Joe Biden's Covid death toll passes 400,000

Trump got blamed for everything wrong that happened on his administration. Biden will too.

trump got blamed fore everything he because he is wrong... because he's a liar ... trump hasn't any legal control of the FDA... trump hasn't any legal control over the DOJ ... he thought her did ... he found out real fast he didn't ... if you took time enough to go and read all of the documents that he was forced to release, you are going to become pissed you too will be a trump hater too ... he want to turn this country to where he and only he can run this country nobody else... but you repub-lie-clowns Burry your heads in the sand ... because you support repub-lie-clowns views right or wrong, period... no matter how bad they are ... I can honestly say we democrats/liberals will always go after our democrats leaders if the are wrong ... we did .It so many times ... we have a record of getting our leaders who are in the wrong to resign republicans ignore how bad your leaders are and you refuse to have them resign ... you right wing nutcases had a lot of trumps people trying turn this country into Russia like Putin does ... you refuse to go and read some of trumps written documents... because it will show you how wrong you repub-lie-clowns really are ... the man wants the ubired states to be come a faascist state where he controls everything ... if he should get elected in 2024 I will sit back an laugh at you all complaining how bad it is ... the reason its bad now was because of trump to stop covid and his inability to know whats important and its not his image ...
let me put something out there for you repub-lie clowns to understand ...all google does is find sites with the words you used to find something ... in no way are the factual about anything ...they are a combination of political parties sites ... if you say you google something it better be a fact checker answering your question ... I know you rep-lie-clowns try and say they are libera/democratsl sites ... thats a case of you don't like what you found ... no fact checker wants a reputation as being party affilated ...they do their best to inform you with what is the truth they found ... if you choose bloggers, conspiracy theorist, site then think I'm supposed to accept it the the opposite should apply for me any liberal/democrat site I would use you have to accept ... I expect a big fat no on the last sentence ... so if you want me to believe your crap I too won't accept your conservative site either ... lets make that clear
hard to take a “fact checker” like you seriously when you thought the DOJ and FDA were seperate from the President
So what? You said Florida had the most cases and deaths...they have 5,468,583 cases and 64,007 deaths. California has 79,392 deaths and 7,796,050 you lied. Texas also has more.
If we look per million of population.....Florida has 254,616 cases and 2,980 deaths and is well down the list.
And who cares about your goofy don't even have 6 million people.
Your whole rant was taking a shot at Florida that was nowhere close to being true, so that makes you a big fat liar.
I have no idea where you got this ... mine was one day you just rant about numbers so far your sites have no value ... say what you what about colorado at lest we have the highest number of people vaccinated and your flunky state dies''sv
hard to take a “fact checker” like you seriously when you thought the DOJ and FDA were seperate from the President
it changes every day you idiot ... so you're number 2 now ... that's something to be proud of ??? that will change I'm sure ... when I made my statement Florida was number one they are number 2 big deal they point I was making because they don't follow vaccinations an mask policy thats why they were the highest... California has twice the number of people then Florida not to worry they will be numbed one again California 40 million population Florida 20 million really your'r proud of floriad for being number 2 ... colorado 6 million what can I say we do better percentage wise
... floridly loses percentage wise
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trump got blamed fore everything he because he is wrong... because he's a liar ... trump hasn't any legal control of the FDA... trump hasn't any legal control over the DOJ ... he thought her did ... he found out real fast he didn't ... if you took time enough to go and read all of the documents that he was forced to release, you are going to become pissed you too will be a trump hater too ... he want to turn this country to where he and only he can run this country nobody else... but you repub-lie-clowns Burry your heads in the sand ... because you support repub-lie-clowns views right or wrong, period... no matter how bad they are ... I can honestly say we democrats/liberals will always go after our democrats leaders if the are wrong ... we did .It so many times ... we have a record of getting our leaders who are in the wrong to resign republicans ignore how bad your leaders are and you refuse to have them resign ... you right wing nutcases had a lot of trumps people trying turn this country into Russia like Putin does ... you refuse to go and read some of trumps written documents... because it will show you how wrong you repub-lie-clowns really are ... the man wants the ubired states to be come a faascist state where he controls everything ... if he should get elected in 2024 I will sit back an laugh at you all complaining how bad it is ... the reason its bad now was because of trump to stop covid and his inability to know whats important and its not his image ...
Your Trump Derangement Syndrome so obvious and extreme that I had to laugh at your post.

Now be honest and tell me what you think of Joe Biden so far.
Your Trump Derangement Syndrome so obvious and extreme that I had to laugh at your post.

Now be honest and tell me what you think of Joe Biden so far.
This idiot wants to keep repeating the idea that the President has no "legal control" of an Executive branch's comical
This idiot wants to keep repeating the idea that the President has no "legal control" of an Executive branch's comical
His control is limited to appointing leaders of those departments with the consent of the Senate.
His control is limited to appointing leaders of those departments with the consent of the Senate.
hahahahah what are you talking about? They are executive branch agencies....he is the boss dumb ass.

Read the Constitution, the executive power vest in A President....not some of it...all of it...the FDA reports directly to him, and serve at his pleasure.
Your Trump Derangement Syndrome so obvious and extreme that I had to laugh at your post.

Now be honest and tell me what you think of Joe Biden so far.
First ‘lI’ll answer your first deranged remark … here’s a man every day call people dumb son of a butchers every day … Biden says it to himself under his breath and has a open mic and all we hear is these right wing nut cases whine about how horrible he is and this is the worst they said they ever heard … then trump makes fun about handicap reporter I’m told I have a deranged attitude towards trump …really you want to go with that … he calls Mexicans rapist he had their children taken from them .. he insult foreign govrvenent Leaders and that’s ok by you … this man has done so much harm to the operation of this country trump did’t want to inform the people about the covid virus because it would make him look bad to his base … took trump five months to do anything about the Covid-19 virus lied about having millions of mask … lied about having thousands of ventilators and you want to say to me I have a deranged attitude … then we have trump insulting one reporter after another for asking a question on his fuck ups ??? You don’t see Biden insulting like trump died … telling them it’s a terrible question… I hate to ever try to tell you all the things trump messed up …we don’t have enough space here…

Now let’s talk about biden first thing he did when it was announce to be use he I ordered 100 million dose’s to get people involved to get vaccinated … trump tells them it is poison… he gets companies manufacturing ventilators on the side. he the orders 500 million more doses so people can be safe .., all the time thinking of the people health and these republicans fight it every way they can … because they don’t want to look bad … so they make up shit .. but every one of them are vaccinated … then Biden tries to pass a transportation bill … gets that done … tries to get bbb passed and it stalls because if two conservative democrats … then he tries to get a federal voting law passed again conservative democrats stop the plan … so as far as I see it he’s doing a 100 times better in his first year in office … he has done more for the people in his first year then trump did in 4… trump passed a tax cut that’s it… and only the rich benefited and insulted people so yeah Bude in my opinion is doing a better job then trump could ever do ..
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First ‘lI’ll answer your first deranged remark … here’s a man every day call people dumb son of a butchers every day … Biden says it to himself under his breath and as had a open mic and all we hear is these right wing nut cases whine about how horrible he is and this is the worst they said they ever heard … then trump makes fun about handicap reporter I’m told I have a deranged attitude towards trump …really you want to go with that … he calls Mexicans rapist he had their children taken from them .. he insult foreign govrvenent Leaders and that’s ok by you … this man has done so much harm to the operation of this country trump did’t want to inform the people about the covid virus because it would make him look bad to his base … took trump five months to do anything about the Covid-19 virus lied about having millions of mask … lied about having thousands of ventilators and you want to say to me I have a deranged attitude … then we have trump insulting one reporter after another for asking a question on his fuck ups ??? You don’t see Biden insulting like trump died … telling them it’s a terrible question… I hate to ever try to tell you all the things trump messed up …we don’t have enough space here…

Now let’s talk about biden first thing he did when it was announce to be use he I ordered 100 million dose’s to get people involved to get vaccinated … trump tells them it is poison… he gets companies manufacturing ventilators on the side. he the orders 500 million more doses so people can be safe .., all the time thinking of the people health and these republicans fight it every way they can … because they don’t want to look bad … so they make up shit .. but every one of them are vaccinated … then Biden tries to pass a transportation bill … gets that done … tries to get bbb passed and it stalls because if two conservative democrats … then he tries to get a federal voting law passed again conservative democrats stop the plan … so as far as I see it he’s doing a 100 times better in his first year in office … he has done more for the people in his first year then trump did in 4… trump passed a tax cut that’s it… and only the rich benefited and insulted people so yeah Bude in my opinion is doing a better job then trump could ever do ..
yep....pure derangment....given you don't know that the President has control over executive's no real surprise you'd be repeating demafacist propaganda
His control is limited to appointing leaders of those departments with the consent of the Senate.
No you to stupid to understand how it works …I can’t tell you any better then the president has no control over what the FDA does … none !!! they make their own decisions, not the president … that’s what you can’t seem to grasp … must be lack of oxygen to you brain from you head in you ass so often
First ‘lI’ll answer your first deranged remark … here’s a man every day call people dumb son of a butchers every day … Biden says it to himself under his breath and as had a open mic and all we hear is these right wing nut cases whine about how horrible he is and this is the worst they said they ever heard … then trump makes fun about handicap reporter I’m told I have a deranged attitude towards trump …really you want to go with that … he calls Mexicans rapist he had their children taken from them .. he insult foreign govrvenent Leaders and that’s ok by you … this man has done so much harm to the operation of this country trump did’t want to inform the people about the covid virus because it would make him look bad to his base … took trump five months to do anything about the Covid-19 virus lied about having millions of mask … lied about having thousands of ventilators and you want to say to me I have a deranged attitude … then we have trump insulting one reporter after another for asking a question on his fuck ups ??? You don’t see Biden insulting like trump died … telling them it’s a terrible question… I hate to ever try to tell you all the things trump messed up …we don’t have enough space here…

Now let’s talk about biden first thing he did when it was announce to be use he I ordered 100 million dose’s to get people involved to get vaccinated … trump tells them it is poison… he gets companies manufacturing ventilators on the side. he the orders 500 million more doses so people can be safe .., all the time thinking of the people health and these republicans fight it every way they can … because they don’t want to look bad … so they make up shit .. but every one of them are vaccinated … then Biden tries to pass a transportation bill … gets that done … tries to get bbb passed and it stalls because if two conservative democrats … then he tries to get a federal voting law passed again conservative democrats stop the plan … so as far as I see it he’s doing a 100 times better in his first year in office … he has done more for the people in his first year then trump did in 4… trump passed a tax cut that’s it… and only the rich benefited and insulted people so yeah Bude in my opinion is doing a better job then trump could ever do ..

^^^This is your brain on TDS, people. Take a good look, and don't end up like billyerock123.
hard to take a “fact checker” like you seriously when you thought the DOJ and FDA were seperate from the President
They are separate from the president you’re to stupid to realize it … the reason moron is the law makers didN’t want the president to force the speed up any vaccine or drug that why the president doesn’t control them … the DOJ same reason … they didn’t want the president to over rude their opinion over a rule of law … that’s not the presidents job … so they have no control over the DOJ … period . I can’t tell it to you any eiser but I know you’re to stupid to understand that …
hahahahah what are you talking about? They are executive branch agencies....he is the boss dumb ass.

Read the Constitution, the executive power vest in A President....not some of it...all of it...the FDA reports directly to him, and serve at his pleasure.
The DoJ, for example, was under the control of Sessions and then Barr, while Trump was president. Trump did not control it.

Yet more evidence of just how stupid conservatives are.
No you to stupid to understand how it works …I can’t tell you any better then the president has no control over what the FDA does … none !!! they make their own decisions, not the president … that’s what you can’t seem to grasp … must be lack of oxygen to you brain from you head in you ass so often
You clearly didn't understand my post.
First ‘lI’ll answer your first deranged remark … here’s a man every day call people dumb son of a butchers every day … Biden says it to himself under his breath and has a open mic and all we hear is these right wing nut cases whine about how horrible he is and this is the worst they said they ever heard … then trump makes fun about handicap reporter I’m told I have a deranged attitude towards trump …really you want to go with that … he calls Mexicans rapist he had their children taken from them .. he insult foreign govrvenent Leaders and that’s ok by you … this man has done so much harm to the operation of this country trump did’t want to inform the people about the covid virus because it would make him look bad to his base … took trump five months to do anything about the Covid-19 virus lied about having millions of mask … lied about having thousands of ventilators and you want to say to me I have a deranged attitude … then we have trump insulting one reporter after another for asking a question on his fuck ups ??? You don’t see Biden insulting like trump died … telling them it’s a terrible question… I hate to ever try to tell you all the things trump messed up …we don’t have enough space here…

Now let’s talk about biden first thing he did when it was announce to be use he I ordered 100 million dose’s to get people involved to get vaccinated … trump tells them it is poison… he gets companies manufacturing ventilators on the side. he the orders 500 million more doses so people can be safe .., all the time thinking of the people health and these republicans fight it every way they can … because they don’t want to look bad … so they make up shit .. but every one of them are vaccinated … then Biden tries to pass a transportation bill … gets that done … tries to get bbb passed and it stalls because if two conservative democrats … then he tries to get a federal voting law passed again conservative democrats stop the plan … so as far as I see it he’s doing a 100 times better in his first year in office … he has done more for the people in his first year then trump did in 4… trump passed a tax cut that’s it… and only the rich benefited and insulted people so yeah Bude in my opinion is doing a better job then trump could ever do ..
Joe Biden portrayed himself as the nice guy in the white hat. Trump was the New York City skyscraper builder who never tried to say he was a nice guy. Trump was tough and he talked tough. He was not your typical wimpy Republican. In fact Trump was never a true Republican. He just hijacked the GOP elephant and rode it hard, squealing all the way, to victory over Hillary’s lame ass.

Trump launched Operation Warp Speed to develop the vaccines for COVID-19 in record time and it was an amazing success.

You must be one of the many fools who listens to Rachel Maddow. Trump never discouraged people from getting the vaccines.



  • As president, Donald Trump expressed support for the COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination by touting their life-saving potential and saying they would be safe and available to all. In a Dec. 17 tweet, he explicitly said, “Get those ‘shots’ everyone!”

But is it true that as president, Trump "never encouraged Americans to get vaccinated," as Maddow claimed?

In short, no. Trump’s public comments about the vaccines were typically in reference to his administration’s efforts to fast-track their development. But in several cases, he touted the life-saving potential of the vaccines. And in a tweet,Trump gave the encouragement Maddow said he never did during his time in the White House.

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews," Trump tweeted Dec. 17, one day before the Food and Drug Administration cleared a second vaccine for use. "Moving along really well. Get those ‘shots’ everyone!"

Democrats want to FORCE everyone to get vaccinated. Republicans beleive it should be an individual choice.

Who can say for sure that 15 years from now we will not discover the vaccines have some nasty side effects? Now I am fully vaccinated but thenI am 75 and therefore not as worried about long term side effects.

For years and years I took prescription Nexium every day. One day my doctor told me to stop as one of the long term side effect was Chronic Kidney Disease. Guess what. I have CKD.

Sure Biden wants to pass a federal voting law that will guarantee every future election will be won by Democrats. If that law passes the United States will break apart in a decade if not sooner. I definitely don’t want to see that happen but it will.

The DoJ, for example, was under the control of Sessions and then Barr, while Trump was president. Trump did not control it.

Yet more evidence of just how stupid conservatives are.
haha they were the AG acting on the behalf and at the pleasure of the president
They are separate from the president you’re to stupid to realize it … the reason moron is the law makers didN’t want the president to force the speed up any vaccine or drug that why the president doesn’t control them … the DOJ same reason … they didn’t want the president to over rude their opinion over a rule of law … that’s not the presidents job … so they have no control over the DOJ … period . I can’t tell it to you any eiser but I know you’re to stupid to understand that …
hahaa how are the “seperate” provide the legal bases for them being seperate

lawmakers…the legislature branch is a seperate branch and has nothing to do with they made the law, the president enforces those laws via the FDA and DOJ
hahaa how are the “seperate” provide the legal bases for them being seperate

lawmakers…the legislature branch is a seperate branch and has nothing to do with they made the law, the president enforces those laws via the FDA and DOJ
look if you can't comprehend my post that's your problem my post the second tells you how .. you guys are just as stupid as can be ... you don't read my answer you respond to the first sentence as if you knew what you are talking about ... ya don't you just ramble on and on about nothing you have proven ...

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