Joe Rogan continues to bitch-out and bow-down to the Woke Patrol

Black culture is dominate.. pushed by commies. Nature will change that.. it’s our country, western culture.. I don’t make the rules..
You’re right about that. Don’t seem to have a good understanding of them either
I agree, kids wearing masks during sports is ineffective. Not something I’d support. But I’m not going to point to that as a reason why America is not a great country
It isn't a great country because of:

#1) Mask policies and COVID lockdowns resulting in 50% increase in young girls suicide rates;
#2) Massive inflation that only the rich can truly absorb, even my wife and I are noticing how pricey everything is;
#3) School tuition is off the charts, even UMASS a state school is $30k per year with fees and tuition;
#4) Our healthcare system is whacked. I have great insurance and still cannot get a rapid appointment for my kids anymore and the prices are very high, which for us insurance covers;
#5) Illegals are pouring in and Biden flies them secretly at night to unsuspecting airports.
#6) Crime rates in cities are significantly higher than the same period last year and many Left Wing DAs refuse to prosecute;
#7) Cash and grabs seem to be OK due to social justice
#8) Many believe America is systemically racist and those who don't (myself) cannot stand those people.
#9) Afghanistan withdrawal was done so poorly that Putin and Xi are pushing their influence in very overt ways and we just and watch with our weak ass president.
#10) Illogical follow the science mantra but only when its convenient. Social Media and Tech bias is disturbing.

10 reasons off the top of my head

We were great until we elected GWB and it has been all downhill from there IMO
You’re right about that. Don’t seem to have a good understanding of them either
Nature? What do you think is going to happen as blacks move to the suburbs? What happen to blacks in white ghettos? Clash of culture whites always won until gov stepped in abs pandered for votes. But that ends soon ,, because blacks are expanding territory.. and whites in the burbs ain’t going to tolerate
It isn't a great country because of:

#1) Mask policies and COVID lockdowns resulting in 50% increase in young girls suicide rates;
#2) Massive inflation that only the rich can truly absorb, even my wife and I are noticing how pricey everything is;
#3) School tuition is off the charts, even UMASS a state school is $30k per year with fees and tuition;
#4) Our healthcare system is whacked. I have great insurance and still cannot get a rapid appointment for my kids anymore and the prices are very high, which for us insurance covers;
#5) Illegals are pouring in and Biden flies them secretly at night to unsuspecting airports.
#6) Crime rates in cities are significantly higher than the same period last year and many Left Wing DAs refuse to prosecute;
#7) Cash and grabs seem to be OK due to social justice
#8) Many believe America is systemically racist and those who don't (myself) cannot stand those people.
#9) Afghanistan withdrawal was done so poorly that Putin and Xi are pushing their influence in very overt ways and we just and watch with our weak ass president.
#10) Illogical follow the science mantra but only when its convenient. Social Media and Tech bias is disturbing.

10 reasons off the top of my head

We were great until we elected GWB and it has been all downhill from there IMO
Funny, and here I thought y’all prided yourselves on being America first patriots. Sounds like you have a pretty negative view of your country.
Nature? What do you think is going to happen as blacks move to the suburbs? What happen to blacks in white ghettos? Clash of culture whites always won until gov stepped in abs pandered for votes. But that ends soon ,, because blacks are expanding territory.. and whites in the burbs ain’t going to tolerate
Haha, is that right… and what are y’all gonna do about it, besides being the N word back?!
Funny, and here I thought y’all prided yourselves on being America first patriots. Sounds like you have a pretty negative view of your country.
It negative because I have been silent for too long and you're incorrect about your mask policies.

The CIF State released an update on Friday, Jan. 22 to the guidelines for competition to advise that masks should be worn by participants in most sports.

The guidelines, which follow the lead of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), state that for the sports of badminton, baseball, basketball, competitive cheer, field hockey, football, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, tennis, volleyball and wrestling, “masks should be worn at all times by all individuals participating in the activity, even with heavy exertion as tolerated.”

What a pussy…I’ve lost all respect for this clown. He’s the only reason I had a spotify account…which I just terminated.

Yeah, he dies. Takes guts. Many cave. Peter denied 3 times and he saw, ate, and talked to Him. Takes guts that few of us have. I know I am a coward in many ways.
I appreciate that more than you know. It has hit my 13-yr old really hard.

I wear my mask walking into the gym as they require it, soon as I am exercising it is off and stays off till I walk out.

It is so wrong to make them wear them while playing any sport
It negative because I have been silent for too long and you're incorrect about your mask policies.

The CIF State released an update on Friday, Jan. 22 to the guidelines for competition to advise that masks should be worn by participants in most sports.

The guidelines, which follow the lead of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), state that for the sports of badminton, baseball, basketball, competitive cheer, field hockey, football, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, tennis, volleyball and wrestling, “masks should be worn at all times by all individuals participating in the activity, even with heavy exertion as tolerated.”

Those guidelines were from a year ago. Now they require masking when you are not in the act of exertion. So when you are on the sidelines but athletes who are competing do not need to wear masks if they do not want to.
Those guidelines were from a year ago. Now they require masking when you are not in the act of exertion. So when you are on the sidelines but athletes who are competing do not need to wear masks if they do not want to.
Do you have an updated link please?
It isn't a great country because of:

#1) Mask policies and COVID lockdowns resulting in 50% increase in young girls suicide rates;
#2) Massive inflation that only the rich can truly absorb, even my wife and I are noticing how pricey everything is;
#3) School tuition is off the charts, even UMASS a state school is $30k per year with fees and tuition;
#4) Our healthcare system is whacked. I have great insurance and still cannot get a rapid appointment for my kids anymore and the prices are very high, which for us insurance covers;
#5) Illegals are pouring in and Biden flies them secretly at night to unsuspecting airports.
#6) Crime rates in cities are significantly higher than the same period last year and many Left Wing DAs refuse to prosecute;
#7) Cash and grabs seem to be OK due to social justice
#8) Many believe America is systemically racist and those who don't (myself) cannot stand those people.
#9) Afghanistan withdrawal was done so poorly that Putin and Xi are pushing their influence in very overt ways and we just and watch with our weak ass president.
#10) Illogical follow the science mantra but only when its convenient. Social Media and Tech bias is disturbing.

10 reasons off the top of my head

We were great until we elected GWB and it has been all downhill from there IMO

1) Not true... Suicide Rates Declined in 2020, But Not for All Groups, CDC Says
2) Inflation at temporary at 7% is not massive.
3) College tuition is making our country what?
4) Our for profit HC system is whacked because you can't get a rapid COVID test?
5) We're processing asylum cases, just not tearing apart families at the border anymore.
6) Some cities do have higher crime rates as more people are out, some have decreased. The DA bullshit is just that.
7) Yeah, social justice protests are now called legitimate political discourse now and don't have anything to do with crime.
8) American has a racist history and many still are racist. We need to teach that and not be white little snowflakes about it.
9) The Afghanistan withdrawal has nothing to do with Putin or Xi influence peddling. Of course conservatives side with Putin on the issue of denying NATO to Ukraine.
10) Sure, follow the science unless conflicts with your opinion, like AGW. If you post lies and false information you should expect to be banned.

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