Joe Rogan continues to bitch-out and bow-down to the Woke Patrol

1) Not true... Suicide Rates Declined in 2020, But Not for All Groups, CDC Says
2) Inflation at temporary at 7% is not massive.
3) College tuition is making our country what?
4) Our for profit HC system is whacked because you can't get a rapid COVID test?
5) We're processing asylum cases, just not tearing apart families at the border anymore.
6) Some cities do have higher crime rates as more people are out, some have decreased. The DA bullshit is just that.
7) Yeah, social justice protests are now called legitimate political discourse now and don't have anything to do with crime.
8) American has a racist history and many still are racist. We need to teach that and not be white little snowflakes about it.
9) The Afghanistan withdrawal has nothing to do with Putin or Xi influence peddling. Of course conservatives side with Putin on the issue of denying NATO to Ukraine.
10) Sure, follow the science unless conflicts with your opinion, like AGW. If you post lies and false information you should expect to be banned.

1) Highest on RECORD!!! I showed a link in a separate post.
2) 7% is up like 30% and fuel is up 40%.
3) Making it difficult for parents to afford it and for students to come out without significant debt loads.
4) Its whacked because my 13-year old could not find a psychotherapist and was having massive panic attacks.
5) They aren't families, they criminals smuggling kids who aren't theirs and abusing them
6) Its not remotely that as the widow of the 22-yr old police officer in NYC eloquently stated
7) They are criminals and have nothing to do with social justice. See my BLM thread.
8) History. The world has a racist history. Doesn't mean the country is systemically racist now. Teach that black kids are inferior is racism. Something Democrats love to teach
9) You're delusional. They saw how weak Biden is and how divided America is. They see that our military doesn't respect our commander in chief.
10) Before COVID, 2nd and 3rd opinions were not only common but encouraged now if you ask you're a science denier.
1) Not true... Suicide Rates Declined in 2020, But Not for All Groups, CDC Says
2) Inflation at temporary at 7% is not massive.
3) College tuition is making our country what?
4) Our for profit HC system is whacked because you can't get a rapid COVID test?
5) We're processing asylum cases, just not tearing apart families at the border anymore.
6) Some cities do have higher crime rates as more people are out, some have decreased. The DA bullshit is just that.
7) Yeah, social justice protests are now called legitimate political discourse now and don't have anything to do with crime.
8) American has a racist history and many still are racist. We need to teach that and not be white little snowflakes about it.
9) The Afghanistan withdrawal has nothing to do with Putin or Xi influence peddling. Of course conservatives side with Putin on the issue of denying NATO to Ukraine.
10) Sure, follow the science unless conflicts with your opinion, like AGW. If you post lies and false information you should expect to be banned.

Social Justice is paying attention to 3% and ignoring otto105
Another fine example of an "I'm sorry if you were offended" apology. Freely admitting that he did the unacceptable, but not having the least idea why it was unacceptable. Kinda like "I'm sorry that I stole your car. I just thought if someone left it unlocked, that meant they didn't want it any more, but I now realize that wasn't the case this time."

Why can blacks say it and not whites?
He could have said…
”Yep, I use the word, I use it often, just like rappers do, in a non-derogatory way…..FUCK YOU if it makes you piss your pussified self.”
But he didn’t….he handed the Woke his nuts and bowed down like any bitch would.
I assume the Woke Army combed through thousands of hours of Rogan chatter and discovered he
had used the N-Word at some point.

I don't know the context, it may have been for a viable reason, but let's not forget that the N-Word is vile
and detestable, for the most part and Rogan's apology may have actually been the right thing to do.

If Rogan felt like he should apologize, and the apology was not coerced by left wing vermin then
perhaps Joe did the right thing. That is a distinct possibility

I've gone through my entire life without feeling like I need to use that execrable word.
Why do you feel the need to be a bottom dweller?
I've gone through my entire life without feeling like I need to use that execrable word.
Why do you feel the need to be a bottom dweller?
I’m a free adult, I like words, I’ll use whatever word I want to use, no word scares me. Why does a word make you piss yourself?
I’m a free adult, I like words, I’ll use whatever word I want to use, no word scares me. Why does a word make you piss yourself?
What makes you think he is pissing himself? That’s a strange interpretation
I’m a free adult, I like words, I’ll use whatever word I want to use, no word scares me. Why does a word make you piss yourself?
People are judged by the words they chose to use.

If you are okay with being seen as a retrograde moron more power to you.

The only thing that makes me "piss myself" is the thought that people who are proudly stupid
and problematic still exist in this society.
Fools like you give the woke fascists ammo for their anti conservative jihad.

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