Joe Biden Tour Starts Soon.What If He Only Fills 1/3rd Of Arena's&Halls? Like Hillary Did.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?
Sorry bout that,

  1. Well its his funeral.
  2. He may get a great send off, but I highly doubt he will draw large crowds,!
  3. It will be entertaining.....!

i wonder if CNN will be there, then have a hard time making it look like the place is packed
It's obvious from the start that Biden currently has a problem and he will probably have it throughout
the primaries...The MSM doesn't want him to win.

He's getting hit from all sides. I do not believe he counted on that.

The MSM all were in HRC's corner, for the most part, during the primary season. Biden's not gonna
get a great deal of "good" press during the primary season. At least, not until he is well on his way
to winning the nomination.

That could hurt him in the debates, because he won't be given softball questions in the debates.
Sorry bout that,

  1. When Gropin Gaffen Joe Biden bites the dust in a few months, I hope President Trump won't have him lay in state.......he be crazy....
well..i think he can fill up an arena with about 9 million crickets
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?
Only matters who shows up on Election Day....if the GOP doesn't move or close down the polling places.
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?
It will be pathetic but I guarantee it will be damn entertaining.
My "over / under" for the Biden presidential campaign is two months. The far left of the party don't want an elderly white guy. The Clintons are still trying to figure out how Hillary can make another run. The other two dozen or so candidates are going to attack Biden because the polls say he's the front runner so he'll be the first mole up in a political game of "whack a mole"! As soon as he starts giving public speeches he's toast...the man's dumb as a box of rocks and so prone to gaffes that it's become almost amusing to watch what he says next.
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?
Just because Kanye West can sell out an area doesn’t mean he would make a good president. I don’t think your crowd size criteria really means jack
It's obvious from the start that Biden currently has a problem and he will probably have it throughout
the primaries...The MSM doesn't want him to win.

He's getting hit from all sides. I do not believe he counted on that.

The MSM all were in HRC's corner, for the most part, during the primary season. Biden's not gonna
get a great deal of "good" press during the primary season. At least, not until he is well on his way
to winning the nomination.

That could hurt him in the debates, because he won't be given softball questions in the debates.
Who’s going to beat him?
My "over / under" for the Biden presidential campaign is two months. The far left of the party don't want an elderly white guy. The Clintons are still trying to figure out how Hillary can make another run. The other two dozen or so candidates are going to attack Biden because the polls say he's the front runner so he'll be the first mole up in a political game of "whack a mole"! As soon as he starts giving public speeches he's toast...the man's dumb as a box of rocks and so prone to gaffes that it's become almost amusing to watch what he says next.
The “far Left” matter about as much as the tea party did, which isn’t much. The moderate Left is where most the party and the nation sit and from those seats Biden is looking like a fine option
My "over / under" for the Biden presidential campaign is two months. The far left of the party don't want an elderly white guy. The Clintons are still trying to figure out how Hillary can make another run. The other two dozen or so candidates are going to attack Biden because the polls say he's the front runner so he'll be the first mole up in a political game of "whack a mole"! As soon as he starts giving public speeches he's toast...the man's dumb as a box of rocks and so prone to gaffes that it's become almost amusing to watch what he says next.
The “far Left” matter about as much as the tea party did, which isn’t much. The moderate Left is where most the party and the nation sit and from those seats Biden is looking like a fine option

Care to explain the stampede to the left that's taking place among the other candidates running then, Slade? If the far left doesn't matter...then why is everyone trying to out "liberal" the others?
i hope a bunch of angry parents who have young daughters show up at these rallys,,,,i hope some bring signs
It's obvious from the start that Biden currently has a problem and he will probably have it throughout
the primaries...The MSM doesn't want him to win.

He's getting hit from all sides. I do not believe he counted on that.

The MSM all were in HRC's corner, for the most part, during the primary season. Biden's not gonna
get a great deal of "good" press during the primary season. At least, not until he is well on his way
to winning the nomination.

That could hurt him in the debates, because he won't be given softball questions in the debates.
Who’s going to beat him?

As they all start dropping out...where do the followers of those folks go? Most of these people are far left zealots.
They won't go to Biden in the Primary. But the big point is that Biden will have to move drastically left of
center in the debates/primary. That makes him have to debate on sides of an issue that he isn't familiar with or
comfortable with. That'll make him a phony and lock him in to the far left vs The Donald.
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?

Sleepy Joe will soon be fighting off subpoenas from DOJ asking about his involvement in the Failed Coup ®
if i had the chance to go to a biden rally,,,my giant sign would read,,,,,GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER !!!!!
My "over / under" for the Biden presidential campaign is two months. The far left of the party don't want an elderly white guy. The Clintons are still trying to figure out how Hillary can make another run. The other two dozen or so candidates are going to attack Biden because the polls say he's the front runner so he'll be the first mole up in a political game of "whack a mole"! As soon as he starts giving public speeches he's toast...the man's dumb as a box of rocks and so prone to gaffes that it's become almost amusing to watch what he says next.
The “far Left” matter about as much as the tea party did, which isn’t much. The moderate Left is where most the party and the nation sit and from those seats Biden is looking like a fine option

Care to explain the stampede to the left that's taking place among the other candidates running then, Slade? If the far left doesn't matter...then why is everyone trying to out "liberal" the others?
They can try all they want, they aren’t going to get anywhere. Honestly who do you think is going to win over Biden?
It's obvious from the start that Biden currently has a problem and he will probably have it throughout
the primaries...The MSM doesn't want him to win.

He's getting hit from all sides. I do not believe he counted on that.

The MSM all were in HRC's corner, for the most part, during the primary season. Biden's not gonna
get a great deal of "good" press during the primary season. At least, not until he is well on his way
to winning the nomination.

That could hurt him in the debates, because he won't be given softball questions in the debates.
Who’s going to beat him?

As they all start dropping out...where do the followers of those folks go? Most of these people are far left zealots.
They won't go to Biden in the Primary. But the big point is that Biden will have to move drastically left of
center in the debates/primary. That makes him have to debate on sides of an issue that he isn't familiar with or
comfortable with. That'll make him a phony and lock him in to the far left vs The Donald.
He doesn’t need to do shit, he is the obvious best candidate and would whoop Trump. You didn’t answer the question. Who do you think would beat Biden in the primary?

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