Joe Biden Makes Case for Reelection: ‘Elect Me. I’m in the 20th Century’

I naturally lean, when forced, to pick the lessor of two evils, and that is what I will do. I watched the country all these years. I know what representative democracy (ours in particular) is based on. In the long run, it is better to keep it. Another 4 years of the Biden administration stands a better chance of keeping, as something we would recognize, along with our Trump attacked institutions of government. The 2025 plan the Trumpers are working on is not about preserving our constitution, rule of law, free elections. It is about taking over and establishing strong man leadership and control, not for the benefit of the country, but the benefit of Trump and his short-sighted followers. Trump has proven to admire and favor strong man top down control governments around the world. I see this as bad for the free world, so I also favor the Biden foreign policy. I'll Go With Joe.
I can't believe that a person of average intelligence buys that.
You are no better than him. Its disgusting.
I find it disgusting you could support that lying, grifting sonovabitch, as ruler of the our country. He stands for nothing, but himself, broke every oath or vow he ever took. I believe he is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and ultimately should be jailed as a common criminal, that being what he is. You care nothing about our country. He will be tried, convicted labeled, possibly even jailed, as he should be. You should support the laws of the land.
I can't believe that a person of average intelligence buys that.
I cannot believe a person of near average intelligence, would not be of the same opinion.
I find it disgusting you could support that lying, grifting sonovabitch, as ruler of the our country. He stands for nothing, but himself, broke every oath or vow he ever took. I believe he is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and ultimately should be jailed as a common criminal, that being what he is. You care nothing about our country. He will be tried, convicted labeled, possibly even jailed, as he should be. You should support the laws of the land.
Are you drunk?
I find it disgusting you could support that lying, grifting sonovabitch, as ruler of the our country. He stands for nothing, but himself, broke every oath or vow he ever took. I believe he is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and ultimately should be jailed as a common criminal, that being what he is. You care nothing about our country. He will be tried, convicted labeled, possibly even jailed, as he should be. You should support the laws of the land.
Please stop lying. You know I dont support him. I find him absolutely repulsive. He is a pos leftist.
YOU DO support proxy wars, perversion, lies, anger, division, horrible border policy, incest and pedophilia. Its fucked up dude.
Nope. I just do not agree with Trumps vision for America, and never have. You should not, either. It is very short-sighted.
But bidens is fine lolz. Thousands of illegals everyday. Proxy wars to make even more people hate us. Mentally ill people in positions of power.
But you are right about one thing. That isnt short sighted. This BS will have long lasting effects on this country.
Do you want to live in India? They have 6 national parties, 57 state parties, 2,597 unrecognized parties, and look at what a clusterfuck they are.
A half dozen or so viable parties at the national level would ensure a lot more compromise, as a coalition would have to formed to pass any legislation. What we have now is sheer one party at a time rule. Whichever party has the majority can pretty much ram through whatever they want, ensuring that large portions of the country will be unhappy with the results. When the other party takes power, they rush to ram through what they want, and the cycle repeats.

That's one reason why we cheer when gridlock descends on Washington.
A half dozen or so viable parties at the national level would ensure a lot more compromise, as a coalition would have to formed to pass any legislation. What we have now is sheer one party at a time rule. Whichever party has the majority can pretty much ram through whatever they want, ensuring that large portions of the country will be unhappy with the results. When the other party takes power, they rush to ram through what they want, and the cycle repeats.

That's one reason why we cheer when gridlock descends on Washington.

A third side is always going to with one side or the other, as there are only two possible choices to every vote, unless you consider abstaining from voting. I kinda like having my two choices laid out in front of me. It simplifies everything and prevents any confusion of the issues.
Please stop lying. You know I dont support him. I find him absolutely repulsive. He is a pos leftist.
YOU DO support proxy wars, perversion, lies, anger, division, horrible border policy, incest and pedophilia. Its fucked up dude.
No. I do support proxy wars, rather than American boots on the ground. I do not support Trump's perversion of the system. Trump is the consummate liar vying for political leadership this year. Trump sews anger and division every time he speaks or posts. Joe's border policy is indeed horrible, but will not change the US irrevocably. I do not support incest or pedophilia, and it will not be followed in my family. I do not believe the trumpian hype propaganda that says Joe ever has.

I am gladdened to know, you will not support Trump. It is obvious you do not support Joe. What is your plan? If those are the two choices that could possibly win in November, who will you vote for, a 3rd party candidate, or will you simply sit on the sidelines, preserving your right to uselessly bitch about whoever wins?

I am independent of the two parties. I will vote for Joe and undoubtedly criticize policies of his in the next 4 years, as I have consistently criticized his border policy from the beginning of this administration, but I will not abandon support for the rule of law, the Constitution of the United States, our responsibility to support free countries and their right to stand against attack and takeover by strongman foreign governments or terrorist organization, bent on their destruction. I do not support state or federal government, carving out a right to rule over individual choices of women in a one law fits all, grab for state control over individual choices.
I do not believe the trumpian hype propaganda that says Joe ever has.
:lol: Dude, a woman just got sentenced over the diary. It isnt a conspiracy. He did it. His daughter blames HIM for her sex addiction. There are countless videos of him sniffing and touching children in inappropriate ways. You cant honestly deny that or blame MAGA. Thats silly.
You say you dont support this or that, but you vote for it. So you support it.
I do support proxy wars
So paying peoples pensions and subsidizing small business in other countries is fine for you? The ukraine war alone has cost every household in america 2k. TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS. For death. We are paying for death. We are paying for war. Your excuse is, "better than our boots on the ground" why would they have to be on the ground? Why do people always think we must fight and/or pay for other peoples BS?
Blows my fucking mind.
This species will NEVER grow up.
:lol: Dude, a woman just got sentenced over the diary. It isnt a conspiracy. He did it. His daughter blames HIM for her sex addiction. There are countless videos of him sniffing and touching children in inappropriate ways. You cant honestly deny that or blame MAGA. Thats silly.
You say you dont support this or that, but you vote for it. So you support it.

So paying peoples pensions and subsidizing small business in other countries is fine for you? The ukraine war alone has cost every household in america 2k. TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS. For death. We are paying for death. We are paying for war. Your excuse is, "better than our boots on the ground" why would they have to be on the ground? Why do people always think we must fight and/or pay for other peoples BS?
Blows my fucking mind.
This species will NEVER grow up.
It will not grow up in our lifetime, but at present, the only other path is appeasement and giving Russia and Hamas what they want. History says they will always (in our lifetime) want more and got to war to take it. I support other country's ability to choose to resist, as being far more cost effective and saving of American lives than sending our troops. You can tell me the war in Ukraine cost me 2K, but I have not been asked to pay it. Let me know when you get your bill in the mail.
Pathological LIAR Joe Biden says...

Joe Biden, "My grandfather played college football"
Joe Biden, "I was the first in my family to go to college"
Boy, those sure tear me up. :auiqs.jpg:
It will not grow up in our lifetime, but at present, the only other path is appeasement and giving Russia and Hamas what they want. History says they will always (in our lifetime) want more and got to war to take it. I support other country's ability to choose to resist, as being far more cost effective and saving of American lives than sending our troops.
The 1960s called, they want their foreign policy back.
You can tell me the war in Ukraine cost me 2K, but I have not been asked to pay it. Let me know when you get your bill in the mail.
Your rank ignorance of how high finance, fiat currencies, and inflation work is truly astonishing.

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