Joe Rogan continues to bitch-out and bow-down to the Woke Patrol

People are judged by the words they chose to use.

If you are okay with being seen as a retrograde moron more power to you.

The only thing that makes me "piss myself" is the thought that people who are proudly stupid
and problematic still exist in this society.
Fools like you give the woke fascists ammo for their anti conservative jihad.
I really don’t give two fucks…I use the word frequently, I use it to describe the lowest of low…regardless of skin color…I probably use it most often when referring to woke white guilt whackos.
Woke Libs don’t write a single sentence in my rule book. They clearly write yours.
Black folks say it as a greeting and you know why white folks say it, is it a double standard? Yep, but you created it.

So blacks can "greet" each other with this term, but if white folks use it, it's racist?

How come I can't greet a black man by calling him a ******?

Either ****** is a racist word or it's not. You can't make a word racist for some people and perfectly ok for others.
So blacks can "greet" each other with this term, but if white folks use it, it's racist?

How come I can't greet a black man by calling him a ******?

Either ****** is a racist word or it's not. You can't make a word racist for some people and perfectly ok for others.
You can but don't be surprised if they don't like it.
i think the word can be used in context. It's that dumb video, which was probably made by a woke white person that made it wrong. Rogan didn't need to apologize for it. but as a decent human being i guess he felt it had to be done because of how bad the video probably made it look.
So blacks can "greet" each other with this term, but if white folks use it, it's racist?
Pretty much.
How come I can't greet a black man by calling him a ******?
You can.
Either ****** is a racist word or it's not. You can't make a word racist for some people and perfectly ok for others.
I just said it's a double standard, but it is what it is. 🤷
How about you answer the question.

Why is it ok for blacks to say it but not whites?
That is a very complex subject, and I can't explained it in a few lines of text here. At first glance, it does seem unfair that black folk can use that word but whites can't, unless you consider the fact that that word has been used to belittle and degrade blacks in a way that no word has ever been used to describe most other people. White people haven't, in any sense, had an equivalent word that was weaponized against them. Sure, it might seem unfair that they can use it, and we can't, but if you want to start comparing the injustices suffered by the races, that one small disparity barely registers on the scale. No, I don't completely understand why that word is responded to differently, depending on who says it, but that is where we have ended up after such a long and disgusting history of racial injustice and the use of that word. I'm willing to give them that one. No doubt they earned it.

(edit to add one thought)
If a white person uses the N word, he is called a racist.
If a 14 year old black boy spoke to a white woman he was murdered. Just ask Emmit Till
You whining about not being able to use that word is just pathetic.
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There you go with the lie again, 92% of murdered whites are not murder by black folks. Why do you keep repeating that lie when you have been shown it's a lie. Just have to keep the racist narrative I guess.
Not what I said. I am saying a vast majority of murders of black folks is black on black crime, something BLM the terror group doesn’t care about.
That kind of apology is the apology of a weasel, no matter what color you are.
Rogan is a Bernie Bro. He is not racist, and only used it either quoting rap lyrics, names of places, literary references, new articles, or by quoting racists. HE DID NOTHING WRONG. . .

SO? The upshot is, an apology is better than NO APOLOGY AT ALL. . .

I really don’t give two fucks…I use the word frequently, I use it to describe the lowest of low…regardless of skin color…I probably use it most often when referring to woke white guilt whackos.
Woke Libs don’t write a single sentence in my rule book. They clearly write yours.
I was raised this way loser, by my mother and father, long before such a plague as woke-ism plagued the world.

Raised to respect others and reject hate and language that just would boomerang on the people that
"thought" in such hateful disrespectful ways.

It gives you great pleasure I see to wallow in the dirt and mud, so don't mind me.
Keep being a perpetuating cog in the machine that sets people against one another. I know you will.

It suits you.
That is a very complex subject, and I can't explained it in a few lines of text here. At first glance, it does seem unfair that black folk can use that word but whites can't, unless you consider the fact that that word has been used to belittle and degrade blacks in a way that no word has ever been used to describe most other people. White people haven't, in any sense, had an equivalent word that was weaponized against them. Sure, it might seem unfair that they can use it, and we can't, but if you want to start comparing the injustices suffered by the races, that one small disparity barely registers on the scale. No, I don't completely understand why that word is responded to differently, depending on who says it, but that is where we have ended up after such a long and disgusting history of racial injustice and the use of that word. I'm willing to give them that one. No doubt they earned it.

(edit to add one thought)
If a white person uses the N word, he is called a racist.
If a 14 year old black boy spoke to a white woman he was murdered. Just ask Emmit Till
You whining about not being able to use that word is just pathetic.
Your explanation is bullshit, and Psy-op by clandestine agencies. Even Orwell warned against "wrong-think," and "wrong speak."

That of course, is the Marxist and Orwellian plan, that was set out by the Deep State toward the end of the Civil Rights Era. If official segregation were done away with? Then the ruling classes needed to make the black community want to segregate themselves. This is when, if you study black culture closely during the disco era, it starts to diverge markedly, when the CIA planted agents in the black culture. Right when disco starts. . . a whole new black cultural renaissance begins, and we see the start of rap music and new forms of black liberation philosophies.

This is just after the same time, that the Deep State had all our public leaders, both black and white, assassinated, and it took over the public state. . . . . It purposely destroyed the unity that was starting to coalesce in the lower classes. . .

Divide and rule is necessary to keep the people from revolting against the plans of the global oligarchy.

I was raised this way loser, by my mother and father, long before such a plague as woke-ism plagued the world.

Raised to respect others and reject hate and language that just would boomerang on the people that
"thought" in such hateful disrespectful ways.

It gives you great pleasure I see to wallow in the dirt and mud, so don't mind me.
Keep being a perpetuating cog in the machine that sets people against one another. I know you will.

It suits you.
Good for you…Obviously a lot of ‘parents’ taught their children to be cowardly pussies.
They taught them to stay out of the trenches, to stay out of the fight, to not engage…they taught them to enjoy being suckered.
Look to Unkotare MisterBeale and ALL traditional ‘conservatives’ for proof….they love being owned and getting bitchslapped by the Left.
Good for you…Obviously a lot of ‘parents’ taught their children to be cowardly pussies.
They taught them to stay out of the trenches, to stay out of the fight, to not engage…they taught them to enjoy being suckered.
Look to Unkotare MisterBeale and ALL traditional ‘conservatives’ for proof….they love being owned and getting bitchslapped by the Left.
Whereas your parents taught you, it looks like, to be a slimy hateful piece of shit who loves to justify his
copious racism (that he so enjoys to use) by pretending that's how he fights the left.
By being racist scum.

Crawl back under your rock. I have no use for dishonest garbage like you.

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