Joe Biden's Medal of Freedom Ceremony Goes South As His Brain Fries and He Slurs Uncontrollably

How could he get any worse, you might be asking? Well, ask and you shall receive because the end of the ceremony took things to another level. Biden misidentified the medal he was giving out twice in the span of a few minutes.

here we go.....the beginnings of yet another ...."my guy is more senile than your guy" thread......
I like this one.

I don't understand what the hell is going on honestly

Our president is unable to speak clearly and concisely without inane ramblings that make no sense. The vice president just says the dumbest shit ever in a way that sounds like she is trying to amaze 4 year olds. The press secretary just stumbles around when she talks and runs off in directions that don't address the question. The financial officer of Bidens can't even explain how our bond market works. They are all just completely oblivious and dumb morons and they are running our country.

Jesus even George Bush jr looked like a mental giant compared to most of these people.
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Resnick may not be gaslighting at all but truly has trouble understanding the administration because the problem is his massively impaired ability to understand anything most people do.

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