Joe Biden's Covid death toll passes 400,000

first of all it wasn't Joe Biden who stoped it... but I do I realize stupid runs rapid among you republicans it was the food and drug administration that stoped it and thats were you liars lose...
ALLAHASSEE — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Monday essentially barred health care providers from using two monoclonal antibody therapies that have been central to Florida’s effort to fight COVID-19 — but that experts say have not been effective against the omicron variant.

As a result, the federal government said it would not send more of those monoclonal therapies, which are manufactured by Regeneron and Eli Lilly, to the 50 states or territories this week....

and desantis is an moron don't want to get sick get vaccinated it works ... I can testify that it works ... for 5 days I had the covid virus ... tested positive for it and now I'm negative for the virus ... it was no worse then a cold for me ... you want to save your life get vaccinated ... you moron ...
OK. It wasn‘t Biden but it was his administration.

So you are insisting Biden is no Truman.


first of all it wasn't Joe Biden who stoped it... but I do I realize stupid runs rapid among you republicans it was the food and drug administration that stoped it and thats were you liars lose...
ALLAHASSEE — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Monday essentially barred health care providers from using two monoclonal antibody therapies that have been central to Florida’s effort to fight COVID-19 — but that experts say have not been effective against the omicron variant.

As a result, the federal government said it would not send more of those monoclonal therapies, which are manufactured by Regeneron and Eli Lilly, to the 50 states or territories this week....

and desantis is an moron don't want to get sick get vaccinated it works ... I can testify that it works ... for 5 days I had the covid virus ... tested positive for it and now I'm negative for the virus ... it was no worse then a cold for me ... you want to save your life get vaccinated ... you moron ...

So Joe Biden lied when he said this?

The stuttering shit clown also told us, if elected, he's going to cure cancer.

Any update on this?

I like the plan:
Wake up
Take a shit
Get out of bed
Get hosed down
Get some ice cream
Cure cancer

I get goose bumps just thinking about how awesome this fucking guy is.
Hmmm, no, actually California has the highest number of infected people total and total deaths, so wrong coast. Rhode Island has the most infections by population and Mississippi the most deaths by population. And Florida has a 1.1% mortality rate, among the lowest in the country, and is 22nd in vaccinations among 50 states.
you are wromg
He ordered thousands of Covid infected seniors back into the nursing homes. It was ordered from his office. The deaths occurred after that order. Cuomo and the "science following" Democrat dickheads committed genocide.
no it was never order from Cuomo office was ordered from The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ... they are the only ones who can make that decision ... like I said I don't care for Cuomo never have can't say why but just don't like the man ... but facts are facts you can say what you want ... the fact is The U.S. Food and Drug Administration they are the only ones who can make that decision ...
you are wromg

no it was never order from Cuomo office was ordered from The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ... they are the only ones who can make that decision ... like I said I don't care for Cuomo never have can't say why but just don't like the man ... but facts are facts you can say what you want ... the fact is The U.S. Food and Drug Administration they are the only ones who can make that decision ...
No you are wrong. All my statistics can be found on Worldmeters and on any Google search of the status of state by state vaccinations. Your stats are floating around in your empty head.
you are wromg

no it was never order from Cuomo office was ordered from The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ... they are the only ones who can make that decision ... like I said I don't care for Cuomo never have can't say why but just don't like the man ... but facts are facts you can say what you want ... the fact is The U.S. Food and Drug Administration they are the only ones who can make that decision ...
As I showed the order came from the governors office. You obviously don’t like Cuomo now because you tow the party line, he wasn’t radical enough for the crazies on the Left, so they threw him under the bus.
haha the President has no control of the DOj and FDA? hahaha they are both headed by cabinet level positions that report directly to the President ans are appointed by the president…they are executive branch agencies….not programs you dumbass
I can't believe how stupid one person can be so stupid ...the DOJ is separated from the president wants, yes its part of the executive branch, yes the president can ask them to look into what the president believes is a crime ... but the president can't stop their findings ... if the person is innocent the president can't fire the attorney general or force him to change the ruling ... yes they do report to the president with what they found out but the president can't stop the finding period ... yes the FDA is part of the executive branch the president can't force a drug to be released until the FDA says so ... there is no legal means for the president to force ... if early trials are saying how great the drugs is performing just like it was for the covid-19 vaccine, the president can ask the FDA they Can't order the FDA to release a drug ever ... he has no control other then asking ...
No you are wrong. All my statistics can be found on Worldmeters and on any Google search of the status of state by state vaccinations. Your stats are floating around in your empty head.
yep more and more you republican deal with Russian, commies whats that say about you comrade ???The website was founded by Andrey Alimetov, a Russian immigrant to the United States, in 2004. In 2011, to support conservative views ... well done commie
yep more and more you republican deal with Russian, commies whats that say about you comrade ???The website was founded by Andrey Alimetov, a Russian immigrant to the United States, in 2004. In 2011, to support conservative views ... well done commie
Statistics, Dimmer, actual documented numbers called statistics. I have quoted my source, all you have is the wind blowing through your ears.
whats that got to do with anything ... he has no control over it ... its a part of any presidents administration its part of the executive branch ... he still has no control over it period ...
biiiiii-ley-rock where the wind goes blowin thru his ears......
I can't believe how stupid one person can be so stupid ...the DOJ is separated from the president wants, yes its part of the executive branch, yes the president can ask them to look into what the president believes is a crime ... but the president can't stop their findings ... if the person is innocent the president can't fire the attorney general or force him to change the ruling ... yes they do report to the president with what they found out but the president can't stop the finding period ... yes the FDA is part of the executive branch the president can't force a drug to be released until the FDA says so ... there is no legal means for the president to force ... if early trials are saying how great the drugs is performing just like it was for the covid-19 vaccine, the president can ask the FDA they Can't order the FDA to release a drug ever ... he has no control other then asking ...
hahah it's not "separated" - I mean unless you mean in another building....

Read your Constitution....the power of the Executive vest in A PRESIDENT....the President has all the law enforcement power, and that's what he does...the DOJ reports directly to the President, just like the FDA...

Geez....did you miss 8th grade civics?
hahah it's not "separated" - I mean unless you mean in another building....

Read your Constitution....the power of the Executive vest in A PRESIDENT....the President has all the law enforcement power, and that's what he does...the DOJ reports directly to the President, just like the FDA...

Geez....did you miss 8th grade civics?
8th grade is in two years.....
Statistics, Dimmer, actual documented numbers called statistics. I have quoted my source, all you have is the wind blowing through your ears.
I look up your source you idiot ... Andrey Alimetov, is a Russian immigrant to the United States, who open a conservative site who open Worldmeters ... it's a blogger ... they aren't in anyway a factual site ... they only defend republican position ... at least I'm smart enough to take the time on your source to form a accurate opinion of your source ... you just find some blogger that agrees with you and you post it as if it'd factual ... so when I use a liberal/democratsit you have to accept it right ???? didn't thinks so ... thats why I don't use bloggers or liberal/democrats sites ... you can look the fool you are thats fine, but don't expect me to believe one thing Worldmeters says ... you gave us a blogger not a source ... so they wind you are hearing thats be besting you again ...
I look up your source you idiot ... Andrey Alimetov, is a Russian immigrant to the United States, who open a conservative site who open Worldmeters ... it's a blogger ... they aren't in anyway a factual site ... they only defend republican position ... at least I'm smart enough to take the time on your source to form a accurate opinion of your source ... you just find some blogger that agrees with you and you post it as if it'd factual ... so when I use a liberal/democratsit you have to accept it right ???? didn't thinks so ... thats why I don't use bloggers or liberal/democrats sites ... you can look the fool you are thats fine, but don't expect me to believe one thing Worldmeters says ... you gave us a blogger not a source ... so they wind you are hearing thats be besting you again ...
Then look up any other source you want and you will see your lies are still accurate......Florida does NOT lead the country in cases or deaths, not in total or by geography. They are above middle of the pack in vaccinations and have one of the lowest mortality rates in the country. Idiot. Statistics do NOT lie, just Libbers do. Remember, we are simply proving one of your earlier lies not all of them.
let me put something out there for you repub-lie clowns to understand ...all google does is find sites with the words you used to find something ... in no way are the factual about anything ...they are a combination of political parties sites ... if you say you google something it better be a fact checker answering your question ... I know you rep-lie-clowns try and say they are libera/democratsl sites ... thats a case of you don't like what you found ... no fact checker wants a reputation as being party affilated ...they do their best to inform you with what is the truth they found ... if you choose bloggers, conspiracy theorist, site then think I'm supposed to accept it the the opposite should apply for me any liberal/democrat site I would use you have to accept ... I expect a big fat no on the last sentence ... so if you want me to believe your crap I too won't accept your conservative site either ... lets make that clear
whats that got to do with anything ... he has no control over it ... its a part of any presidents administration its part of the executive branch ... he still has no control over it period ...
Trump got blamed for everything wrong that happened on his administration. Biden will too.

let me put something out there for you repub-lie clowns to understand ...all google does is find sites with the words you used to find something ... in no way are the factual about anything ...they are a combination of political parties sites ... if you say you google something it better be a fact checker answering your question ... I know you rep-lie-clowns try and say they are libera/democratsl sites ... thats a case of you don't like what you found ... no fact checker wants a reputation as being party affilated ...they do their best to inform you with what is the truth they found ... if you choose bloggers, conspiracy theorist, site then think I'm supposed to accept it the the opposite should apply for me any liberal/democrat site I would use you have to accept ... I expect a big fat no on the last sentence ... so if you want me to believe your crap I too won't accept your conservative site either ... lets make that clear
Again doofus....when you spout lies left and right you will get called on them, and given proof of them like I did. You can spout more and deflect all you want, but stupid Dimmer lies are just that, lies. Now babble on doofus.
Then look up any other source you want and you will see your lies are still accurate......Florida does NOT lead the country in cases or deaths, not in total or by geography. They are above middle of the pack in vaccinations and have one of the lowest mortality rates in the country. Idiot. Statistics do NOT lie, just Libbers do. Remember, we are simply proving one of your earlier lies not all of them.
this is just one day
Deaths per 100,000: 0.37
Daily average deaths: 78.4
Deaths per 100,000: 0.53
Daily average deaths: 154
Deaths per 100,000: 1.1
Daily average deaths: 75.4
this is my state
Deaths per 100,000: 0.62
Daily average deaths: 35.6
this is just one day
Deaths per 100,000: 0.37
Daily average deaths: 78.4
Deaths per 100,000: 0.53
Daily average deaths: 154
Deaths per 100,000: 1.1
Daily average deaths: 75.4
this is my state
Deaths per 100,000: 0.62
Daily average deaths: 35.6
So what? You said Florida had the most cases and deaths...they have 5,468,583 cases and 64,007 deaths. California has 79,392 deaths and 7,796,050 you lied. Texas also has more.
If we look per million of population.....Florida has 254,616 cases and 2,980 deaths and is well down the list.
And who cares about your goofy don't even have 6 million people.
Your whole rant was taking a shot at Florida that was nowhere close to being true, so that makes you a big fat liar.

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