Joe Biden Owes America an 'Explanation,' MSNBC Host Says


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I don't think we need an explanation. What we saw was NOT a 'bad night' as many seem to suggest. A mentally healthy person does not take an entire week off to prepare for a debate, then turn around an exhibit signs of dementia as they free-fall on their face.
Joe Biden was dealing with the one thing none of us can beat. Old age, and that only goes in one direction. This country cannot go another four years with a leader who will only get progressively worse.

President Joe Biden needs to give Americans an "explanation" following his debate performance last week, MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski said on Monday.

Brzezinski delivered an opening to MSNBC's Morning Joe and spoke about the president's performance against former President Donald Trump during CNN's debate on Thursday night, which many considered a disaster and a loss for Biden.

Yes, after their initial cries for a replacement for Biden, they were smacked down by the real boss, Barack Obama. They would love for him to tape a two minute “explanation“ carefully edited and spliced to make him look more normal.

If His producers will take the hint and create that for them, they will run with it and air it over and over and say “OK now this is the real Biden. “
The demafacist owe the public an explanation of why they hate America, and why they put a senile old man as their puppet
I don't think we need an explanation. What we saw was NOT a 'bad night' as many seem to suggest. A mentally healthy person does not take an entire week off to prepare for a debate, then turn around an exhibit signs of dementia as they free-fall on their face.
Joe Biden was dealing with the one thing none of us can beat. Old age, and that only goes in one direction. This country cannot go another four years with a leader who will only get progressively worse.

He means he owes the media an explanation.

Everyone else has watched this for years. It was a big fear I had if he won in 2020 as I knew some of Americas enemies were going to take advantage of it.

There are little secrets in government, especially with long, career politicians. Countries like Russia and China love them because they have a line 10 deep in their circle who they can tap on for intelligence on them. Whatever is occurring with Bidens health China and Russia knew long before he won the 2020 Primaries.

Also, whomever is pulling the strings behind closed doors, Russia and China are well aware. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama or his former circle have some pull since 0Putin calculated wrongly that the U.S wouldn't be so eager to get involved when he attacked Ukraine because this is what Obamas position was in 2014 or whenever that was.
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I don't think we need an explanation. What we saw was NOT a 'bad night' as many seem to suggest. A mentally healthy person does not take an entire week off to prepare for a debate, then turn around an exhibit signs of dementia as they free-fall on their face.
Joe Biden was dealing with the one thing none of us can beat. Old age, and that only goes in one direction. This country cannot go another four years with a leader who will only get progressively worse.

Well, then somebody put one on a teleprompter while he can still at least read off one....just don't put "end of quote" after the apology.

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