Joe & Hunter Biden Could be Forced to Testify in The Senate!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Listening to different interviews on various outlets, and The Trump Administration is seeing Public Support for Impeachment in a Nosedive, & are now looking for a Full Acquittal, and plan on Dragging Out the process in The Senate and Punishing Everyone involves in The COUP and Hoax Impeachment through Subpoenas and Forced Testimony and Further Exposing Corruption in The Obama Administration and Democrat Party.

The Senate Witness List is going to be UGLY.

Impeachment Will Affect the 2020 Democratic Race—and Not in the Way That You Think
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Possibly; however, I would bet on a majority vote to quickly dismiss the case without calling any witnesses. Why? Because the senate republicans such as LG don't have the balls for a full trial like Trump wants.
Will Trump's Impeachment Trial Be the End of the Road for Democratic Senators in the 2020 Race?

Come January, the five senators still in the running for the Democratic nomination for president likely won’t be campaigning in Iowa or New Hampshire—they’ll be in Washington, D.C., serving as a jury in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial. They, and Trump, will be entering unprecedented territory: juggling an impeachment trial while campaigning for president.

After the House of Representatives votes on articles of impeachment, the issue will head to the Senate, where all 100 senators will hear the case and eventually vote on whether to remove Trump from office. A two-thirds vote is required for Trump’s removal.

When the trial begins depends in part on how quickly the House moves, but it appears likely that it could begin—and run into—the beginning of primary and caucus season. In Iowa, the first state to vote, the caucuses will be held on February 3.

That means that Sens. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) will be unable to campaign in person in the final weeks before Democrats begin to choose their presidential nominee.

The politicians won't call either of them. If it goes to trial though, does Trumps lawyer make the decisions?

If so, you can expect a long line of witnesses that Trumps team wants to question.
Why Republicans should drag out Trump's Senate trial

If Nancy Pelosi's recent comments are any indication, it is likely that President Trump will be impeached by the House of Representatives before the end of the month. We all know what is going to happen next: his impeachment will be taken up by the GOP Senate and the president will be acquitted.

What we don't know at the moment is when exactly the second part is going to happen. After enduring months of self-important pontificating and procedural skullduggery at the hands of their Democratic colleagues, House Republicans want payback. This would involve, among other things, subpoenaing the phone records of Adam Schiff, the Democratic intelligence committee chairman whose handling of the complaint from the so-called "whistleblower" looks very much like a coordinated media stunt. It would also mean forcing both Joe and Hunter Biden to testify and subjecting thousands of journalists to endless hours of bloviation from pro-Trump witnesses. This festival of innocence could easily go on for two or three months before the inevitable verdict is announced.

This does not seem to be what most senators of either party have in mind. After all, the calendar for early next year is pretty packed. In January, Trump will be expected to give the final state of the union address of his first term (if not his presidency), and right after that we have the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. If a Senate trial is still going on, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and Cory Booker and Amy Klobuchar and Michael Bennet (who I'm told is still in the race) won't be able to get out there on the campaign trail.

Darn? I am trying to figure out exactly why making a mess of the 2020 Democratic primary season would be a bad idea for Trump and his allies. Look, they can argue, we're really sorry that half of you can't even be on the campaign trail right now, but you all supported this proceeding and now we want to see it through till the end. We need to hear from the widest possible number of witnesses and weigh all the available evidence. The charges made against the president are very grave indeed. Why in the world would we rush a process upon which the very survival of the American republic depends? The speeches write themselves.

Joe & hunter would be good for a start...but I want to see every major piece of filth subpoenaed and destroyed on live TV! :banana:

Including Homobama!
The President Leads his own defense. He can have Obama and Clinton Subpoenaed if he wants. Eric Holder while we are at it.

Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Rosenstein, Strozk, Page, Clapper, Brennan, Ohr, Baker, Podesta, Manafort, Gates, Biden, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Ciaramella, Zaid, Assange, Kim DotCom, Wasserman Schultz, The DNC Pakistani Hackers, Chris Steele and his Russia Partner Skirpal, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, Captain Rogers ...and on and on and on.

The politicians won't call either of them. If it goes to trial though, does Trumps lawyer make the decisions?

If so, you can expect a long line of witnesses that Trumps team wants to question.
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The Senate can legally drag this out all through The Democrat Primaries and that is exactly what they should do.

There needs to be some pain inflicted so this never happens again.
Everything I read still says this is still a good possibility.

Also a good possibility is a long drawn out process.

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