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Joe Biden says he would take Michelle Obama to be his running mate for the 2020 presidential election.

Neither of the vermin currently in the White House had any qualifications. A failed business "man" who made his way entirely by taking the "daddy" route

Sounds like jealousy to me. I wish I was such a failed businessman, flying around on my private jet, being with the most beautiful women in the world, being a household name for many years. Like I said, pure jealousy.

Jealousy??? Try again. I can't help it if he has been a filthy little scumbag who could never be "moral" enough to keep his pants zipped all of his life and relied on daddy to set him up. You crazy right-wingnuts always try to deflect from your god's incompetency by making up fake assertions of mental illness against people who recognize what filth he is.

Yep, those words are certain signs of jealousy. Don't feel bad. It's very common of a leftist. Outside of entertainers, jocks, and perhaps politicians, you hate people with money; people who worked their entire lives to become a success. It's not so much the money, but the very idea they accomplished things you and I could never accomplish in our lives, and it's killing you.

The irony of calling President Trump filth when you supported Hillary Clinton.
Trump is filth. Clinton was never indicted while investigated for damn near everything but breathing.
Neither of the vermin currently in the White House had any qualifications. A failed business "man" who made his way entirely by taking the "daddy" route

Sounds like jealousy to me. I wish I was such a failed businessman, flying around on my private jet, being with the most beautiful women in the world, being a household name for many years. Like I said, pure jealousy.
You wish you had daddy die and leave you a multi billion dollar business. Because that's what trump is. Nothing but a spoiled brat inheritance child who blew the family money with 6 bankruptcies. He was such a sucessful businessman that he lost over 10 billion dollars in a decade. Lys spoke truth top you. You worship a failure because you are mediocre and don't really know what success is.
Obama has hid bothihng, his records are out there. He did not claim to be kenyan to game the system. Many others have made attendance at Harvard, Yale, etc., the ticket to evereything they accomplished in life. So when trump produces his records froim the Whartobn School, let me know.

People who get into places like Harvard and Yale not only usually come from wealthy families, but had parents that also went to the same schools. Given that Hussein didn't come from such a family, the question is how he was able to afford such a school.
BRAINS Trump was lucky his daddy had the dough to buy him in and out of Penn

Brains don't pay the bills I'm afraid. Government can in certain circumstances, but not brains.
Scholarships do pay the bills either full or part

Okay, so what did he get a scholarship for, being a great linebacker?
Shut up and show us how trump got into the University of Pennsylvania. Because this is pure racism.
Thomas Sowell went to Harvard. Was he qualified?

Clarence Thomas went to Yale. Was he qualified?

Or does the white male crying about affirmative action helping blacks only apply to democratic blacks.
I've had several liberal women tell me they are less than thrilled at Joe Biden stating his VP will be a woman so early. They said they think qualifications should be taken into full consideration, not someone's gender. Basically, they don't want to be embarrassed by the first female VP because Joe never considered if she was qualified. He just wanted to make a splash with gender.

I don't know what would qualifier being a VP. A VP is supposed to be the next President in the event something bad happened to the elected President where he could no longer serve. Hanging out in the White House for eight years doesn't make one qualified to take over as the leader of our country.

What did she accomplish as first lady? The only thing I can think of is the school lunch program, which was an utter failure. If she isn't bright enough to figure out you can't force kids to eat food that disgusts them, she certainly isn't bright enough to figure out anything else.

Nope....she also set the all time record for public camel toe!

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And IM2 likes to call Melannia a call girl......oops I'll bet he's got a hard on now though eh?
If he can still get them that is.

Melania was pretty much an eastern European call girl. Your concern for my dick is noted, but I like women.
So all models are call girls? You're almost as pathetic as the other idiot!
No, but most Eastern European "models" are.

Oh, it's an Eastern European thing? All the women there are actually sluts? Keep digging the hole deeper!
Since I didn't say all and there is a huge sex slave business in Eastern Europe, perhaps you might want to shut up.
Oh, they're all sex slaves now? Keep digging, you blow hard!

That isn't what he said. Can't you read? There is, in fact, a large human trafficking problem with former Soviet Block countries. It's not secret. A lot of girls get promised "modeling" careers and end up trafficked.
And you think that's what happened with Melania? Give it a rest, Coyote...IM2 is an idiot! Trying to defend his posts is like trying to spray Fabreeze on a barnyard full of cow pies!
No, I do not think that is what happened to Melania, but it is a real and serious problem and he is 100% right on that.
Conflating the two is farce! He called the First Lady on the United States a prostitute and then excused that smear by claiming that most models from Eastern Europe ARE prostitutes! Then you come riding in to back him? You need to check yourself on this one, Coyote!

A lot of them are - it's a fact of East European human trafficking. No evidence Melania was a prostitute...but since when as truth ever mattered when smearing First Ladies ? (hint: Michelle Obama).
I've been hearing the same bullshit about Melania Trump being a prostitute or a porn actress for years now! When was Michelle Obama EVER treated that shabbily?

Can you even IMAGINE the uproar if someone wrote an article claiming that Michelle Obama was a prostitute?
Oh, for fuck's sake, ya lying con tool.

Folks on the right called Obama a gay Kenyan whose wife a tranny. They claimed neither were the parents of Sasha and Malia

Well, one with integrity must admit that hard evidence opposing such speculations is quite thin. :auiqs.jpg:

In fact, we know no more today about Obama than we did in 2008.

You rightards claim such evidence is fake.


Not at all, but the shortage of such evidence, and of the wider story of Obama is suspicious and notable.

"Not at all???"

I can show you 2 forms of ID Obama made public the right lambasted as fake.

Not determinative. Any talented 10-year-old with a decent printer can make any ID on their computer.

The point is most people have a pile of documents that follow them all their lives. Where are Obama's? There seems but a scant few available, and few long term friends to interview.
Great, make a birth certificate with the raised seal of Hawaii and the stamp of authenticity by the current state Registrar of Hawaii and then post it on this forum.

Should a piece of cake for someone like you. That is, if you possess the abilities of at least a 10 year old.

G'head... I'll wait...
Again with this birth certificate bullshit? I'm positive that Barry was born in Hawaii. It's also rather obvious that he lied about that when he was in college so he could work the system. It's why his college records are guarded like the nuclear launch codes!

Poke a conservative, up pops a liar.

You said you know about "ANY" of what I said when I pointed out there are nuts who called Obama a gay Kenyan whose wife a tranny. Now here you are admitting you actually do know about at least some of that. Probably all of that.

On top of that, you prove to be an imbecile who thinks Obama lied about being born in Hawaii. :cuckoo:

Imbecile, if he lied about being born in Hawaii -- how did the NY Times know he was born in Hawaii...?

Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.
Of course he was born in Hawaii. I've never claimed he wasn't. My point was that the only reason I've ever been able to come up with for why the Obama Camp locked down his college records like they did was because they didn't want anyone to know that he posed as a Kenyan born student to work the system back then!
See if you can follow the bouncing ball, con...

I didn't say you claimed he wasn't. You said he lied about being born in Hawaii to "work the system." Who knows what you mean by "work the system," though I have no doubt, whatever you mean will make me laugh.

And if not allowing their release means it's to hide the lie he told about being born in Kenya (even though it was public knowledge he was born in Hawaii), then what's it mean that Impeached Trump won't allow the release of his? What did it mean when Bush wouldn't allow the release of his and what did it mean for Clinton before him?
Trump, Bush & either of the Clinton's lives aren't based upon what they did in college. Barry's was. We were supposed to vote for him because he was the "smartest man in the room" and we were told that was the case BECAUSE of what he accomplished at Harvard Law School.

That's funny. I'm surprised how you don't know Impeached Trump tried selling his education at Wharton a reason to vote for him. And he'll tell you himself he's the smartest man in the room. He doesn't need others to tell you for him.

Regardless, Harvard Law School was as important to Obama as Wharton was to Impeached Trump, as important to Bush as Yale and as important to Clinton as Oxford.

So why would he tell the schools he was born in Kenya? And had he actually done that, he would have had to maintain that lie to others and for years. Yet to this day, not one single person has ever stepped forward with any such information. Yet he was never charged with fraud after it became public information that he was born in Hawaii.

The more you speak of this, the more your conspiracy unravels. Which is why I want more details... how did Obama "work the system"...

You think Obama got into Harvard Law School with the grades he got as an undergrad? Sorry to point out the obvious here, Faun but that's laughable.
Oh? What were his grades at Columbia?

His grades at Harvard Law School were good enough to graduate magna cum laud, so what makes you think his grades at Columbia were bad?
We know that he didn't graduate with honors. So how does someone with awful grades at Occidental get into Columbia and with mediocre grades at Columbia get into Harvard Law School? Explain to me how that happened, Faun?
I didn't ask if he graduated with honors or not, I asked what were his grades? You didn't answer that. Honors at Columbia require at least a 3.50 GPA, so he could have had as high as 3.49, which is still sufficient to earn acceptance into Harvard Law School.
You think you're getting into Harvard Law with a 3.49 GPA? Try 3.8! That's what is recommended as a minimum. So if he didn't have honors at Columbia and his grades at Occidental were worse than that...how could he have even had a 3.49 average? Duh?
While higher GPA's undoubtedly help, Harvard Law School has no such minimal requirements...

So what were his grades? You still haven't said?
The only people that know exactly what his grades are have seen his transcripts from Occidental and Columbia. What I know is that there's no way possible for him to have grades that are even in the ballpark for admittance into Harvard Law School UNLESS he's given preference for some other reason! It's why I'd LOVE to see a copy of his diversity statement and am convinced that will NEVER be released!
"What I know is that there's no way possible for him to have grades that are even in the ballpark for admittance into Harvard Law School..."

No, you don't know that. You even already admitted you don't know that.

That aside, I already showed that GPA is not the only thing Harvard looks at. They also factor in community service, which Obama had performed.

You're also ignoring the weight of being a legacy.

All so you can maintain this fantasy of yours that you failed to prove of Obama claiming to be born in Kenya. Especially given the fact that the news at the time was reporting he was born in Hawaii.

When did I EVER claim that Barry was born in Kenya? My point all along was that he was born in Hawaii but jobbed the American college system by claiming to be a foreign student. I can't come up with any other reason why Columbia would have allowed him to transfer from Occidental College where he'd been a lack luster student...or why Harvard Law School would give him a place when he didn't distinguish himself at Columbia! The reason that there was all the confusion about where Obama was born isn't because OTHERS were claiming things about him...it's because HE was claiming things that weren't true.
Obama has hid bothihng, his records are out there. He did not claim to be kenyan to game the system. Many others have made attendance at Harvard, Yale, etc., the ticket to evereything they accomplished in life. So when trump produces his records froim the Whartobn School, let me know.

People who get into places like Harvard and Yale not only usually come from wealthy families, but had parents that also went to the same schools. Given that Hussein didn't come from such a family, the question is how he was able to afford such a school.
BRAINS Trump was lucky his daddy had the dough to buy him in and out of Penn

Brains don't pay the bills I'm afraid. Government can in certain circumstances, but not brains.
Scholarships do pay the bills either full or part

Okay, so what did he get a scholarship for, being a great linebacker?
Shut up and show us how trump got into the University of Pennsylvania. Because this is pure racism.

University of PA? You compare the University of PA to Harvard and Yale?
Neither of the vermin currently in the White House had any qualifications. A failed business "man" who made his way entirely by taking the "daddy" route

Sounds like jealousy to me. I wish I was such a failed businessman, flying around on my private jet, being with the most beautiful women in the world, being a household name for many years. Like I said, pure jealousy.
You wish you had daddy die and leave you a multi billion dollar business. Because that's what trump is. Nothing but a spoiled brat inheritance child who blew the family money with 6 bankruptcies. He was such a sucessful businessman that he lost over 10 billion dollars in a decade. Lys spoke truth top you. You worship a failure because you are mediocre and don't really know what success is.

Trump never had a personal bankruptcy in his life. His bankruptcies were all business which are two separate things. So how would he blow the "family money" when the family money wasn't involved?

As to the business end, you TDS people are saying the only way Trump made billions is because his father left him millions. Well if Trump lost those millions, came back to become a multi-billionaire, then Trump actually did that starting from the bottom. That's pretty impressive and thanks for acknowledging it.
Neither of the vermin currently in the White House had any qualifications. A failed business "man" who made his way entirely by taking the "daddy" route

Sounds like jealousy to me. I wish I was such a failed businessman, flying around on my private jet, being with the most beautiful women in the world, being a household name for many years. Like I said, pure jealousy.

Jealousy??? Try again. I can't help it if he has been a filthy little scumbag who could never be "moral" enough to keep his pants zipped all of his life and relied on daddy to set him up. You crazy right-wingnuts always try to deflect from your god's incompetency by making up fake assertions of mental illness against people who recognize what filth he is.

Yep, those words are certain signs of jealousy. Don't feel bad. It's very common of a leftist. Outside of entertainers, jocks, and perhaps politicians, you hate people with money; people who worked their entire lives to become a success. It's not so much the money, but the very idea they accomplished things you and I could never accomplish in our lives, and it's killing you.

The irony of calling President Trump filth when you supported Hillary Clinton.
Trump is filth. Clinton was never indicted while investigated for damn near everything but breathing.

So was Trump. He was spied on by the commies in the last administration. He was then investigated for two years. No indictment.
Obama has hid bothihng, his records are out there. He did not claim to be kenyan to game the system. Many others have made attendance at Harvard, Yale, etc., the ticket to evereything they accomplished in life. So when trump produces his records froim the Whartobn School, let me know.

People who get into places like Harvard and Yale not only usually come from wealthy families, but had parents that also went to the same schools. Given that Hussein didn't come from such a family, the question is how he was able to afford such a school.
BRAINS Trump was lucky his daddy had the dough to buy him in and out of Penn

Brains don't pay the bills I'm afraid. Government can in certain circumstances, but not brains.
Scholarships do pay the bills either full or part

Okay, so what did he get a scholarship for, being a great linebacker?
Shut up and show us how trump got into the University of Pennsylvania. Because this is pure racism.

University of PA? You compare the University of PA to Harvard and Yale?
Penn is in the Ivy League.
Neither of the vermin currently in the White House had any qualifications. A failed business "man" who made his way entirely by taking the "daddy" route

Sounds like jealousy to me. I wish I was such a failed businessman, flying around on my private jet, being with the most beautiful women in the world, being a household name for many years. Like I said, pure jealousy.

Jealousy??? Try again. I can't help it if he has been a filthy little scumbag who could never be "moral" enough to keep his pants zipped all of his life and relied on daddy to set him up. You crazy right-wingnuts always try to deflect from your god's incompetency by making up fake assertions of mental illness against people who recognize what filth he is.

Yep, those words are certain signs of jealousy. Don't feel bad. It's very common of a leftist. Outside of entertainers, jocks, and perhaps politicians, you hate people with money; people who worked their entire lives to become a success. It's not so much the money, but the very idea they accomplished things you and I could never accomplish in our lives, and it's killing you.

The irony of calling President Trump filth when you supported Hillary Clinton.

Is that why you hate the Obamas so much you have to make up crap?

What did I make up? Hussein cost me more misery and money than all other US Presidents combined. I have every right to hate him, and not because of jealousy either.

apple: orange.jpeg
Thomas Sowell went to Harvard. Was he qualified?

Clarence Thomas went to Yale. Was he qualified?

Or does the white male crying about affirmative action helping blacks only apply to democratic blacks.
Thomas Sowell was admitted to Harvard on the strength of his grades at Howard University and his high scores on the college boards. He graduated from Harvard with honors. HIS undergraduate experience was totally different from Obama's.
Clarence Thomas was an honors student in High School and an honors student at Holy Cross.

Both men were "qualified". Both men came away from their college experiences disenchanted with how Affirmative Action made people look at their degrees with disdain because they were assumed to have been earned without doing the work!
Obama has hid bothihng, his records are out there. He did not claim to be kenyan to game the system. Many others have made attendance at Harvard, Yale, etc., the ticket to evereything they accomplished in life. So when trump produces his records froim the Whartobn School, let me know.

People who get into places like Harvard and Yale not only usually come from wealthy families, but had parents that also went to the same schools. Given that Hussein didn't come from such a family, the question is how he was able to afford such a school.
BRAINS Trump was lucky his daddy had the dough to buy him in and out of Penn

Brains don't pay the bills I'm afraid. Government can in certain circumstances, but not brains.
Scholarships do pay the bills either full or part

Okay, so what did he get a scholarship for, being a great linebacker?
Shut up and show us how trump got into the University of Pennsylvania. Because this is pure racism.

University of PA? You compare the University of PA to Harvard and Yale?
Penn is in the Ivy League.

It may be, but it's not comparable to the top 2.
Neither of the vermin currently in the White House had any qualifications. A failed business "man" who made his way entirely by taking the "daddy" route

Sounds like jealousy to me. I wish I was such a failed businessman, flying around on my private jet, being with the most beautiful women in the world, being a household name for many years. Like I said, pure jealousy.

Jealousy??? Try again. I can't help it if he has been a filthy little scumbag who could never be "moral" enough to keep his pants zipped all of his life and relied on daddy to set him up. You crazy right-wingnuts always try to deflect from your god's incompetency by making up fake assertions of mental illness against people who recognize what filth he is.

Yep, those words are certain signs of jealousy. Don't feel bad. It's very common of a leftist. Outside of entertainers, jocks, and perhaps politicians, you hate people with money; people who worked their entire lives to become a success. It's not so much the money, but the very idea they accomplished things you and I could never accomplish in our lives, and it's killing you.

The irony of calling President Trump filth when you supported Hillary Clinton.
Trump is filth. Clinton was never indicted while investigated for damn near everything but breathing.

So was Trump. He was spied on by the commies in the last administration. He was then investigated for two years. No indictment.
Trump was not spied on and he was impeached. Impeachment is congressional indictment. He could not be indicted for his obstruction of justice in the Mueller investigation because the DOJ CANNOT INDICT A SITTING PRESIDENT. Furthermore before he was inaugurated he was forced to pay a 25 million dollar settlement for defrauding Americans out of money.
Neither of the vermin currently in the White House had any qualifications. A failed business "man" who made his way entirely by taking the "daddy" route

Sounds like jealousy to me. I wish I was such a failed businessman, flying around on my private jet, being with the most beautiful women in the world, being a household name for many years. Like I said, pure jealousy.

Jealousy??? Try again. I can't help it if he has been a filthy little scumbag who could never be "moral" enough to keep his pants zipped all of his life and relied on daddy to set him up. You crazy right-wingnuts always try to deflect from your god's incompetency by making up fake assertions of mental illness against people who recognize what filth he is.

Yep, those words are certain signs of jealousy. Don't feel bad. It's very common of a leftist. Outside of entertainers, jocks, and perhaps politicians, you hate people with money; people who worked their entire lives to become a success. It's not so much the money, but the very idea they accomplished things you and I could never accomplish in our lives, and it's killing you.

The irony of calling President Trump filth when you supported Hillary Clinton.
Trump is filth. Clinton was never indicted while investigated for damn near everything but breathing.
Trump is filth.

Nah, that would be you.
Neither of the vermin currently in the White House had any qualifications. A failed business "man" who made his way entirely by taking the "daddy" route

Sounds like jealousy to me. I wish I was such a failed businessman, flying around on my private jet, being with the most beautiful women in the world, being a household name for many years. Like I said, pure jealousy.
You wish you had daddy die and leave you a multi billion dollar business. Because that's what trump is. Nothing but a spoiled brat inheritance child who blew the family money with 6 bankruptcies. He was such a sucessful businessman that he lost over 10 billion dollars in a decade. Lys spoke truth top you. You worship a failure because you are mediocre and don't really know what success is.
If he went bankrupt and was broke, and is now a billionaire, wouldn't that make his success all his and not the result of an inheritance?

Oops! You didn't think that one thru, did ya Window Licker. :abgg2q.jpg:
Neither of the vermin currently in the White House had any qualifications. A failed business "man" who made his way entirely by taking the "daddy" route

Sounds like jealousy to me. I wish I was such a failed businessman, flying around on my private jet, being with the most beautiful women in the world, being a household name for many years. Like I said, pure jealousy.

Jealousy??? Try again. I can't help it if he has been a filthy little scumbag who could never be "moral" enough to keep his pants zipped all of his life and relied on daddy to set him up. You crazy right-wingnuts always try to deflect from your god's incompetency by making up fake assertions of mental illness against people who recognize what filth he is.

Yep, those words are certain signs of jealousy. Don't feel bad. It's very common of a leftist. Outside of entertainers, jocks, and perhaps politicians, you hate people with money; people who worked their entire lives to become a success. It's not so much the money, but the very idea they accomplished things you and I could never accomplish in our lives, and it's killing you.

The irony of calling President Trump filth when you supported Hillary Clinton.
Trump is filth. Clinton was never indicted while investigated for damn near everything but breathing.

So was Trump. He was spied on by the commies in the last administration. He was then investigated for two years. No indictment.
Trump was not spied on and he was impeached. Impeachment is congressional indictment. He could not be indicted for his obstruction of justice in the Mueller investigation because the DOJ CANNOT INDICT A SITTING PRESIDENT. Furthermore before he was inaugurated he was forced to pay a 25 million dollar settlement for defrauding Americans out of money.
One problem lm2 is these republicans here aren't all stupid They know that trump is a POS but he's their POS and they need to support him no matter what
  • Thanks
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Obama has hid bothihng, his records are out there. He did not claim to be kenyan to game the system. Many others have made attendance at Harvard, Yale, etc., the ticket to evereything they accomplished in life. So when trump produces his records froim the Whartobn School, let me know.

People who get into places like Harvard and Yale not only usually come from wealthy families, but had parents that also went to the same schools. Given that Hussein didn't come from such a family, the question is how he was able to afford such a school.
BRAINS Trump was lucky his daddy had the dough to buy him in and out of Penn

Brains don't pay the bills I'm afraid. Government can in certain circumstances, but not brains.
Scholarships do pay the bills either full or part

Okay, so what did he get a scholarship for, being a great linebacker?
Shut up and show us how trump got into the University of Pennsylvania. Because this is pure racism.
What is racist about his post? Be specific.
Thomas Sowell went to Harvard. Was he qualified?

Clarence Thomas went to Yale. Was he qualified?

Or does the white male crying about affirmative action helping blacks only apply to democratic blacks.
Yes, and yes.

Why do you think they are not qualified?
Thomas Sowell went to Harvard. Was he qualified?

Clarence Thomas went to Yale. Was he qualified?

Or does the white male crying about affirmative action helping blacks only apply to democratic blacks.
Thomas Sowell was admitted to Harvard on the strength of his grades at Howard University and his high scores on the college boards. He graduated from Harvard with honors. HIS undergraduate experience was totally different from Obama's.
Clarence Thomas was an honors student in High School and an honors student at Holy Cross.

Both men were "qualified". Both men came away from their college experiences disenchanted with how Affirmative Action made people look at their degrees with disdain because they were assumed to have been earned without doing the work!
LOL! Of course these sellouts just had to be qualified. Whites had been getting affirmative action for almost 200 years by the time both those idiots got their degrees and whites weren't looking at their degrees funny no matter how much government made it so only whites could go to those colleges.

Obama was admitted into Harvard because his grades said he was able. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law meaning he was in the top 15 percent of all graduates that year. So your racist assumptions can be stuck up your ass.
Thomas Sowell went to Harvard. Was he qualified?

Clarence Thomas went to Yale. Was he qualified?

Or does the white male crying about affirmative action helping blacks only apply to democratic blacks.
Thomas Sowell was admitted to Harvard on the strength of his grades at Howard University and his high scores on the college boards. He graduated from Harvard with honors. HIS undergraduate experience was totally different from Obama's.
Clarence Thomas was an honors student in High School and an honors student at Holy Cross.

Both men were "qualified". Both men came away from their college experiences disenchanted with how Affirmative Action made people look at their degrees with disdain because they were assumed to have been earned without doing the work!
LOL! Of course these sellouts just had to be qualified. Whites had been getting affirmative action for almost 200 years by the time both those idiots got their degrees and whites weren't looking at their degrees funny no matter how much government made it so only whites could go to those colleges.

Obama was admitted into Harvard because his grades said he was able. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law meaning he was in the top 15 percent of all graduates that year. So your racist assumptions can be stuck up your ass.
Of course these sellouts just had to be qualified.

Sellouts? Why do you slander them like that? Why do you believe ALL BLACKS must think the same way? How very racist of you, racist.

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