Joe Biden has the Democratic nomination in the bag

Trump vs Biden

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No, it wont be Biden. He is old and he is a pushover. He wont survive the beating the other Dems will put on him. He was dealt with easily in the past when he ran for President, and this time will be no different. He is a weak candidate. Clinton will be the nominee when all is said and done.

Clinton said she’s not running. I think she’s in poor health. And besides that dems won’t run her in fear of a repeat of 2016. It will be Biden by default

Biden is not nearly as strong a candidate as Hillary Clinton. If they go with Uncle Joe, Trump will cruise to victory. Biden is a joke. As for Sanders, he was once already put into the fetal position by Clinton. He is the ultimate pushover.

I don't care what Clinton says right now. She is going to run. She must see how weak the Dem field is right now. The Dems will be begging her again before too long. She is so much stronger than the rest of the field. Most of my Dem friends claim Trump has no chance no matter who the Dems run, so why wouldn't Clinton want to take it?

Election cycles are much longer than they used to be. At this point if she says she’s out, IMO you have to take her at her word.
It’s way too early for me to make a guess on who the Dems will run, but I can guarantee it isn’t going to be Hellary. The DNC no longer uses the super delegates, so it might actually be a real vote this time.
No, it wont be Biden. He is old and he is a pushover. He wont survive the beating the other Dems will put on him. He was dealt with easily in the past when he ran for President, and this time will be no different. He is a weak candidate. Clinton will be the nominee when all is said and done.

You’re nuts. I’ll bet you right now it isn’t Hellary. Loser leaves this forum forever (not the worse thing in the world).

No way the DNC lets Hellary back in.

I wont go that far. I need somewhere to piss and moan about politics. But, I really do think she is going to run. I just don't see Biden or Sanders as threats at all. I know people like Sanders, but how can he recover after the humiliation Hillary put on him? He just isn't tough enough to be President.

I really have no idea who it will be, I just know it won’t be the pant suit Bulldyke. Biden has the experience to run a successful campaign, so I’d put him as the odds on favorite if he runs.
No, it wont be Biden. He is old and he is a pushover. He wont survive the beating the other Dems will put on him. He was dealt with easily in the past when he ran for President, and this time will be no different. He is a weak candidate. Clinton will be the nominee when all is said and done.

You’re nuts. I’ll bet you right now it isn’t Hellary. Loser leaves this forum forever (not the worse thing in the world).

No way the DNC lets Hellary back in.

I wont go that far. I need somewhere to piss and moan about politics. But, I really do think she is going to run. I just don't see Biden or Sanders as threats at all. I know people like Sanders, but how can he recover after the humiliation Hillary put on him? He just isn't tough enough to be President.

Sanders never thought he would he would get as far as he did. This time maybe he believes he has a chance. Either way I don’t believe he will win, but last election I didn’t think he would win a single primary, so who knows..
No, it wont be Biden. He is old and he is a pushover. He wont survive the beating the other Dems will put on him. He was dealt with easily in the past when he ran for President, and this time will be no different. He is a weak candidate. Clinton will be the nominee when all is said and done.

You’re nuts. I’ll bet you right now it isn’t Hellary. Loser leaves this forum forever (not the worse thing in the world).

No way the DNC lets Hellary back in.

I wont go that far. I need somewhere to piss and moan about politics. But, I really do think she is going to run. I just don't see Biden or Sanders as threats at all. I know people like Sanders, but how can he recover after the humiliation Hillary put on him? He just isn't tough enough to be President.

I really have no idea who it will be, I just know it won’t be the pant suit Bulldyke. Biden has the experience to run a successful campaign, so I’d put him as the odds on favorite if he runs.

You might be right. But, I think Trump will win pretty easily if it is Biden. He was never able to do well nationally on his own in the past. He is not a headliner. That's the bottom line. If not Hillary, I think someone else will emerge. Biden was dismissed easily the last couple times he ran. Now, he is much older and irrelevant. But, stranger things have happened I guess.
No, it wont be Biden. He is old and he is a pushover. He wont survive the beating the other Dems will put on him. He was dealt with easily in the past when he ran for President, and this time will be no different. He is a weak candidate. Clinton will be the nominee when all is said and done.

You’re nuts. I’ll bet you right now it isn’t Hellary. Loser leaves this forum forever (not the worse thing in the world).

No way the DNC lets Hellary back in.

I wont go that far. I need somewhere to piss and moan about politics. But, I really do think she is going to run. I just don't see Biden or Sanders as threats at all. I know people like Sanders, but how can he recover after the humiliation Hillary put on him? He just isn't tough enough to be President.

Sanders never thought he would he would get as far as he did. This time maybe he believes he has a chance. Either way I don’t believe he will win, but last election I didn’t think he would win a single primary, so who knows..

I just don't think Sanders has the backbone to pull it off.
No, it wont be Biden. He is old and he is a pushover. He wont survive the beating the other Dems will put on him. He was dealt with easily in the past when he ran for President, and this time will be no different. He is a weak candidate. Clinton will be the nominee when all is said and done.
I have Hillary as a distant third place Primary candidate.

1. Kamala Harris
2. (Anyone's Guess)
3. Hillary Clinton

I think Hillary Clinton is actually much more likable than Harris. I think she can beat her.


Too many times to the well without a win.
Too much baggage.
She is not physically up to the rigors of the campaign or the job.
She looks frayed around the edges.
Young people see her as an evil, old, lying, incompetent has-been or perennial also ran.
The Trump team has a better idea of how to fight her.

And that is without discussing her particulars or her policies.
Boys, boys, boys... If there was one lesson learned in 2016 it was never count someone out... When DJT came tooling down that escalator at Trump Tower there was 4 and half people that thought he could be the next POTUS... The amount of time between the election of Nov. 2020 and your prognostications of today yields to a whole lot of shit happening...

No, it wont be Biden. He is old and he is a pushover. He wont survive the beating the other Dems will put on him. He was dealt with easily in the past when he ran for President, and this time will be no different. He is a weak candidate. Clinton will be the nominee when all is said and done.

You’re nuts. I’ll bet you right now it isn’t Hellary. Loser leaves this forum forever (not the worse thing in the world).

No way the DNC lets Hellary back in.

I wont go that far. I need somewhere to piss and moan about politics. But, I really do think she is going to run. I just don't see Biden or Sanders as threats at all. I know people like Sanders, but how can he recover after the humiliation Hillary put on him? He just isn't tough enough to be President.

Sanders never thought he would he would get as far as he did. This time maybe he believes he has a chance. Either way I don’t believe he will win, but last election I didn’t think he would win a single primary, so who knows..

I just don't think Sanders has the backbone to pull it off.

Bernie could ONLY win the nomination through unforeseen surprises in the campaign.

Otherwise, there is no way Bernie could win the nomination.
To clarify, I don't dislike Bernie Sanders. I don't agree with him on most of his policies. But, I always thought he was pretty straightforward in his agenda and respected his willingness to make his arguments, which were sometimes not very popular. I thought he was right on NAFTA and trade. I still do.

But, the Presidency is reserved for the heavy weights. Biden and Sanders are middle weights.

Maybe Beto will emerge as a force. It seems the Obama's like him.
No, it wont be Biden. He is old and he is a pushover. He wont survive the beating the other Dems will put on him. He was dealt with easily in the past when he ran for President, and this time will be no different. He is a weak candidate. Clinton will be the nominee when all is said and done.

You’re nuts. I’ll bet you right now it isn’t Hellary. Loser leaves this forum forever (not the worse thing in the world).

No way the DNC lets Hellary back in.

I wont go that far. I need somewhere to piss and moan about politics. But, I really do think she is going to run. I just don't see Biden or Sanders as threats at all. I know people like Sanders, but how can he recover after the humiliation Hillary put on him? He just isn't tough enough to be President.

I really have no idea who it will be, I just know it won’t be the pant suit Bulldyke. Biden has the experience to run a successful campaign, so I’d put him as the odds on favorite if he runs.

You might be right. But, I think Trump will win pretty easily if it is Biden. He was never able to do well nationally on his own in the past. He is not a headliner. That's the bottom line. If not Hillary, I think someone else will emerge. Biden was dismissed easily the last couple times he ran. Now, he is much older and irrelevant. But, stranger things have happened I guess.

Let’s see what the economy is doing over the next year. If things deteriorate further Trump will be especially vulnerable.
No, it wont be Biden. He is old and he is a pushover. He wont survive the beating the other Dems will put on him. He was dealt with easily in the past when he ran for President, and this time will be no different. He is a weak candidate. Clinton will be the nominee when all is said and done.

You’re nuts. I’ll bet you right now it isn’t Hellary. Loser leaves this forum forever (not the worse thing in the world).

No way the DNC lets Hellary back in.

I wont go that far. I need somewhere to piss and moan about politics. But, I really do think she is going to run. I just don't see Biden or Sanders as threats at all. I know people like Sanders, but how can he recover after the humiliation Hillary put on him? He just isn't tough enough to be President.

I really have no idea who it will be, I just know it won’t be the pant suit Bulldyke. Biden has the experience to run a successful campaign, so I’d put him as the odds on favorite if he runs.

You might be right. But, I think Trump will win pretty easily if it is Biden. He was never able to do well nationally on his own in the past. He is not a headliner. That's the bottom line. If not Hillary, I think someone else will emerge. Biden was dismissed easily the last couple times he ran. Now, he is much older and irrelevant. But, stranger things have happened I guess.

Let’s see what the economy is doing over the next year. If things deteriorate further Trump will be especially vulnerable.

That is a fair point. The business channels are still talking about more rate hikes. Who knows how things will actually go?
The rest of the Democratic candidates running for president are far too crazy for consideration. Now don’t misconstrue my words for support for Biden. He’s crazy in his own right, but his opposition is Harris, Warren, Sanders are all certifiable lunatics.

So anyway, that begs the question - Trump vs. Biden who wins?

Unless something unforeseen happens, I believe Harris will get the Democrat nomination.

She’s a lunatic. The country doesn’t care that she’s a minority or woman anymore. Obozo had that going for him, but now most of the country is over identity politics
I question your characterization of her as a lunatic in terms of how she is perceived.

She may be nutzo. But the voters will not see that. They will see her as serious and capable and won't take any shit from Pres. Trump if she gets to debate him.

She is a prosecutor and knows how to present a case to juries so her side wins.

She has no major weaknesses I can see aside from being a Leftist.

I do not believe in underestimating the opponent. I want to look at things objectively and promote the attitude that we are the underdog so we will fight harder.

She will never mention being a prosecutor because apparently she was a little on the conservative side when doing that job, after sleeping her way to the top.
My money is on sanders....he is pulling in big donations and crowds. Trump could easily lose in 2020 but the last thing we need is Biden, Clinton, and Obama back in power and with Joe that's what you get.

According to the pols Biden is the front runner. Sanders will make noise, but him winning over moderate democrats to win the nomination is inconceivable

I don't trust the polling. Biden cannot rally the youth vote like Sanders and that is the key to winning. BUT once Biden runs lets see how his fundraising and rallies go.

Fair point. If Sanders is the nominee then the presidency will be once again handed to Trump, this time on a silver platter.

Those margins in the rust belt were mighty thin....

So you think unions are going to vote for Bernie?
Good, because Biden will lose overwhelmingly. In all his decades in congress, what GOOD has Biden ever done? All that reprobate has is a history of blowing up and calling the American public names ad nauseum. There is nothing about this liberal hatemonger that could possibly appeal to the American public because this son of a bitch has done NOTHING positive for this society; his political existence has been a 100% negative exercise in American self-hatred. That's why American-hating pig Obamasshole picked him as VP.
You’re nuts. I’ll bet you right now it isn’t Hellary. Loser leaves this forum forever (not the worse thing in the world).

No way the DNC lets Hellary back in.

I wont go that far. I need somewhere to piss and moan about politics. But, I really do think she is going to run. I just don't see Biden or Sanders as threats at all. I know people like Sanders, but how can he recover after the humiliation Hillary put on him? He just isn't tough enough to be President.

I really have no idea who it will be, I just know it won’t be the pant suit Bulldyke. Biden has the experience to run a successful campaign, so I’d put him as the odds on favorite if he runs.

You might be right. But, I think Trump will win pretty easily if it is Biden. He was never able to do well nationally on his own in the past. He is not a headliner. That's the bottom line. If not Hillary, I think someone else will emerge. Biden was dismissed easily the last couple times he ran. Now, he is much older and irrelevant. But, stranger things have happened I guess.

Let’s see what the economy is doing over the next year. If things deteriorate further Trump will be especially vulnerable.

That is a fair point. The business channels are still talking about more rate hikes. Who knows how things will actually go?

There won’t be any rate hikes in the near future. Every time they raise rates the markets take a hit, and the Fedral Reserve doesn’t want that. Even though it shouldn’t be a consideration.
The rest of the Democratic candidates running for president are far too crazy for consideration. Now don’t misconstrue my words for support for Biden. He’s crazy in his own right, but his opposition is Harris, Warren, Sanders are all certifiable lunatics.

So anyway, that begs the question - Trump vs. Biden who wins?

Let me see who will be the Libertarian, Green or the Green Libertarian Nazi candidates before I say who I will vote for...

If none of them I will abstain my vote...
The rest of the Democratic candidates running for president are far too crazy for consideration. Now don’t misconstrue my words for support for Biden. He’s crazy in his own right, but his opposition is Harris, Warren, Sanders are all certifiable lunatics.

So anyway, that begs the question - Trump vs. Biden who wins?
That's like picking the Super Bowl winner before the playoffs start.
Trump could have a primary challenger from the GOP, Sanders and Biden will be equally popular going into the very-crowded (D)- debates, but as for predicting what it will look like 20 months from now ?
Forget it - it's too wide open. But for hypothetical purposes, Biden would beat Trump easily.
My money is on sanders....he is pulling in big donations and crowds. Trump could easily lose in 2020 but the last thing we need is Biden, Clinton, and Obama back in power and with Joe that's what you get.

According to the pols Biden is the front runner. Sanders will make noise, but him winning over moderate democrats to win the nomination is inconceivable

I don't trust the polling. Biden cannot rally the youth vote like Sanders and that is the key to winning. BUT once Biden runs lets see how his fundraising and rallies go.

Fair point. If Sanders is the nominee then the presidency will be once again handed to Trump, this time on a silver platter.

Those margins in the rust belt were mighty thin....

So you think unions are going to vote for Bernie?

I think some may but I also think the democrats will come out in record number in 2020 to take Trump down regardless of the nominee. I'm rooting for sanders because we don't need Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton in a Biden administration.

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