Joe Klein Calls Obama Incompetent!

It is delayed in the sense that it will not be fully available as required by the law.

As I already said, SHOPs will be open and selling next year under an employer choice model. Some of the state-based exchanges will even be doing both employer choice and employee choice (Minnesota has already said employee choice will be available next year). In 2015, the federally-facilitated exchanges and any state exchanges that don't yet have it will add employee choice functionality.

Klein's anger isn't about employee choice functionality, it's about the (false) idea that employers shopping for coverage through exchanges won't have a choice of plans to offer their employees. This, of course, is silly.
And republicans all over the country rejoice...
No we don't. We'd give anything if Obama made an effort to serve all the American people. Unfortunately, the first thing he did is alienate 45% of the people by calling conservatives racists, and not calling his own racist party on its past errors.

I keep hoping he will see Americans who have been here longer than he are also part of the nation. Instead, he recruits new votes from people who do not have a clue what a community-based society does when it doesn't get absolute adherence--it starts killing its adversaries, because it is a mind-control set that must have everybody cooperating, no exceptions, which is not a free society at all.
1. "...the key incentive for small businesses to support Obamacare was that they would be able to shop for the best deals in health care superstores — called exchanges. The Administration has had three years to set up these exchanges. It has failed to do so.

2. This is a really bad sign. There will be those who argue that it’s not the Administration’s fault. It’s the fault of the 33 states that have refused to set up their own exchanges. Nonsense. Where was the contingency planning?

3. ...— the federal government’s own health-benefits plan (FEHBP) operates markets that exist in all 50 states. So does Medicare Advantage. But now, the Obama Administration has announced that it won’t have the exchanges ready in time,...

4. ...we are now seeing weekly examples of this Administration’s inability to govern.

5. Just a few weeks ago, I reported on the failure of the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs to come up with a unified electronic health care records system. There has also been the studied inattention to the myriad ineffective job-training programs scattered through the bureaucracy. There have been the oblique and belated efforts to reform Head Start, a $7 billion program that a study conducted by its own bureaucracy — the Department of Health and Human Services — has found nearly worthless. The list is endless.

6. a Democrat — as someone who believes in activist government — he has a vested interest in seeing that federal programs actually work efficiently. I don’t see much evidence that this is anywhere near the top of his priorities.

7. ...Obamacare will fail if he doesn’t start paying more attention to the details of implementation, if he doesn’t start demanding action. And, in a larger sense, the notion of activist government will be in peril —

8. Sooner or later, the Democrats may come to understand that making it run efficiently is the prerequisite for maintaining power."
Obamacare Incompetence |

Wow....this indictment from Joe Klein?

The worm turns!

I agree with the premise, of Mr. Klein's 'Time Magazine' opus.....but not the target.

It is not Mr. Maladroit Obama who is incompetent...... is the voters who put in office.
I'm especially sorry about #5's DOD failures and have heard some harrowing stories of veterans being promised one thing and given nothing for the dangerous acts they were forced to do in Vietnam by the government. They need all the care they can get, now that they are in their senior years. Instead, they are having to pay for things the government has put on the back burner.

That's just plain wrong.
It is delayed in the sense that it will not be fully available as required by the law.

As I already said, SHOPs will be open and selling next year under an employer choice model. Some of the state-based exchanges will even be doing both employer choice and employee choice (Minnesota has already said employee choice will be available next year). In 2015, the federally-facilitated exchanges and any state exchanges that don't yet have it will add employee choice functionality.

Klein's anger isn't about employee choice functionality, it's about the (false) idea that employers shopping for coverage through exchanges won't have a choice of plans to offer their employees. This, of course, is silly.

As I already said, that does not meet the requirements set out by Congress.

Which means, despite your attempt to earn a bonus by making lemonade, you still have a pile of shit.
You really don't want to get me started on how fucked up that system is. I also notice that your article is from before the big todo about Walter Reed and how they were neglecting vets despite the "best medical care in the US."

Do what you gotta do.

Walter Reed was an Army hospital then, not a VA hospital. Think it is still a military hospital, combined services. The problems weren't unique to WR, the problems were the direct result of Bush League management of military priorities in re veterans. Wounded veterans were on few Bush League priority lists.

Going to the VA since August 1970 w/no complaints. Admittedly Clarksburg WV VA is staffed by native veterans with a zero tolerance policy for attitude easily on display in some factory type VA facilities. Still, my late brother got great terminal care at Pgh and they did okay by me.

Walter Reed was both an Army hospital and a VA hospital, just like most military hospitals, you should be honest if you want to make a point.

I know lots of people that use the VA, none of them are without a gripe about the way it works. That does not mean the system is perfect, and I see no reason to call you a liar, but no complaints is impossible if you are human.

To recap, Walter Reed was ONLY an ARMY hospital then. It accepted VA patients for some specialties, emergencies and transitions. It was not at that time and probably is not now integrated fully into the VA system and so is NOT a VA hospital per se.

Many years ago VA wanted me to take counseling. Whiners made it not worth continuing. Not that I was going to go to that kind of shit for long. You are absolutely correct on the whiner issue - there are always going to be whiners - and you are absolutely correct there is no reason to call me a liar because nothing I posted is close to false.
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And republicans all over the country rejoice...
No we don't. We'd give anything if Obama made an effort to serve all the American people. Unfortunately, the first thing he did is alienate 45% of the people by calling conservatives racists, and not calling his own racist party on its past errors.

Feel free to quote him calling anyone racist.

I keep hoping he will see Americans who have been here longer than he are also part of the nation. Instead, he recruits new votes from people who do not have a clue what a community-based society does when it doesn't get absolute adherence--it starts killing its adversaries, because it is a mind-control set that must have everybody cooperating, no exceptions, which is not a free society at all.

I might agree if I saw any sign of what you describe. But I don't. I see people full of hate complaining about a republican health care plan and acting as though it is the end of the world. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

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