Joe Biden Says The Only People Getting Hurt By Coronavirus Are Democrats

Typical Democrat mindset. He's been parroting the party propaganda his entire life....anyone that works is a Democrat and every business owner is a Republican.
Mr. Biden is projecting much. What he means is working people--namely Republicans, who watch over this nation with jobs of all kinds and pay high taxes as anyone, actually have babies to give America a future, and the whole nine yards.
Typical Democrat mindset. He's been parroting the party propaganda his entire life....anyone that works is a Democrat and every business owner is a Republican.

Well here's how it is in a small business, BS Filter. It takes people 5 years to discover your wonderful shop. In the meantime, to fill your hours, since you can't afford help, you are chief cook, bottle washer and bathroom valet. By that I mean, you get scrubbing bubbles everywhere until you train yourself not to think about taboo smells. When you hire sales clerks, 5 years later, you become his or her guru for your business specialties which will run some people off when they realize they can't stand doing what has to be done. If they're good at it, you have to be their psychologist because you become aware over time that some clients/customers are enthusiastic users of the products you sell, and they were just waiting for someone to come along and stock them, plus, some of them are international celebrities in your field since they've been at it, written books about it, and created works of arts from products like the ones you sell. You have to teach your newbie clerk who knows nothing that some people know more than even the owner, and not to feel bad when they don't listen to your advice, since they had a plan for this project a year ago but had to finish up others until they could jump into the fun of doing what they'd been longing to do for a year, and they don't want no sass from someone who hasn't learned to measure goods yet who made one object d'art after thorough training on the job.

And you don't make a damn dime for 12 years until your clientelle and your management of newbies has effectively put your business on the map. Then suddenly, your business that seems normal as ever can't pay its bills. Two years later you find out your best friend and employee has been stealing all the cash that comes through the door, and your accountant and lawyer tell you how not to get sued by the criminal you just fired when you caught him or her red-handed thieving the paper off the wall in addition to $40,000 of your inventory that was leaked out over the two years he or she "worked" for herself/himself I mean for you. And the kicker is while you slaved cleaning the potties, and worried if your lack of income from customers was gonna send you to the poorhouse, he or she was getting a nice fat little paycheck while you had to cook beans and rice, so you could pay the electricity bill as they were lunching at Sylvester's fine cuisineart studio, lobster dark leafy salad with roquefort and pecans, baked potatoes florentine, and steak and dressing like a movie star complete with matching jewelry which they probably snatched up at the neighboring jewelers who was busy with other customers when the crime was going down.

The BS Filter part is people thought you were getting rich when you were getting an ulcer because the business quit furnishing enough income for the bills, and you were worried which customer was taking you for a ride, when actually, it was someone who too thought you were a millionnaire as she or he was close to putting you in the poor house. Now do you understand business? My "best friend 5-finger discounter" was best friends with the local Democrat precinct chairman, who had the decency to come in a month later and make a purchase to help me get my business back on its feet all by myself. I never mentioned the incident to anyone. In the state I lived in it was against the law to say anything about past employees including date started and date left. And I stuck to my lawyer's and accountant's advice in order to rid myself of the horrors I was put through for 2 quite lean years that were supposed to be the first two years I made a profit according to my husband's string chart predictor that showed gradual improvements at the end of each year due to my 80-hour weeks at the shop.
Typical Democrat mindset. He's been parroting the party propaganda his entire life....anyone that works is a Democrat and every business owner is a Republican.
Or, anybody who works is a slave and every employer is a Republican! Ha! We ALL know who MOSTLY owned the slaves, DON'T WE?!?!?!?!?!?!?
God is doing some Spring cleaning.

He may have stumbled on the truth.

The worse 7 states with the virus and deaths are democratic controlled.

Those 7 states account for 70% of all cases and 68% of all deaths.

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