Joe Biden: There is no Federal solution to Covid.

ILMAO at LEFTISTS you dumb fucking fools. Trump was crucified by them for saying essentially the same thing, right out of the gate. Xiden fucked them up the butt with how he was their guy to face covid where Trump "failed", and now he admits he raped them.

Pretty good for a guy with dementia right? He might be half the waste he was before, be he still has a leg up on his base and he's peeing.
Biden is having a tough time because he can't fix stupid. You should know because you peddle it every day.

It won't bd long before you anti science jekoffs are making excuses for Republican governors when this continues on & then you Clowns will be back to blaming Biden.

Fuck off & have a nice trip.
you are the one that claimed Carlson has undermined all the great things Xiden was going to do and the reason he can’t do all those great things
Because he is. Millions of people watch his show every nite. Fox News is the biggest peddler of lies & propoganda regarding this pandemic on the planet.
Because he is. Millions of people watch his show every nite. Fox News is the biggest peddler of lies & propoganda regarding this pandemic on the planet.
so xiden is so weak that just the mere fact people watch fox he can’t get all these great things done…wow

why did you elect a guy that was so weak that he could fall prey to a guy he doesn’t even watch?
And? Do those millions of people overrule the President?

Does Biden have the courage to do what he thinks is right, or not? Is he outranked by a talking head?
They ignored his ask to get the vaxx & follow CDC guidelines. If Trump was still POTUS Fox would have been pushing those vacciines every day, don't kid yourself.
so xiden is so weak that just the mere fact people watch fox he can’t get all these great things done…wow

why did you elect a guy that was so weak that he could fall prey to a guy he doesn’t even watch?
Like I said, Biden can't fix stupid & doesn't have the power to stop propoganda & outright lies peddled by right wing news outlets.
What Sleepy Joe can do is demand Congress come up with legislation to ban "shut downs," "vaccine mandates," "masks," all the things that made the Fauci Flu season worse including Fake News pushing the ridiculous propaganda that makes dummies who watch Fake News feel good about giving up freedom and liberty. He could remind people to make sure their D3 and Zinc levels are adequate and to stop being obese slobs. Then he could see what he can do to reverse the Reagan era legislation that gave Big Pharma immunity from monetary damages when their "FDA approved" stuff kills or injures folks. And finally, he can see what needs to be done to close down Big Pharma government agencies such as the CDC, NIH, FDA, etc., and of course he must insist Tony Fauci and his associates get prosecuted for crimes against humanity.
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I guess after you have put the economy on the express elevator to hell and ruined countless lives with retarded mandates and job killing EOs you just need a moment to sit back and reflect upon it......What a fuckin' putz.

Thing is the assholes who voted for Tater and his band of turds won't man-up and own it.

Well assholes, come next November we are going to knuckle-up and take back 2/3rds of it.
Didn’t Xiden claim he and his team would destroy Covid? Now throwing up his hands in surrender and throwing responsibility to the states. Utter failure on full display.
Same as he did for Afgansistan. Go figure.
Any initiative that Biden put forth fell flat on it's face because you Trump asseaters raised hell over it. We're going to live with this for the forsedable future because of anti science jerkoffs who would rather listen to people like Dr. Tucker Carlson & others.

God forbid you no good fucks could be asked to take a lousy vaccine. True patriots you are. The majority of deaths are in red states. So fuck off & enjoy the trip.
That’s bullshit. People were not anti vaccine they were anti vaccine mandates you triggered gender neutral pussy. Majority of deaths are not in the red states but you keep watching MSDNC. Funny how people are fleeing to red states. You are one dumb motherfucker.

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