Joe Biden press conference was nothing but leading softballs by the press. Will they ever ask real questions?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
That was an absolute joke of a press conference. EVERY FUCKING QUESTION WAS JUST ORANGE MAN BAD! :auiqs.jpg:

Not one state has CERTIFIED their election and there IS EVIDENCE massive WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD.

The media is gaslighting because they didnt say shit about stacy abrams not conceding.

Here is a list of questions that the press should ask Biden, but they wont because they are Democrat Propoganda.

Are you getting any money from Russia, China, or Ukraine funnelled through Hunter and Rosemont Seneca?

Seeing that you delivered the eulogy at the funeral of an Exaulted Cyclops of the KKK, and called him a mentor, friend, and guide...will you denounce White Supremacy?

Will you raise taxes on the middle class?

Will you give your rich friends a tax cut by restoring SALT deductions?

Are you going to launch a regime change war in Syria against Assad?

Was there any voter fraud in the 2020 election?

Did you coordinate with anyone to manipulate the election results through Dominion Voter Systems?

Did you manually penetrate Tara Reade against her will?

Will you pack the Supreme Court?

Will you ban fracking?

Will you tear down the wall?

Will you denounce ANTIFA AND BLACK LIVES MATTER and their violence and destruction of black owned businesses?

Will you denounce defunding police?

Will you ban guns that look scary?

Are you going to confiscate guns that look scary?

Are you fit enough mentally amd physically to complete a full term in office?

Should the celebrations of your supposed victory in the election be considered SUPER SPREADER events?

THOSE ARE QUESTIONS THE PRESS SHOULD ASK BIDEN. Not the bullshit they are asking him now.
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That was an absolute joke of a press conference. EVERY FUCKING QUESTION WAS JUST ORANGE MAN BAD! :auiqs.jpg:

Not one state has vertified and there IS EVIDENCE massive WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD.

The media is gaslighting because they didnt say shit about stacy abrams not conceding.

Here is a list of questions that the press should ask Biden, but they wont because they are Democrat Propoganda.

Are you getting any money from Russia, China, or Ukraine funnelled through Hunter and Rosemont Seneca?

Seeing that you delivered the eulogy at the funeral of an Exaulted Cyclops of the KKK, and called him a mentor, friend, and guide...will you denounce White Supremacy?

Will you raise taxes on the middle class?

Will you give your rich friends a tax cut by restoring SALT deductions?

Are you going to launch a regime change war in Syria against Assad?

Was there any voter fraud in the 2020 election?

Did you coordinate with anyone to manipulate the election results through Dominion Voter Systems?

Did you manually penetrate Tara Reade against her will?

Will you pack the Supreme Court?

Will you ban fracking?

Will you tear down the wall?

Will you denounce ANTIFA AND BLACK LIVES MATTER and their violence and destruction of black owned businesses?

Will you denounce defunding police?

Will you ban guns that look scary?

Are you going to confiscate guns that look scary?

Are you fit enough mentally amd physically to complete a full term in office?

Should the celebrations of your supposed victory in the election be considered SUPER SPREADER events?

THOSE ARE QUESTIONS THE PRESS SHOULD ASK BIDEN. Not the bullshit they are asking him now.

Ah yes.the type of questions Newsmax or OANN would ask Biden to answer but would have never have asked Trump it

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