Joe Rogan continues to bitch-out and bow-down to the Woke Patrol

Yes dear, just read what you’re writing. It reeks of fear. America is doing just fine.
Hahaha…by what metric?
$30T in debt, a larger homeless population than the population in some countries, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying on our streets, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, 20-40 million illegal trespassers fucking over our citizenry, a worthless public school system, a destroyed healthcare system, a citizenry that hates one another, criminality off the charts, a pandemic killing in record numbers, social media and media steering the direction of the nation, fuel at all time highs…I could go on and on.
Are you sure you’re paying attention and know what you’re talking about?
Hahaha…by what metric?
$30T in debt, a larger homeless population than the population in some countries, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying on our streets, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, 20-40 million illegal trespassers fucking over our citizenry, a worthless public school system, a destroyed healthcare system, a citizenry that hates one another, criminality off the charts, a pandemic killing in record numbers, social media and media steering the direction of the nation, fuel at all time highs…I could go on and on.
Are you sure you’re paying attention and know what you’re talking about?
Every country including America has always had and will always have many of the problems you just listed. But despite that stuff we have been making steady improvements and have developed the greatest country this world has ever seen. It’s a shame that spoiled turds like yourself can’t appreciate what you have.
Every country including America has always had and will always have many of the problems you just listed. But despite that stuff we have been making steady improvements and have developed the greatest country this world has ever seen. It’s a shame that spoiled turds like yourself can’t appreciate what you have.
hahaha…that’s the thing, I’ve been kicking ass personally for two decades, I do appreciate what I have but watching everything go to shit all around me is disappointing. Good real Americans like to see their country on a positive trajectory…why wouldn’t you?
hahaha…that’s the thing, I’ve been kicking ass personally for two decades, I do appreciate what I have but watching everything go to shit all around me is disappointing. Good real Americans like to see their country on a positive trajectory…why wouldn’t you?
So your kicking ass but you’re whining like a little bitch about how bad everything is?! Give me a break
So your kicking ass but you’re whining like a little bitch about how bad everything is?! Give me a break
Us critical macro thinkers believe it’s our duty to preserve the America we got handed to us so we can hand it off to our children. Weird huh?
No doubt the trump party has encouraged racists, and given them a boost in confidence. It's one of his biggest accomplishments.
Pretty sure Rogan is a pretty hard core liberal. He was a Bernie supporter. Far from a Trump fan

Joe Rogan continues to bitch-out and bow-down to the Woke Patrol​

OR — and hear me out here — maybe his apology was appropriate?

With the possible exception of needing to accurately quote somebody else, why would it ever be necessary for a white persona to use the obviously offensive “n” word?

If he thought that it was “ok” in whatever context he was using that word, maybe he honestly came to appreciate that the “context” for a podcast doesn’t make it ok.

The guy isn’t apologizing for his claims concerning COVID. Nor should he. He is apologizing for absolutely unnecessary but offensive speech in a very public forum.
Rogan is far from a Trumpster. Have you ever actually listened to him? He is a pretty diehard liberal

Rogan is an old school liberal from back when they still had an open minded about everything. He is not a republican at all.

Rogan is a model American because despite his beliefs he still maintains an open mind and loves his country and what it stands for. He believes in personal responsibility, being true, listening, working out problems and having all freedoms our country gives us.

All liberals and democrats should look up to him. Hell all Americans should. But yeah he is a hardcore liberal.

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