Joe Rogan continues to bitch-out and bow-down to the Woke Patrol

Good for you…Obviously a lot of ‘parents’ taught their children to be cowardly pussies.
They taught them to stay out of the trenches, to stay out of the fight, to not engage…they taught them to enjoy being suckered.
Look to Unkotare MisterBeale and ALL traditional ‘conservatives’ for proof….they love being owned and getting bitchslapped by the Left.
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Whereas your parents taught you, it looks like, to be a slimy hateful piece of shit who loves to justify his
copious racism (that he so enjoys to use) by pretending that's how he fights the left.
By being racist scum.

Crawl back under your rock. I have no use for dishonest garbage like you.
Hahaha…Notice how I told you that I use and apply the word toward woke white guilt whackos most often and you still can’t stop your Leftist controlled self from crying ”RACIST”……haha…just like Unkotare you Lefty programmed folks are so damn predictable.
Hahaha…Notice how I told you that I use and apply the word toward woke white guilt whackos most often and you still can’t stop your Leftist controlled self from crying ”RACIST”……haha…just like Unkotare you Lefty programmed folks are so damn predictable.
"Most often" doesn't mean "always" by any means.
And you are the one making the uncheckable claims here.

So it's virtually meaningless in any case. Fuck off, loser.
Your explanation is bullshit, and Psy-op by clandestine agencies. Even Orwell warned against "wrong-think," and "wrong speak."

That of course, is the Marxist and Orwellian plan, that was set out by the Deep State toward the end of the Civil Rights Era. If official segregation were done away with? Then the ruling classes needed to make the black community want to segregate themselves. This is when, if you study black culture closely during the disco era, it starts to diverge markedly, when the CIA planted agents in the black culture. Right when disco starts. . . a whole new black cultural renaissance begins, and we see the start of rap music and new forms of black liberation philosophies.

This is just after the same time, that the Deep State had all our public leaders, both black and white, assassinated, and it took over the public state. . . . . It purposely destroyed the unity that was starting to coalesce in the lower classes. . .

Divide and rule is necessary to keep the people from revolting against the plans of the global oligarchy.

I figured it would be over your head.

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