Joe Biden: We’re going to shut down coal plants all across the country.

Downgrading the country's power grid to green energy would be far more expensive, more time-consuming, and less reliable.
And send billions of dollars to China for unreliable wind mills and solar panels.

About 80% of U.S. solar panel modules are imported, primarily from Asia.


"Domestic manufacturing content is strong for some wind turbine components, but the U.S. wind industry remains reliant on imports. The United States imports wind equipment from a wide array of countries, including most prominently in 2020: India, Spain, China, and Mexico. Domestic content is highest for nacelle assembly (>85%), towers (60%–75%), and blades and hubs (30%–50%), though domestic content for blades in particular has declined in recent years."


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And send billions of dollars to China for unreliable wind mills and solar panels.

About 80% of U.S. solar panel modules are imported, primarily from Asia.

View attachment 721286

The Greenies loves them some China. Every time they buy another windmill or solar panel, they're giving Xi Jinping a big old reacharound and tickling his balls.
I will when you prove differently!
Biden wants to in his words:
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

Then what replaces fossil fueled the current 11,070 electric power plants that provide 4.5 Trillion kWh?
Wind turbines costing $64 trillion ? Someone has to pay and the electric companies will gladly pass the cost on. Why do you think they are promoting green energy? Because they can add trillions to their profits! For all you Evangelistas... you are so anxious to convert us all to EVs but at OUR expense!
We will pay for that!
Oh and solar power generation?
Here is the fact: To replace all the power plants with solar panels and all the vehicles with EV will cost every one of the 123 million American households $4,713 a year for 10 years JUST to convert to solar!
And you want me to STOP??? GEEZ ignorance will be the end of America.
You certainly qualify already for the President of the USA according to the movie "IDIOCRACY"
....The movie.
I will when you prove differently!
Biden wants to in his words:
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

Then what replaces fossil fueled the current 11,070 electric power plants that provide 4.5 Trillion kWh?
Wind turbines costing $64 trillion ? Someone has to pay and the electric companies will gladly pass the cost on. Why do you think they are promoting green energy? Because they can add trillions to their profits! For all you Evangelistas... you are so anxious to convert us all to EVs but at OUR expense!
We will pay for that!
Oh and solar power generation?
Here is the fact: To replace all the power plants with solar panels and all the vehicles with EV will cost every one of the 123 million American households $4,713 a year for 10 years JUST to convert to solar!
And you want me to STOP??? GEEZ ignorance will be the end of America.
You certainly qualify already for the President of the USA according to the movie "IDIOCRACY"
....The movie.
View attachment 721342

Yes, I want you to stop with all your huge, error-filled excel spreadsheets.
The main issue is the mercury in the coal. Mercury is toxic to people and all animal life. It doesn't get destroyed by burning the coal but is spread out as exhaust unless expensive scrubbers are installed and then there's the issue of what to do with the mercury laden filters once they are full.

This issue is the leading cause of florescent tubes being phased out and being replaced by LED lighting. (Which use even less electricity than tungsten lighting or florescent lights)

The mercury keeps showing up everywhere. Milk and dairy products, meat, fish, fresh produce, and grain.

We may have to figure our a way to deal with the problem....currently unknown how to in a financially feasible process. But continuing use of coal will increase mental illness in the population.
Yes, I want you to stop with all your huge, error-filled excel spreadsheets.
Well why don't you correct the errors if you have both the intelligence AND patience which I totally can assume you don't have! You remind me of the line from the movie.. "Amadeus"...
EMPEROR: And there are simply too many notes, that's all."
There is just too much data for you to handle... Is that correct? "too many facts"....
Or this image..
Well why don't you correct the errors if you have both the intelligence AND patience which I totally can assume you don't have! You remind me of the line from the movie.. "Amadeus"...
EMPEROR: And there are simply too many notes, that's all."
There is just too much data for you to handle... Is that correct? "too many facts"....
Or this image..
View attachment 721350

It was exhausting correcting your shit the last six times I did it.
I usually don't agree with the greenie weenies on much of anything....

But Biden is right and wrong at the same time.

He is right in that we need to stop burning coal.
He is wrong in how he is saying it and his solutions to it.

We can increase the efficiency of the hydroelectric dams with much better technology....he can make use of "clean coal" technology by turning coal into a type of diesel and using that. (We can even use worthless yellow coal for that)

There's a lot of ways to stop the burning of coal or oil for electricity without just declaring it. (Besides, congress will stop him)

We can increase natural gas use by more drilling. Lots of ways around the problems of coal without demonizing an industry.
One of the other things that needs to happen is a codes requirement for multi unit housing.

Currently condominiums and apartments are not held to the same construction standards for energy efficiency as single family housing. WHY? (Campaign finance)

This one change would drop half of the USA's citizens energy bills in half. (Roughly half of the citizens in the USA live in apartments) Most Apartment complexes are built with almost no insulation...and those that are have the most minimal insulation. None in floors, ceilings or exterior walls is the norm. An office complex has more insulation than an apartment?

Time to actually do something FOR the PEOPLE instead of pandering.
Six easily.

Remember when you said Obama had 144% fewer oil leases than Bush?

That was some stupid fucking shit.
Yup you were right and I was wrong. GEEZ it is just too bad we all aren't as perfect as you Jesus!
Wait a minute if you are "Jesus" i.e. perfect what are you doing on this forum? Wow. Your holy sneaker!
Yup you were right and I was wrong. GEEZ it is just too bad we all aren't as perfect as you Jesus!
Wait a minute if you are "Jesus" i.e. perfect what are you doing on this forum? Wow. Your holy sneaker!

Yeah, you'd think, with all your constant errors, you'd post fewer, huge, error-filled spreadsheets.
Six easily.

Remember when you said Obama had 144% fewer oil leases than Bush?

That was some stupid fucking shit.
Let's revisited that spreadsheet for idiots who still think Obama and Biden didn't have anything to do with gas prices nearly double what they were under Trump!
Yeah, you'd think, with all your constant errors, you'd post fewer, huge, error-filled spreadsheets.
Hey... probably because I'm a better scholar, more knowledgeable and less of chickenshit to take a chance and make errors... YOU on the other hand I've never seen one example of your own scholarship or even one substantiation! All you can do is be a ass kisser.
Biden signs the fewest federal oil leases..since 1945!
The Biden administration has leased fewer acres for oil-and-gas drilling offshore and on federal land than any other administration in its early stages dating back to the end of World War II, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.Sep 6, 2022
THESE are the facts... and you can NOT refute them!


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