Joe Klein Calls Obama Incompetent!

Hardly. He's a lot smarter than you are...he's had the epiphany that Obama is incompetent.

He believes the administration said employers won't have a choice of plans in the exchanges next year. This, of course, is silly. Klein made a boo boo!

He's correct and you are a moronic hack.

If you were looking forward to an easier way to shop for employee health-insurance plans, you may have to wait a bit longer.

Last month, the Obama Administration requested that states be given more time to set up multiple options for health-insurance coverage, pushing deadlines back by one year, according to the Federal Register, the official newspaper of the federal government. In 2014, states would only have to offer small-business owners a single option on the exchange, giving them until 2015 to set up a model for providing employers multiple choices, the Federal Register says....

White House to Delay Health-Care Marketplace Options for Small Businesses - Yahoo! India Finance

"He's correct and you are a moronic hack.'....who takes a paycheck from the government to write stuff like he does.

He won't say if he works for the regime.

You are an economic illiterate...I Get That.


Someday I dream folks like you will take five minutes to understand the issues that so rile you. When you understand things, a poorly worded article won't throw you for such a loop. Maybe you'll even be able to talk about the content intelligently, too!


You are an economic illiterate...I Get That.

It appears today will not be that day. Rats!
I'm so fucking confused.

Is Obama a Marxist? A free market capitalist? A corporatist? A socialist?

And since we are on the subject... Is he a supporter of muslims? Or a southern baptist following that batshit preacher? Or is he atheist scum trying to undermine religion?

It's so damned confusing keeping all this rhetoric straight.

He is something for everyone depending on which way the wind blows.

I think today we call that leadership?
I'm so fucking confused.

Is Obama a Marxist? A free market capitalist? A corporatist? A socialist?

And since we are on the subject... Is he a supporter of muslims? Or a southern baptist following that batshit preacher? Or is he atheist scum trying to undermine religion?

It's so damned confusing keeping all this rhetoric straight.

He is something for everyone depending on which way the wind blows.

I think today we call that leadership?

....maybe not for everyone.....
1. "...the key incentive for small businesses to support Obamacare was that they would be able to shop for the best deals in health care superstores — called exchanges. The Administration has had three years to set up these exchanges. It has failed to do so.

2. This is a really bad sign. There will be those who argue that it’s not the Administration’s fault. It’s the fault of the 33 states that have refused to set up their own exchanges. Nonsense. Where was the contingency planning?

3. ...— the federal government’s own health-benefits plan (FEHBP) operates markets that exist in all 50 states. So does Medicare Advantage. But now, the Obama Administration has announced that it won’t have the exchanges ready in time,...

4. ...we are now seeing weekly examples of this Administration’s inability to govern.

5. Just a few weeks ago, I reported on the failure of the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs to come up with a unified electronic health care records system. There has also been the studied inattention to the myriad ineffective job-training programs scattered through the bureaucracy. There have been the oblique and belated efforts to reform Head Start, a $7 billion program that a study conducted by its own bureaucracy — the Department of Health and Human Services — has found nearly worthless. The list is endless.

6. a Democrat — as someone who believes in activist government — he has a vested interest in seeing that federal programs actually work efficiently. I don’t see much evidence that this is anywhere near the top of his priorities.

7. ...Obamacare will fail if he doesn’t start paying more attention to the details of implementation, if he doesn’t start demanding action. And, in a larger sense, the notion of activist government will be in peril —

8. Sooner or later, the Democrats may come to understand that making it run efficiently is the prerequisite for maintaining power."
Obamacare Incompetence |

Wow....this indictment from Joe Klein?

The worm turns!

I agree with the premise, of Mr. Klein's 'Time Magazine' opus.....but not the target.

It is not Mr. Maladroit Obama who is incompetent...... is the voters who put in office.

I wish I could agree with him, but he is wrong. The problem is not that Obama is incompetent, it is that Obamacare is impossible to implement.
I hope no one would actually trust electronic medical recordkeeping.

As apposed to the wonderfully efficient and accurate manual system we have now?

Hell, it's hard to even call what we have now a system.

Electronic record keeping, even imperfect electronic record keeping, would be a vast improvement.

You do know that, legally, anything stored in the cloud more than 90 days is open to be accessed by the government without a warrant, don't you? That would include those medical records. Plus, any security system is hackable.
I'm so fucking confused.

Is Obama a Marxist? A free market capitalist? A corporatist? A socialist?

And since we are on the subject... Is he a supporter of muslims? Or a southern baptist following that batshit preacher? Or is he atheist scum trying to undermine religion?

It's so damned confusing keeping all this rhetoric straight.

He is not a free market capitalist, or a corporatist. I guess that leaves you with a choice between Marxist and socialist.

Just curious, when did Obama join a Southern Baptists church?
I'm so fucking confused.

Is Obama a Marxist? A free market capitalist? A corporatist? A socialist?

And since we are on the subject... Is he a supporter of muslims? Or a southern baptist following that batshit preacher? Or is he atheist scum trying to undermine religion?

It's so damned confusing keeping all this rhetoric straight.

While, I'm sure, you posted that tongue-in-cheek....the real joke is how truly it reflects on your comprehension.

Amen sister.
I hope no one would actually trust electronic medical recordkeeping.

The health care system producing the best average results on earth is almost entirely electronic records. That would be the single payer/socialist system many call the US VA system.

The Best Medical Care In The U.S. - Businessweek

You really don't want to get me started on how fucked up that system is. I also notice that your article is from before the big todo about Walter Reed and how they were neglecting vets despite the "best medical care in the US."
Hardly. He's a lot smarter than you are...he's had the epiphany that Obama is incompetent.

He believes the administration said employers won't have a choice of plans in the exchanges next year. This, of course, is silly. Klein made a boo boo!

No, he believes the administration said that the small business exchange, which is supposed to be available next year, is not going to be available. The problem with you asserting that he got that wrong is that the administration actually said that.
No, he believes the administration said that the small business exchange, which is supposed to be available next year, is not going to be available.

Indeed, he does seem to think that! That's my point. His anger is based on being misinformed--refreshing to see this phenomenon isn't just limited to the right, I'm sure!
He's correct and you are a moronic hack.

Someday I dream folks like you will take five minutes to understand the issues that so rile you. When you understand things, a poorly worded article won't throw you for such a loop. Maybe you'll even be able to talk about the content intelligently, too!

HHS didn't say the exchanges won't be there next year, nor did they say "small businesses will be offered one choice." This, of course, is the basis of Klein's post and since it's entirely untrue his post is pointless.

What they said is that in the SHOP exchanges for small businesses, they're only going to be using an employer choice purchasing model next year. That means the employer can shop around in the exchange (yes, choosing from multiple competing plans) and choose one that he makes available to his employees. That's generally how the small group market works now. Since the employer is the one who actually does the shopping and choosing, the employee only gets a single choice: to say yea or nay to the company plan.

What's being delayed a year is a second purchasing model, an employee choice model. Under that model, the employer doesn't choose a single company health plan anymore. Instead, he lets employees go out into the exchange and pick their own plans using, at least in part, a financial contribution the employer offers as part of the compensation package.

That way you get the market dynamics of the individual market because everyone shops for their own plan (instead of giving the employer all the decision-making power), but employers still get to offer tax privileged health benefits as a hiring enticement and, depending on how the SHOP is designed, they get the predictability of a defined contribution to the health plan.

Get it?

Let me get this straight, when an article says that "The law calls for a new insurance marketplace specifically for small businesses, starting next year. But in most states, employers will not be able to get what Congress intended: the option to provide workers with a choice of health plans. They will instead be limited to a single plan." It actually means that the full exchange will be offered next year, and that anyone who reads that to mean anything else is an idiot.

Good to know.

By the way, the fact that there are already plenty of actual choices exchanges that exist for federal employes in no way changes the fact that Obama failed to do what the law said.
I hope no one would actually trust electronic medical recordkeeping.

The health care system producing the best average results on earth is almost entirely electronic records. That would be the single payer/socialist system many call the US VA system.

The Best Medical Care In The U.S. - Businessweek

You really don't want to get me started on how fucked up that system is. I also notice that your article is from before the big todo about Walter Reed and how they were neglecting vets despite the "best medical care in the US."

Do what you gotta do.

Walter Reed was an Army hospital then, not a VA hospital. Think it is still a military hospital, combined services. The problems weren't unique to WR, the problems were the direct result of Bush League management of military priorities in re pre separation wounded veterans. Wounded veterans were on few Bush League priority lists.

Going to the VA since August 1970 w/no complaints. Admittedly Clarksburg WV VA is staffed by native veterans with a zero tolerance policy for attitude easily on display in some factory type VA facilities. Still, my late brother got great terminal care at Pgh and they did okay by me.
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No, he believes the administration said that the small business exchange, which is supposed to be available next year, is not going to be available.

Indeed, he does seem to think that! That's my point. His anger is based on being misinformed--refreshing to see this phenomenon isn't just limited to the right, I'm sure!

I cannot imagine why he thinks that.

Wait, I can. You can blather all day long, but the simple fact is that the implementation of SHOP has been delayed for a full year.

Instead, the federal government announced that the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) will be delayed until 2015. Small-business employees will still be able to get insurance, but the states have the option to limit that to one choice, rather than a variety of plans, for the first year.

Feds delay small-business health care program
Feds delay small-business health care program[/url]


"For transitional purposes we have proposed that in 2014, a SHOP may elect to have businesses choose one plan to offer employees, and in 2015 employees will be able to choose from the full range of plans in the Marketplace," Health and Human Services said in a statement.

It's "delayed" in the sense that small business owners can shop for insurance plans through it for their companies next year on schedule, I suppose then? Interesting use of language.
The health care system producing the best average results on earth is almost entirely electronic records. That would be the single payer/socialist system many call the US VA system.

The Best Medical Care In The U.S. - Businessweek

You really don't want to get me started on how fucked up that system is. I also notice that your article is from before the big todo about Walter Reed and how they were neglecting vets despite the "best medical care in the US."

Do what you gotta do.

Walter Reed was an Army hospital then, not a VA hospital. Think it is still a military hospital, combined services. The problems weren't unique to WR, the problems were the direct result of Bush League management of military priorities in re veterans. Wounded veterans were on few Bush League priority lists.

Going to the VA since August 1970 w/no complaints. Admittedly Clarksburg WV VA is staffed by native veterans with a zero tolerance policy for attitude easily on display in some factory type VA facilities. Still, my late brother got great terminal care at Pgh and they did okay by me.

Walter Reed was both an Army hospital and a VA hospital, just like most military hospitals, you should be honest if you want to make a point.

I know lots of people that use the VA, none of them are without a gripe about the way it works. That does not mean the system is perfect, and I see no reason to call you a liar, but no complaints is impossible if you are human.
Feds delay small-business health care program[/url]


"For transitional purposes we have proposed that in 2014, a SHOP may elect to have businesses choose one plan to offer employees, and in 2015 employees will be able to choose from the full range of plans in the Marketplace," Health and Human Services said in a statement.
It's "delayed" in the sense that small business owners can shop for insurance plans through it for their companies next year on schedule, I suppose then? Interesting use of language.

It is delayed in the sense that it will not be fully available as required by the law.

Quite simply, you are wrong. Admit it for once in your existence as a shil, it will do you, personally, good. Plus, you get to see you boss blow steam out of his ears.

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