Joe Biden is reportedly 'planning first major tax hike in almost 30 years'

Many problems with Social Security, 2 big ones, Grandma living under a bridge or with you, the also disabled. How much is that going to cost? For the richest nation don't we have an embarrassing amount living on the street now? and giving over control of the money just think about how many would or know how to invest wisely, And during the slow downs & crashes how many have the 5 or 10 years to wait for their investment to turn profitable again?
unemployment line - Atlanta Black Star

Go fuck yourself, bro.
>Go [!@#$] yourself, bro.

Get a brain, bro. And learn how to post like a respectable adult, instead of some basement bunny who barely graduated high school.

You probably didn't notice, so I will explain it to you...

The post I replied to, was supporting information for a post that said, and I quote:

>> Yeah sure, you ever try to ween white people of freeloading?

To which, I replied...

>Your racism is showing. Don't you mean, "you ever try to ween freeloaders of freeloading?"

Did you notice that racism, bro? Do you have half a brain, bro? You enjoy anti-White racism, bro? What the heck is wrong with you. Racism sux.

My post was responsive and factual, and contradicted the racist argument proposed by the person I was replying to.

Your post was a middle school insult. Grow up.
Punish?! No I don’t think taxing the rich is punishment. It is a privilege to pay taxes. Means you’re doing pretty well

That's like getting a speeding ticket on the highway that's going to cost you $250.00, and say it's a privilege of driving.

No it's like getting a speeding ticket that cost you $25,000 because you have wealth when the middle class are only charged $250 for the same offense.
Except for it’s not like any of those things. Morons

Translation, I touched a nerve. Why don't you go punish the successful people you know you want to. :talk2hand:
I know you get joy out of thinking you’re aggravating liberals so tell yourself whatever you want. I’m just saying I don’t see taxation as punishment. You can view it that way if it makes your feel better. That’s your call.
First of all, the guns verses farmer equity is apples and oranges. The QOP throws bones to their constituents all the time. That's how political parties function unless you have another way. The QOP has used the courts and conservative judges to try to use judicial fiat outlaw a constitutional right.

I see your grievance as lacking.

I'd like to see you give me some examples: 350 billion dollars mostly going to blue cities and states (600 million to Piglosi's city alone) to bail them out for overspending and going in a hole for years. 500 billion to libraries, the arts and humanities. Prior to that 75 million to the Kennedy Center. Bailout of farmers, but only farmers that likely vote Democrat. Lord knows how many billions that will cost. 10 million dollars to preserve Indian language? What are they going to do, write the language in gold? 34 billion to Commie Care, as if we didn't spend enough on that failed program already. Plus another 16 billion to states that expanded Medicare under Commie Care. 50 million for family planning. Gee, I wonder who does most of the "family planning" in this country? Not to mention hundreds of millions of dollars going to various government agencies. Who do those people vote for? Then there's the millions for colleges, student loans, and paying off the schools.
Is there some sort of way that you don’t come off as an asshole with that post.

Maybe you should just stay on parler.
You're retired on a government pension which depends on tax payers to fund that pension. Not saying you didn't earn your pension but these republicans would love to privatize everything for lower wages, no benefits etc.
Democrats just stole $1.3 TRILLION from tax payers and the future of their kids for a Blue State Bailout of Democrat-run failed pension funds. Failed Democrat management of those pensions resulted in their massive deficits. They have no desire to privatize those pensions or social security because that is done they will not be able to mismanage / steal from those pensions and Social Security any time they want, and they won't be able to dip into tax dollars / deficit dollars to bail out their failure / mismanagement.
We had the republican tax cuts under this trump character which benefited mostly the wealthy, just like the bush jr. and reagan tax cuts. This is what republicans do. Further enrich the already wealthy and to hell with every one else. I mean, look at the republican shit hole states throughout the south. Dire poverty and sure as hell no decent minimum wage so the little guy can have a decent life. I look forward to Joe being a pretty good prez unlike that traitor no good piece of shit trump who let the pandemic get out of hand and kill hundreds of thousands of Americans.
Is there some sort of way that you don’t come off as an asshole with that post.

Maybe you should just stay on parler.

You mean the place where members can accept the truth? I'm an asshole by telling you what the commies are doing?
I don’t care that you seem to be able to channel Putin’s Russia to pointlessness.

Your stupid opinions about America are just that.

When will they get better?
Many problems with Social Security, 2 big ones, Grandma living under a bridge or with you, the also disabled. How much is that going to cost? For the richest nation don't we have an embarrassing amount living on the street now? and giving over control of the money just think about how many would or know how to invest wisely, And during the slow downs & crashes how many have the 5 or 10 years to wait for their investment to turn profitable again?

If you don't know how to invest money, you shouldn't be. You should find a reputable company that will manage your money for you. Yes, they charge you an annual maintenance fee, but isn't it worth it? That's where my IRA is invested, and after the recession that took place under DumBama, I didn't have to wait 5 or ten years to regain my losses. In fact it was a few short years.

I'm at grandmas age now, or should I say grandpas age. For years we were told SS would not be enough to live a comfortable life. IRA's were introduced in 1974. I was 14 years old at the time. I knew I'd have to prepare for the future, so I did exactly that.

The nation is not rich, Biden and the commies just put us nearly 30 trillion dollars in debt. But we have rich people in our country. Their wealth is no reflection on people who are living in the street. In many of those cases, these people are not physically or mentally disadvantaged at all. They decided to experiment with dangerous addictive narcotics, and they ended up on the street. For those who don't possess the intelligence to make a living, we are prohibited from locking these people up in institutions based on court rulings of constitutional rights.
I don’t care that you seem to be able to channel Putin’s Russia to pointlessness.

Your stupid opinions about America are just that.

When will they get better?

I don't state opinions. I state facts. I told you what the commies have done, and if need be, will provide links to support my claim upon request. Anything you refute can be debated one issue at a time. However the real problem is you leftists refuse to accept those facts. You refuse to accept truth. You try to divert debate by inserting Russia or racism into the conversation instead of debating what was claimed by your adversaries.
We had the republican tax cuts under this trump character which benefited mostly the wealthy, just like the bush jr. and reagan tax cuts. This is what republicans do. Further enrich the already wealthy and to hell with every one else. I mean, look at the republican shit hole states throughout the south. Dire poverty and sure as hell no decent minimum wage so the little guy can have a decent life. I look forward to Joe being a pretty good prez unlike that traitor no good piece of shit trump who let the pandemic get out of hand and kill hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Let me give you some advice: You'll never win a debate by using lies. It's way too obvious.

If you are going to blame Trump for Covid deaths, will you also blame DumBama for the 200,000 some Americans that died from the common flu during his two terms? And if not, why not?

Of course you can never respond to that without looking like a total hypocrite. It's one thing if you lay blame on somebody who actually did something awful like Cuomo. It's another thing to lie and blame unfortunate incidents on somebody that had no ability TO control it.

The President of the United States takes care of military operations. The President of the United States can control spending with veto power. A President of the United States cannot control a microorganism. A President of the United States cannot control the actions of people who's freedom is guaranteed in our Constitution.
I don’t care that you seem to be able to channel Putin’s Russia to pointlessness.

Your stupid opinions about America are just that.

When will they get better?

I don't state opinions. I state facts. I told you what the commies have done, and if need be, will provide links to support my claim upon request. Anything you refute can be debated one issue at a time. However the real problem is you leftists refuse to accept those facts. You refuse to accept truth. You try to divert debate by inserting Russia or racism into the conversation instead of debating what was claimed by your adversaries.
What have the "commies" done here in America?

What is your point about anything that you seem to believe you have "facts" about?

And let's try those "facts" that you claim to have; Was President Biden's COVID relief bill supported by all Americans (polling approval) or not?
What have the "commies" done here in America?

What is your point about anything that you seem to believe you have "facts" about?

And let's try those "facts" that you claim to have; Was President Biden's COVID relief bill supported by all Americans (polling approval) or not?

Irrelevant. The only thing people wanted was free money. I'd be willing to bet that if you asked any 20 Americans what was actually in this bill besides their $1,400 bucks, plus more if you had kids, most of them couldn't tell you. How do you think a poll among Americans would go if you asked them if the federal government provide them with a brand new car every three years? How many do you think would approve of that?

My facts are what is in this Pork bill. Like I said, if you want to take them one at a time, try me, because I want you to. It's not what I "seem" to believe. It's not a belief at all, all of what I listed are in the bill that was passed.
What have the "commies" done here in America?

What is your point about anything that you seem to believe you have "facts" about?

And let's try those "facts" that you claim to have; Was President Biden's COVID relief bill supported by all Americans (polling approval) or not?

Irrelevant. The only thing people wanted was free money. I'd be willing to bet that if you asked any 20 Americans what was actually in this bill besides their $1,400 bucks, plus more if you had kids, most of them couldn't tell you. How do you think a poll among Americans would go if you asked them if the federal government provide them with a brand new car every three years? How many do you think would approve of that?

My facts are what is in this Pork bill. Like I said, if you want to take them one at a time, try me, because I want you to. It's not what I "seem" to believe. It's not a belief at all, all of what I listed are in the bill that was passed.
Sure, serve one up.

The bill provides money to state and local governments for the costs associated with the pandemic....tell me people hate that one and provide proof that convinces.

The bill provides money to small businesses for the costs of shutdown due to the virus. Provide your "facts" that most people disapprove of that.
Do conservatives have a better idea on how to pay off the $30 trillion national debt? ... that's $600 billion in interest every year ...

Employer expense to provide jobs is already tax-deductible ... these added taxes are only against the added profits ... maybe folks should go back and finish Middle School ... geez ... morons ...

I didn't pay one red cent in Federal Taxes last year ... zero, zilch, nadda ... how much did you pay and why do you think that's fair? ...
Spend less?
Do you really think the lib/dems are going to come close to paying off the debt? They're going to spend gobs of money on their progressive GND goals and raise the debt in Biden's 1st year by considerably more than Trump did in his 1st 3 years. Fiscal conservatives at this point would be happy just to restrain gov't spending to a 3% increase, year over year. Alas, that ain't going to happen, we don't have anywhere near enough fiscal conservatives in DC these days, but at least the GOP isn't spending money like a drunken sailor the way the democrats are.

Do you have a better plan? ... Trump increased the national debt by $9 trillion in his final year ... way to go ... great example ... $9 trillion in a single year ... moron ...
Still ... no conserative plan to pay off the national debt? ...
Probably because we have already gone past the tipping point. This ship is going down. It's just a matter of when, not if. The only thing that might save us is WWIII. But don't worry there's enough finger prints on the murder weapon that you can spend the rest of your life blaming whoever you want to blame. You can even switch sides and go back and forth.
Still ... no conserative plan to pay off the national debt? ...

There's no need to pay off the debt.

Most of the debt is held by Americans therefore most of the interest paid on the debt goes right back into the American economy.
I like it. Inflate our way out of debt, so to speak. Yeah, no, that's not going to happen. Read some Hayek.

What you seem to fail to grasp is that our debt as measured as a percentage of our GDP (which is a shaky guess at best and fraught with opportunities for abuse) is increasing. That is not sustainable. It's the opposite of paying off our debt. If we were not the world's reserve currency or if the rest of the industrialized world wasn't in as bad as fiscal shape as we are, we would have already started feeling the consequences of our fiscal irresponsibility.

I agree with you that they never intend to pay off the debt. I don't agree with you that that is good for our economy or a sound fiscal policy. It should be self evident that one cannot continue to spend beyond his means. But we sure are going to fucking try.
Social security doesn't get paid out of a separate account , it gets paid out of the general fund.

There never was a dime in a Social Security account set aside just for you.

It's nothing but a bookkeeping entry.

The government cannot owe money to itself. That's like you claiming your electric bill fund owes your car payment fund money and will pay interest to your electric bill fund

. That's why 23% of the debt isn't debt at all because it's the government saying it owes money to itself. It doesn't. And the fact that the government issues special bonds to itself that no one else can buy should clue you in on that.

Foolish moron ... SS is a trust fund managed by the government ... payroll taxes received are held "in trust" of promised payouts ...

See where it is explained how intergovernmental debt is a component of national debt? ... that means Federal general revenues must pay back the money borrowed from the SS Trust Fund ... with interest ...

You have no clue as to how pension funds work ... so, refusing to pay back the loans drawn off other government accounts doesn't work ... idiot ... Republicans want to gut SS and get rid of it altogether ... heartless bastards ...
I'd be happy getting a lump sum pension payment from them like I got from my employer when I retired. I didn't trust my employer to fund my annuity anymore than I trust the government to fund my annuity.
Social security doesn't get paid out of a separate account , it gets paid out of the general fund.

There never was a dime in a Social Security account set aside just for you.

It's nothing but a bookkeeping entry.

The government cannot owe money to itself. That's like you claiming your electric bill fund owes your car payment fund money and will pay interest to your electric bill fund

. That's why 23% of the debt isn't debt at all because it's the government saying it owes money to itself. It doesn't. And the fact that the government issues special bonds to itself that no one else can buy should clue you in on that.

Foolish moron ... SS is a trust fund managed by the government ... payroll taxes received are held "in trust" of promised payouts ...

See where it is explained how intergovernmental debt is a component of national debt? ... that means Federal general revenues must pay back the money borrowed from the SS Trust Fund ... with interest ...

You have no clue as to how pension funds work ... so, refusing to pay back the loans drawn off other government accounts doesn't work ... idiot ... Republicans want to gut SS and get rid of it altogether ... heartless bastards ...

Social Security isn't a pension fund. It never was.

And if you bothered to do the math you might see that if you had control of that money and the money that your employer matches that you would actually be able to retire with a fuck of a lot more money than Social Security will pay you.
ummmm... it kind of is. I just never had to pay into my company pension like I did SS, so it's not a very good pension.
Social Security isn't a pension fund. It never was.

And if you bothered to do the math you might see that if you had control of that money and the money that your employer matches that you would actually be able to retire with a fuck of a lot more money than Social Security will pay you.

SS was established for people too stupid to save for their own retirement ... once they were too old to work, they lived on in abject poverty, or with one of their children ... something conservatives seem to like ...

CBS News looked into the ROI about ten years ago ... "What's the Return on Your Social Security Taxes?" -- Feb 28th, 2011:

"How's it shake out? If you retired last year [2010] as an average wage-earning man, for example, you could expect a lifetime benefit worth $417,000 in today's dollars on $345,000 in taxes. If you were a woman with the same work history, you could expect to collect $464,000 on the same taxes."

So ... that's your solution to the debt ... strip the SS Trust Fund and take the 15.3% payroll taxes ... then quit paying benefits ... wise, very wise ...
No it was established to give the government more money to play with. And I'm not a conservative or a republican so let's see if you can have a conversation without your need to attach partisan labels on everything

And you don't quit paying benefits to the people who have already been duped by the government line.

do the math and see what a person who works for 40 years and calculate what his retirement account would be worth using the average stock market return in that 40 year period.

I'll simplify it for brevity. Assume an average 50K a year salary. Social Security on that is 258 a month with your employer match that's 516 a month

The average stock market return since 1971 is 10.8%. I'll use lower amounts.

in 40 years that will be worth

1283000 at 7%

1673286 at 8%

768615 at 5%

if we use the 10.8% actual average we get


And we can still make the deductions mandatory and simply give people an option where to put their money. That way the people not the government would own their own retirement accounts.

There's a reason the government doesn't want this. Can you figure out what that reason is?
Is it Satan?

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