Joe Rogan debating another brain dead SJW about Trans Athletes

What's the matter? Didn't make the varsity team? Career ruined? Home wrecked? Relationships cancelled and annulled? What's new on teh sports field?

Just look at what these college know it all idiotic marxists have us debating.

Still having trouble figuring out why anybody would care what joe Rogan might have to say about anything.

Because he is honest, fair and does not try and shut out differing opinions.

Far better than any of the garbage the main stream media outlets put out under the false guise of 'news.'
Still having trouble figuring out why anybody would care what joe Rogan might have to say about anything.
It's getting more rare all the time of people both willing and intentionally bringing people to the populous that disagree with one another to have a debate. This used to be the norm... Now... You have a damn sizable chunk of the population sticking their fingers in the ears and yelling not knowing if the opposition has a valid point or not.

In a way it reminds me of the DragonLance series I read as a teenager. A high priest of the most powerful good God ( Paladine ) got so wrapped up in his own "goodness" that he started killing anyone/everyone that didn't follow his own religion. Oh.. He WAS a good man, person in his own right. But... He had no tolerance for anyone or anything that wasn't on par with what HE thought was good.

Long story short... The highest priest in the land was destroyed by his own gods, when he demanded that he be given the ability to destroy the evil of the land, and anything he didn't agree with. Intolerance. But make no mistake... He was NOT EVIL... oh no... He took care of the poor, the sick... He HEALED people.

But he was intolerant. His way was the only way, and nobody knew how to live righteously but him. He knew best for everyone. His own God killed him for it... Because... That's not love. That's not forgiveness. That's just a tyrant under another ideology.

Good people doing evil things.... Based... on their ideology of morality. Hard to see your faults if you don't allow others to help you find them.

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