Joe Biden: There is no Federal solution to Covid.

Biden was agreeing that there was no "one size fits all Federal solution"

You quoted that in your OP and then ignored it
Who wants to predict Sleepy Joe's 500,000,000 free "test kits" is to jack up the number of cases so the Deep State can inflict more damage and undermine the freedoms and liberties even more?

Of course your right.

But millions of Biden devotees- both of the ultraliberal and nevertrump variety, think he's doing a tremendous job and will vote for his reelection.
How the hell can anyone seriously think he is doing a great job?

He's failed to keep his promises
He has failed at everything he has tried
He has surrendered
- Our Border security
- Our national security
- Our energy independence
He f*ed Our economy
He has openly violated the Constitution & law
He has openly disobeyed the courts
He has trampled Americans' civil rights
He has trampled Constitutional rights
He has made China & Russia stronger
He effectively destroyed the Coalition

The entire Biden family has been proven to have sold their soul & this nation to the CCP

Biden personally guaranteed He would rid the country of COVID-19.

He declared victory over it last June - July...

...and suddenly he is admitting he f*ing lied, that he never could do as much as Trump, let alone more....that he really didn't defeat anything this past summer...

....and after all of the fear-mongering and political theatrics of quarantine, mask, and vaccine mandates Biden admits he can't personally do shit....

The dementia-ravaged old fart is so brain dead and so incoherent that he echoed the anti-biden chant of 'Let's go Brandon' on historic cringe-worthy moment. (Putin and Xi must have fallen out of their chairs laughing.)

He is, hands down, unquestionably, undeniably the worst President in US history.

Wow! The Corrupt joe got called out for saying no thanks on Covid tests to be distributed for this winter we're in. Thanks to him, we are now on shortages of testing that will go nationwide soon. With another outbreak. People are waiting in hours and hours of waiting outside in the freezing cold this moment.
i don't know what the fuck Biden's problem is. if you're surrendering, step aside, let somebody else handle the situation.
Biden is having a tough time because he can't fix stupid. You should know because you peddle it every day.

It won't bd long before you anti science jekoffs are making excuses for Republican governors when this continues on & then you Clowns will be back to blaming Biden.

Fuck off & have a nice trip.

You mad? "one size fits all Federal response"

That's how NORMAL leaders talk
Trump said let the Governors handle it and you and your fellow leftists went batshit. Hypocrite.
What he did...was agree that "there is no one size fits all federal response" and you assholes lie about what was said
What he did...was agree that "there is no one size fits all federal response" and you assholes lie about what was said
Which means what, Herr Lesh? To let the Governors handle it and as the Fed Gov if they need additional help. Precisely Trumps strategy.
Which means what, Herr Lesh? To let the Governors handle it and as the Fed Gov if they need additional help. Precisely Trumps strategy.
What it means that there is a Federal/state response necessary
Wow! The Corrupt joe got called out for saying no thanks on Covid tests to be distributed for this winter we're in. Thanks to him, we are now on shortages of testing that will go nationwide soon. With another outbreak. People are waiting in hours and hours of waiting outside in the freezing cold this moment.

What retard would get tested if they have no symptoms unique to the Fauci Flu? By the way, what are the symptoms of the Fauci Flu in contrast to a cold or seasonal flu? And let's say you were dumb enough to get the Fauci Jabs and you acquired the Fauci Flu, what do you do then? Go to the hospital where they put you in a coma and insert a ventilator tube down your gullet where survival rate from that is like 50 50? Sure you could take Ivermectin once a day for 5 days and be cured. So why isn't Ivermectin available along side Tylenol and other such drugs at the local CVS?

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