Joe Rogan continues to bitch-out and bow-down to the Woke Patrol

So why can’t we called him the N-word.. is it too disrespectful for you
Yup. You offend more than the person you are calling the name and you embarrass yourself and your family while doing so. Not worth it. It’s an immature and ignorant way of expressing yourself
Yup. You offend more than the person you are calling the name and you embarrass yourself and your family while doing so. Not worth it. It’s an immature and ignorant way of expressing yourself
Well it’s my culture my country, don’t be a N and we won’t call you one
No, it isn’t. When my kids are forced to wear masks while playing basketball something is inherently wrong.
That’s a temporary inconvenience for public health during a pandemic. Not reflective of some systemic issues we have with our country. We are just fine. Suck it up and be a good citizen with a smile for a spell will ya?
Well it’s my culture my country, don’t be a N and we won’t call you one
You’re still avoiding my questions. How does using the N word somehow make you tough or dominant when it is reminiscent of a culture that was dominated and near eradicated
You’re still avoiding my questions. How does using the N word somehow make you tough or dominant when it is reminiscent of a culture that was dominated and near eradicated
The narrative on why the N-word was used is false.. If you acted like a fucking retard and you’re black you were called the N word. the White ghettos are now black.. 30 years ago Black people lived in black communities and they had a deal with patriotic white Americans.. we didn’t tolerate that shit..
The narrative on why the N-word was used is false.. If you acted like a fucking retard and you’re black you were called the N word. the White ghettos are now black.. 30 years ago Black people lived in black communities and they had a deal with patriotic white Americans.. we didn’t tolerate that shit..
That still doesn’t answer my question
That’s a temporary inconvenience for public health during a pandemic. Not reflective of some systemic issues we have with our country. We are just fine. Suck it up and be a good citizen with a smile for a spell will ya?
They are literally sweating and touching one another nonstop. How is it helping? 100% optics. We are not just fine, I am tired of you leftists telling me how I should feel and think.
I did. I’m asking what sources are influencing your opinions. Are you saying that this thread is your source and you believe it reflects the opinions of the masses?

believe it reflects the opinions if the rightwing nuts on this forum

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