Joe Rogan continues to bitch-out and bow-down to the Woke Patrol

How weird….you mean a hardcore leftist such as yourself thinks Rogan should cower and beg for forgiveness from the Woke Patrol?
Fuckin-A….who would have thought.
Yes. Lol. Joe wants to be part of the mainstream so he'll bow his head and do as told like a good little cuck. That you admit having been a fan just shows your cuck tendencies.
I remember when white men said the n word like it was breathing air.. we lost our culture.. we need to get it back .. I know I say it when ever I want
What a pussy…I’ve lost all respect for this clown. He’s the only reason I had a spotify account…which I just terminated.

Well, damn. Good ol' Joe has to bend the knee to the woke lynch mob. Well, I understand. Lip service genuflection? He's being a hard headed realist, he crossed the imaginary made up line in the sand.
I hear it and use it more now than I ever have….You can thank those jungle savages…BLM And friends.
Hahaha…You didn’t really think something positive would come from their bullshit did you?
No doubt the trump party has encouraged racists, and given them a boost in confidence. It's one of his biggest accomplishments.
I remember when white men said the n word like it was breathing air.. we lost our culture.. we need to get it back .. I know I say it when ever I want
Why is this something that you sound proud of? Do you think it makes you courageous or independent or something?
Why is this something that you sound proud of? Do you think it makes you courageous or independent or something?
If this culture doesn’t regain its dominance,, commies will take over.. they are using blacks to gain control… it’s time to tell the black pawns wht they are. Cowboy up
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If this culture doesn’t regain its dominance,, commies will take over.. they are using blacks to gain control… it’s time to tell the black pawns wht they are. Cowboy up
You sound pretty scared of these “commies”… but how does being ignorant and offensive fight back against commies?!
What fight…you think conservatives are fighting?
How does my racism impact this fight you speak of?
The global elites, the international oligarchs? They honestly don't give a shit about ethnic groups or race.

They have, since the beginning of time, used race, class, religion, etc., to divide and rule. You play right into their hands.

There are prophecies, across many spiritual faiths, that the only way to unite the world in freedom and liberty, and to free the people from the oligarchy, is to unite the people. Your POV, plays into the hands of the hands of chaos.

I don’t follow.. Americans need to dominate. That is all
Well domination comes from confidence not fear. Your actions are based on fear of these “commies” and also they serve no purpose. Insulting and offending people is not displaying dominance. It’s displaying ignorance and insecurity
Well domination comes from confidence not fear. Your actions are based on fear of these “commies” and also they serve no purpose. Insulting and offending people is not displaying dominance. It’s displaying ignorance and insecurity
No commies gain advantage by a host of things.. I’m saying Americans need to take it back. Or America is gone.. fear ? Umm huh
Your POV, plays into the hands of the hands of chaos.
They have, since the beginning of time, used race, class, religion, etc., to divide and rule. You play right into their hands.
I play right into their hands because I’m bold enough to acknowledge and speak on data, facts and truth as it relates to various groups and ethnicities?
What a pussy…I’ve lost all respect for this clown. He’s the only reason I had a spotify account…which I just terminated.

LOL of course, the left would cancel him for quoting the “N-word”, yet Biden gets a pass for calling black kids “roaches” or referring to blacks as “negroes”.
No commies gain advantage by a host of things.. I’m saying Americans need to take it back. Or America is gone.. fear ? Umm huh
Yes dear, just read what you’re writing. It reeks of fear. America is doing just fine.
LOL of course, the left would cancel him for quoting the “N-word”, yet Biden gets a pass for calling black kids “roaches” or referring to blacks as “negroes”.
“Racial Jungle” Joe saved the filth from that meanie Trump…that’s all that matters.

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