Joe Biden is reportedly 'planning first major tax hike in almost 30 years'

In your mind equality means special treatment? You live in Kansas?

In the Pork bill, the commies have farmer bailouts, but only for non-white farmers. If you are a non-white farmer and in the hole for a million dollars, government is going to give you one million two hundred twenty thousand to bail you out so you made a profit on your loss. If you are a white farmer, you better figure out a way to payoff that million dollars or sell your farm.

Is that what you consider equality?

From a historical prospective I do. Minority farmers throughout history were screwed by racial practices of credit bureaus and banks. Try to have some context to your whitewash.
The fact that people don't look after their own money is their own fault
Then why are we always bailing out corporations?

Ask Obama. He bailed out a bunch of them.

Why do we bail out bloated Union pensions? Democrats love to do that. Why?
Why do we give tax breaks to people and corporations that don’t need them?

Why does the thieving government take the money I make and give it to filthy ass welfare queens? Welfare queens that vote for the politicians that promise them welfare? It is a scam, isn't it?

You Moon Bats are kinda dumb when it comes to Economics.

Corporations don't really pay income taxes. The trillion dollars that the Federal government collects and whatever the States and locals collect comes from the revenue generated from the sale of goods and services. In other words we pay that filthy tax when we buy something made or get a service from a corporation, which is just about everything. Your are taxing yourself dumbo!

As far people not needing "tax breaks". The greedy Socialist assholes always think that somebody making more than themselves should be taxed more and they should be taxed less. Piss on that stupid Socialist mindset.

The government collects far too much money as it is now.
Dude, corporations are people...LMAO.

Name one corporation that would rise their product sell price 7% to reflect the increase in the corporate tax rate. Corporations use public infrastructure and should pay for that cost.

Your assertion that corporations should pay no tax because they provide wages to their employees and pass tax cost to their customers so they can pay for their taxes is ignorant.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Every cent that corporations pays to the government for the filthy ass trillion a year Federal corporate income tax comes from the sale of goods and service to us real people.

Without the filthy corporate tax goods and services sold by corporations would be a trillion dollar less burden on the economy and the goods and services sure as hell would be cheaper.

Even more than that because the states and locals also tax the hell out of anybody they can, especially corporations.

You really need to go take a class in Economics because you sure as hell don't know jackshit.

You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than you know about History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

Stop being a fucking Socialist asshole. It just makes you look like a greedy little prick.
The fact that people don't look after their own money is their own fault
Then why are we always bailing out corporations?

Ask Obama. He bailed out a bunch of them.

Why do we bail out bloated Union pensions? Democrats love to do that. Why?
Why do we give tax breaks to people and corporations that don’t need them?

Why does the thieving government take the money I make and give it to filthy ass welfare queens? Welfare queens that vote for the politicians that promise them welfare? It is a scam, isn't it?

You Moon Bats are kinda dumb when it comes to Economics.

Corporations don't really pay income taxes. The trillion dollars that the Federal government collects and whatever the States and locals collect comes from the revenue generated from the sale of goods and services. In other words we pay that filthy tax when we buy something made or get a service from a corporation, which is just about everything. Your are taxing yourself dumbo!

As far people not needing "tax breaks". The greedy Socialist assholes always think that somebody making more than themselves should be taxed more and they should be taxed less. Piss on that stupid Socialist mindset.

The government collects far too much money as it is now.
Dude, corporations are people...LMAO.

Name one corporation that would rise their product sell price 7% to reflect the increase in the corporate tax rate. Corporations use public infrastructure and should pay for that cost.

Your assertion that corporations should pay no tax because they provide wages to their employees and pass tax cost to their customers so they can pay for their taxes is ignorant.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Every cent that corporations pays to the government for the filthy ass trillion a year Federal corporate income tax comes from the sale of goods and service to us real people.

Without the filthy corporate tax goods and services sold by corporations would be a trillion dollar less burden on the economy and the goods and services sure as hell would be cheaper.

Even more than that because the states and locals also tax the hell out of anybody they can, especially corporations.

You really need to go take a class in Economics because you sure as hell don't know jackshit.

You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than you know about History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

Stop being a fucking Socialist asshole. It just makes you look like a greedy little prick.
The only one that doesn't understand this is you. That is clear by your post.
Government should never collect more taxes than are necessary to run a minimum size government.

All taxes are bad but income taxes are one of the worst ways to collect revenue, because they do the most economic damage.
Can you name a minimum size government on this planet that we can look at and assess how successful that system works.
Punish?! No I don’t think taxing the rich is punishment. It is a privilege to pay taxes. Means you’re doing pretty well

That's like getting a speeding ticket on the highway that's going to cost you $250.00, and say it's a privilege of driving.

No it's like getting a speeding ticket that cost you $25,000 because you have wealth when the middle class are only charged $250 for the same offense.
Except for it’s not like any of those things. Morons

Translation, I touched a nerve. Why don't you go punish the successful people you know you want to. :talk2hand:
unemployment line - Atlanta Black Star

Go fuck yourself, bro.
From a historical prospective I do. Minority farmers throughout history were screwed by racial practices of credit bureaus and banks. Try to have some context to your whitewash.

It's been illegal to racially discriminate in loan practices for generations. We're talking about today. The problem with you leftists is you never come to terms with the truth. How (by a large margin) do minorities vote?

It's pathetic. You are supporting the Communists paying off the people that vote for them.
From a historical prospective I do. Minority farmers throughout history were screwed by racial practices of credit bureaus and banks. Try to have some context to your whitewash.

It's been illegal to racially discriminate in loan practices for generations. We're talking about today. The problem with you leftists is you never come to terms with the truth. How (by a large margin) do minorities vote?

It's pathetic. You are supporting the Communists paying off the people that vote for them.
What exactly does communism have to do with the leveling of the field for minority farmers?

Or is this just another white privilege grievance from you.
The Obama/Biden administration swore that they would not raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K a year but that was a blatant lie.

One of the first things Hussein did when he got into the White House was drastically increase sales taxes on cigarettes. Very few people making over 250K smoke cigarettes. It's mostly lower and middle-class people that do. It only took a few weeks to renege on one of his campaign promises.
What exactly does communism have to do with the leveling of the field for minority farmers?

Or is this just another white privilege grievance from you.

I said the Communists, meaning the Democrats because that's what they are. There is no field to level out. A farmer of any crop or livestock has the same loan standards, sell their product to the same vendors, as any white farmer. What we have is the Communists using our tax dollars to payoff their supporters to make sure they vote for them. What if Republicans did the same by giving gun sellers and manufacturers your federal tax dollars because they support the Republicans, or perhaps the NRA, religious or anti-abortion organizations? You'd be outraged, and rightfully so.
What exactly does communism have to do with the leveling of the field for minority farmers?

Or is this just another white privilege grievance from you.

I said the Communists, meaning the Democrats because that's what they are. There is no field to level out. A farmer of any crop or livestock has the same loan standards, sell their product to the same vendors, as any white farmer. What we have is the Communists using our tax dollars to payoff their supporters to make sure they vote for them. What if Republicans did the same by giving gun sellers and manufacturers your federal tax dollars because they support the Republicans, or perhaps the NRA, religious or anti-abortion organizations? You'd be outraged, and rightfully so.
First of all, the guns verses farmer equity is apples and oranges. The QOP throws bones to their constituents all the time. That's how political parties function unless you have another way. The QOP has used the courts and conservative judges to try to use judicial fiat outlaw a constitutional right.

I see your grievance as lacking.
The Obama/Biden administration swore that they would not raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K a year but that was a blatant lie.

One of the first things Hussein did when he got into the White House was drastically increase sales taxes on cigarettes. Very few people making over 250K smoke cigarettes. It's mostly lower and middle-class people that do. It only took a few weeks to renege on one of his campaign promises.
Whose Hussein?
We have lots of debt.

The thing about president Dufus raising taxes is not one red cent will be used to pay down debt.

He will just spend it on Illegals, unions or to bail out the big city Democrat shitholes.

Debt will increase just like it did before the tax increase.

typical Democrat piss poor management.
It's like placing a severe alcoholic in charge of providing security on the liquor cabinet.

Or the Hell's Angels keeping the peace at a Rolling Stone's concert for all the beer they can drink ...

Ha ha ... but I'll put you down as "doing nothing" ... seems fair enough ...
The Obama/Biden administration swore that they would not raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K a year but that was a blatant lie.

One of the first things Hussein did when he got into the White House was drastically increase sales taxes on cigarettes. Very few people making over 250K smoke cigarettes. It's mostly lower and middle-class people that do. It only took a few weeks to renege on one of his campaign promises.
Whose Hussein?

Barack Hussein Obama dummy!

A fucking Muslim shithead demented stupid Moon Bats elected as president.
We have lots of debt.

The thing about president Dufus raising taxes is not one red cent will be used to pay down debt.

He will just spend it on Illegals, unions or to bail out the big city Democrat shitholes.

Debt will increase just like it did before the tax increase.

typical Democrat piss poor management.
And every republic pol since WWII has been a shithole when it comes to debt.

Since WWII we have had two presidents run budget surpluses can you name them?
The Obama/Biden administration swore that they would not raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K a year but that was a blatant lie.

One of the first things Hussein did when he got into the White House was drastically increase sales taxes on cigarettes. Very few people making over 250K smoke cigarettes. It's mostly lower and middle-class people that do. It only took a few weeks to renege on one of his campaign promises.
Whose Hussein?

Barack Hussein Obama dummy!

A fucking Muslim shithead demented stupid Moon Bats elected as president.
Then post his name, is that so hard.
First of all, the guns verses farmer equity is apples and oranges. The QOP throws bones to their constituents all the time. That's how political parties function unless you have another way. The QOP has used the courts and conservative judges to try to use judicial fiat outlaw a constitutional right.

I see your grievance as lacking.

I'd like to see you give me some examples: 350 billion dollars mostly going to blue cities and states (600 million to Piglosi's city alone) to bail them out for overspending and going in a hole for years. 500 billion to libraries, the arts and humanities. Prior to that 75 million to the Kennedy Center. Bailout of farmers, but only farmers that likely vote Democrat. Lord knows how many billions that will cost. 10 million dollars to preserve Indian language? What are they going to do, write the language in gold? 34 billion to Commie Care, as if we didn't spend enough on that failed program already. Plus another 16 billion to states that expanded Medicare under Commie Care. 50 million for family planning. Gee, I wonder who does most of the "family planning" in this country? Not to mention hundreds of millions of dollars going to various government agencies. Who do those people vote for? Then there's the millions for colleges, student loans, and paying off the schools.

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