor kids are just as bright as white kids,” made a reference to an imaginary “black woman who stocks the shelves,” and even insulted blacks by saying that if they didn’t vote for him, they weren’t really blacks.

SMH at the delusion.
Gee, the most recent systemic racism that you can quote is over 55 years ago, before societal changes like the civil rights act of 1964 and the Voting right act of 1965 and Affirmative Action (nothing like a bit or reverse racism to turn things around). You want some cheese with that whine?
put him on ignore; waste of time.
I don't see the problem with that and I am black.

Trump hasn't said worse?

None of that tops the racist shit Trump has said.
i am a lib you mean lib before anything else including color. lib party uses you till they dont need you anymore; which has already started with muslims and illegals.
He hasn't done enough but he's done something. That is better than a bunch of white men whining like entitled brats because they can't have every job or be all of the college admissions.
And we don’t want to hear a bunch of blacks whining that they will have to compete on MERIT - and not skin color - for jobs and college spots.

We are going to go back to the days where a poor but exceptionally bright white kid with a 3.8 GPA doesn’t lose out the college spot he DESERVES to a black kid with a 3.3 GPA due to melanin content.

Blacks will not get rid of the racism they say they oppose by supporting it against whites.
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