Joe Biden Yucks It Up at Presser Over Nashville Shooting

Why should anyone care about 9 year olds being slaughtered?

Not like we will do anything about it
Guns are more important

Children killed by guns is a small price to pay for our Second Amendment Rights…….we have made our choice

Children being murdered is a useful tool for the democrat party....which is why they are releasing violent gun criminals over and over again to shoot up neighborhoods in democrat party controlled cities, and why they are radicalizing mentally ill people like the shooter......

Dead children are the dream of the democrats....the emotional black mail they can get out of these dead children is priceless for them....
The guy seemed quite chipper, trying to do some standup comedy… joking about ice cream as the media awaited his comments on the kids that just died.

Talk about out of touch. If he wasn’t a democrat, he’d be getting skewered 24/7 across all networks for not caring about the kids lives.
Dat boy loves his ice cream, doesn't he?
Right now republicans are about taking books out of schools, to protect the children. Sex-ed out of schools. History out of schools.

That has nothing to do with my comment, it's sad that you can't address what I actually said because there is no excuse for it.
()biden, these days, is mostly a meat puppet, but he's an evil one, regardless.

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Dat boy loves his ice cream, doesn't he?

He loves it...which is why he gets ice cream whenever he signs the papers they put in front of him and when he says the things they want him to say on the electric screen...............
Lets be honest
Who cares?

Just give thoughts and prayers and move on. We get one of these shootings every few weeks and we frankly don’t care.

We care more about our gun rights than we care about our children.
It is the choice we have made
Pedo Joe was almost giddy because his plan to weaponize mentally ill trans pronoun weirdos was a success.
2aguy Raises good points. I can only add to that by saying the far leftists in this thread are the same people that support BLM therefore they are hypocrites not caring about the gangland shootings in Chicago…. blacks killing blacks the fact that for example while blacks represent 13% of the population they represent a 50% of all violent crime in this country that statistic was actually brought up by a black man this podcast

And that’s by a black guy who opposes right wingers or Donald Trump for example. So I just don’t understand how people like postman are spewing lies, half truths , racism and exaggerations in this thread like this idea that the shooter was pro Christian makes literally no sense whatsoever. Those types of lies are dangerous and hurtful to the families of the victims of this tragedy.

But it goes back to the point blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of the crimes and so many Black people recognize this.

Why is this happening? well there could be a number of reasons it has nothing to do with skin color , nothing to do with being black a lot of it has to do with the downfall of America, anti-Americanism the idea that we are a racist country. People being irresponsible. The rise of drug use, the loss of middle class union jobs the fact that so many young black men and young white men for that matter don’t have the same opportunities they used to have in the American past. The rise of video game culture, pornography, Instagram TikTok making young man into zombies.

And perhaps most of all the hatred that the left-wing media is driving… we see it on this thread how Democrats are acting filled with hatred even anti-Russian racism, it truly is an embarrassment and a disgrace to the history to the great history of the Democrat party. JFK, Franklin Roosevelt they are looking down from heaven wondering what in the world is going on with the Democrat party. Somebody said it in another thread even in today’s day and age Bill Clinton will probably be canceled If he ran for president.

I have nothing against people like postman or the other far leftists in this thread…. I certainly wish them the best they are fellow Americans fellow humans, maybe even fellow Christians but regardless I wish them the best.
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The shooter wasn't "woke"
The shooter wasn't BLM
The shooter wasn't an illegal alien

The shooter WAS religious
The shooter WAS white
The shooter WAS able to buy a ton of weapons

All the republican talking points flew out the window.
The shooter was a “Trans kid”…….
Cars that kill people are accidents
Guns that kill people are on purpose

But I still support auto laws on safety, roads, drinking, licensing, insurance, registration…

Things we should apply to guns
A gun has never killed anyone without someone pulling the trigger. I could take every gun on the planet, load it and point it at you and unless the gun malfunctions it will never fire unless someone pulls the trigger.

Please post a link that grants you the right to own/drive a car unfettered in the Constitution.
The guy seemed quite chipper, trying to do some standup comedy… joking about ice cream as the media awaited his comments on the kids that just died.

Talk about out of touch. If he wasn’t a democrat, he’d be getting skewered 24/7 across all networks for not caring about the kids lives.
Biden was speaking to the Small Business Association Women's Summit. So his opening remarks were addressed to them, and that is when he mentioned ice cream to lighten the mood.

He then took time out to talk about Nashville.

Before I begin to speak, and the reason I spent a little time on the kids, I — I just want to speak very briefly about the school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee.

You know, Ben and I have been doing this our whole careers, it seems. And it’s just — it’s sick. You know, we’re still gathering the facts of what happened and why. And we do know that, as of now, there are a number of people who are not going to — did not make it, including children.

And it’s heartbreaking. A family’s worst nightmare.

And I want to commend the police who repo- — responded incredibly swiftly — within minutes — to end the danger.

We’re monitoring the situation really closely — Ben, as you know — and we have to do more to stop gun violence. It’s ripping our communities apart, ripping the soul of this nation — ripping at the very soul of the nation. And we — we have to do more to protect our schools so they aren’t turned into prisons.

You know, the shooter in this situation reportedly had two assault weapons and a pistol — two AK-47. So I call on Congress, again, to pass my assault weapons ban. It’s about time that we begin to make some more progress.

But there’s more to learn. But I just wanted to send my concern and hearts out to so many parents out there. I’ve been to so many of these sites, as Ben knows, by — virtually every one.

All caught up now, fucktard?
So you think being white is a bad thing?

For the most part, the right wing doesn’t condemn people based on their race, that’s a CRT/BLM/KKK/Jim crow thing (all democrat groups, all the exact same logic)

However, we call out the left when they do, and also when they pick and choose who they condemn. they act as if we bring it up. We don’t, they/you do, we just react to your race obsession.

If you didn’t claim every spot under every rock was racist, you’d get very little fight from the right. But you guys do, so… keep on with your race obsession
2 messages later the race card is out!

Good point.
Before you can drive a car, you have to take hours of classes on the rules of the road.
You have to pass a written test.
You have to pass a driving test.
You have to register your car with the state
You have to have thousands of dollars of liability insurance.

If you want to draw parallels, then apply the same rules to guns.
Now you'll get 3 pages of pure hooey about why we have to treat guns differently after they made the comparison.
The guy seemed quite chipper, trying to do some standup comedy… joking about ice cream as the media awaited his comments on the kids that just died.

Talk about out of touch. If he wasn’t a democrat, he’d be getting skewered 24/7 across all networks for not caring about the kids lives.
He is happy because everything is going according to plan and Klaus allowed him some extra good ice cream to celebrate.
The guy seemed quite chipper, trying to do some standup comedy… joking about ice cream as the media awaited his comments on the kids that just died.

Talk about out of touch. If he wasn’t a democrat, he’d be getting skewered 24/7 across all networks for not caring about the kids lives.
You didn't watch the entire presser, did you?
Cars that kill people are accidents
But predictable, they will happen at a defined rate. We know this from decades of data.

So, you accept those predictable deaths in the name of convenience and economic prosperity, you monster. You don’t care about those people, and care about your cars more. (Again, see how dumb that is?)

Unless you want to retract your simpleton logic, which I would advise

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