Joe Rogan: How the media is covering up voter fraud.

Who is Joe Rogan, what does he know, how does he know it, and why should we care?
Most popular pod cast host in the nation and just signed a big $100 million deal with Spotify.

And who the fuck are you? Besides some raving crank lunatic?

This does not establish his credentials. What is his background that makes him so important? Somebody like rush limbaugh is a four-times married college dropout, yet your ilk find that he is brilliant. How does this rogan know anything that the rest of us are supposed to look up to? What are his accomplishments?
This does not establish his credentials. What is his background that makes him so important? Somebody like rush limbaugh is a four-times married college dropout, yet your ilk find that he is brilliant. How does this rogan know anything that the rest of us are supposed to look up to? What are his accomplishments?
His opinion is well regarded and valued by a vast amount of people. He is paid very well for it.
I thought I already made that clear. Jesus....dense as a table top.
This does not establish his credentials. What is his background that makes him so important? Somebody like rush limbaugh is a four-times married college dropout, yet your ilk find that he is brilliant. How does this rogan know anything that the rest of us are supposed to look up to? What are his accomplishments?
His opinion is well regarded and valued by a vast amount of people. He is paid very well for it.
I thought I already made that clear. Jesus....dense as a table top.

I asked for his credentials. Yes, there are idiots who value his opinions. There is always a monkey who is celebrated by other monkeys. A circle jerk is a circle jerk.
Who is Joe Rogan, what does he know, how does he know it, and why should we care?
Most popular pod cast host in the nation and just signed a big $100 million deal with Spotify.

And who the fuck are you? Besides some raving crank lunatic?

This does not establish his credentials. What is his background that makes him so important? Somebody like rush limbaugh is a four-times married college dropout, yet your ilk find that he is brilliant. How does this rogan know anything that the rest of us are supposed to look up to? What are his accomplishments?
He taught at Boston University. Most people arent aware of that fact.
I asked for his credentials. Yes, there are idiots who value his opinions. There is always a monkey who is celebrated by other monkeys. A circle jerk is a circle jerk.
Very "mature" of you comparing a popular well received thought leader to a monkey in a circle jerk
just because he perceptively spots Joe Biden's epic voter fraud.

Are you always this bitter and infantile?
Who is Joe Rogan, what does he know, how does he know it, and why should we care?
Most popular pod cast host in the nation and just signed a big $100 million deal with Spotify.

And who the fuck are you? Besides some raving crank lunatic?

This does not establish his credentials. What is his background that makes him so important? Somebody like rush limbaugh is a four-times married college dropout, yet your ilk find that he is brilliant. How does this rogan know anything that the rest of us are supposed to look up to? What are his accomplishments?
He taught at Boston University. Most people arent aware of that fact.
Well there's a credential and accomplishment, if one were needed to give out informed rational
opinion. But most people aren't fans of massive voter fraud and subverting the American system
of free and fair elections.

It just makes some peculiar and morally deprived grumps angry.
Forget Joe. He is just still pissed that people would not get behind Tulsi.
I'm not in favor of much of what Rogan seems to endorse but he plays things straight down the middle
without favoritism or prejudicial artifice.

This will resonate with all the people who are not happy loosing their sacred right to vote
and having it turned to shit by Biden and his cabal of socialist lunatics.

The same people who screwed Tulsi Gabbard in favor of long time corrupt swamp creature Joe Biden,
(calling Tulsi a "Russian asset") are making enemies of Rogan and much of the country.

Is that who you stand with?
I stand with Joe Biden, President Elect of the United States of America. Totally willing to let the antics play out, but it will change nothing. Sort of depends on who legally voted and which side actually want them not to count. Every election has recounts. Every election both sides have the right to challenge a count if it is within certain parameters. Nobody has the "right" to declare the winning side cheated without evidence, as it is UN-American to do so. Do you think, if it does not get changed to trump's favor, Donnie will come out and say he was wrong and apologize? I don't think so.
Good. Now tell the rest of the Dem swine to get the fuck out of the way and let the audit commence.
Who is Joe Rogan, what does he know, how does he know it, and why should we care?
Most popular pod cast host in the nation and just signed a big $100 million deal with Spotify.

And who the fuck are you? Besides some raving crank lunatic?

This does not establish his credentials. What is his background that makes him so important? Somebody like rush limbaugh is a four-times married college dropout, yet your ilk find that he is brilliant. How does this rogan know anything that the rest of us are supposed to look up to? What are his accomplishments?
He taught at Boston University. Most people arent aware of that fact.
I just looked him up. Martial arts? Obama was a lecturer in Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago.
Who is Joe Rogan, what does he know, how does he know it, and why should we care?
Most popular pod cast host in the nation and just signed a big $100 million deal with Spotify.

And who the fuck are you? Besides some raving crank lunatic?

This does not establish his credentials. What is his background that makes him so important? Somebody like rush limbaugh is a four-times married college dropout, yet your ilk find that he is brilliant. How does this rogan know anything that the rest of us are supposed to look up to? What are his accomplishments?
He taught at Boston University. Most people arent aware of that fact.
I just looked him up. Martial arts? Obama was a lecturer in Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago.
Im sooo glad you looked it up! Yeah, he just taught Tae Kwon Do. Come on, even you have to admit that was funny.

I fucking love Joe, he just tells it like it is.

I recall about 6 months ago, he was talking to some chick independent “journalist”, who claimed she didnt know what Russiagate or Obamagate was. He started to explain it to her, and she STOPPED HIM AND SAID SHE DIDNT WANT TO KNOW! :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

The willfully ignorant left. Dont fuck up their narrative with facts!
Loved this interview with this typical college know it all left wing tart thinking she was going into an echo chamber of like minded leftists.

She didn't expect to be challenged.

I think you posted the wrong video, I didn't see anything but them agreeing.
Forget Joe. He is just still pissed that people would not get behind Tulsi.
I'm not in favor of much of what Rogan seems to endorse but he plays things straight down the middle
without favoritism or prejudicial artifice.

This will resonate with all the people who are not happy loosing their sacred right to vote
and having it turned to shit by Biden and his cabal of socialist lunatics.

The same people who screwed Tulsi Gabbard in favor of long time corrupt swamp creature Joe Biden,
(calling Tulsi a "Russian asset") are making enemies of Rogan and much of the country.

Is that who you stand with?
I stand with Joe Biden, President Elect of the United States of America. Totally willing to let the antics play out, but it will change nothing. Sort of depends on who legally voted and which side actually want them not to count. Every election has recounts. Every election both sides have the right to challenge a count if it is within certain parameters. Nobody has the "right" to declare the winning side cheated without evidence, as it is UN-American to do so. Do you think, if it does not get changed to trump's favor, Donnie will come out and say he was wrong and apologize? I don't think so.
Good. Now tell the rest of the Dem swine to get the fuck out of the way and let the audit commence.
You make yourself sound like an elitist trump bitch. Dem swine? You really think you are something or somebody. Make no mistake, the only people in the way are the judges that keep throwing the childish, poorly thought out lawsuits out or not granting the overreach remedies asked for. Can't you read? Don't you listen. Even Karl Rove says the election will not be overturned. Some of trump's own legal representation have pulled out of some of the cases. They are scared shitless for their own law licenses, and judges wrath for bringing frivolous lawsuits for purely political purpose. Trump is crying fraud, so when his lawyers show up in court, judges have asked during proceedings if the lawyer are accusing fraud or that the election has been rigged. The lawyers have stated on the record, that is not what they are saying and realize a false accusation in front of a judge can cost them their ass and their livelihood. Jones and Day (his favored legal firm) has made it clear, they will not represent Donald Trump in this ill advised quest.
All that said, I don't care, personally. Don't care if he is too stupid, too prideful, too scared to admit he lost. I don't care if he wastes your money in the legal system. I do not care that all donations under $7,000 dollars go not for the legal fight, but to RNC and campaign debt because he couldn't get enough money out of the deadbeat trumpers already to pay for the campaign, and blew more than he had. Heck, he has a history of bad management and not surprising he couldn't manage campaign money either. I don't care if he finishes off the republican party. I may have to do more voting third party, but I will not be voting for Republican enablers on national tickets for the next 8 or 12 years. They are proving they cannot be trusted to look out for the country right now, so I and many will not trust them until the current crop self purges or dies of old age. I may miss the Republicans, but not enough to care.
I don't have to care, because Joe Biden has got this. Hold up transition? No worries. He's been there and done this before successfully.
So, have your final hurrahs and move along, enjoying further defeats in the courts and in the minds of the people and voters across America. Life will be sweet here in Jackson.
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I fucking love Joe, he just tells it like it is.

I recall about 6 months ago, he was talking to some chick independent “journalist”, who claimed she didnt know what Russiagate or Obamagate was. He started to explain it to her, and she STOPPED HIM AND SAID SHE DIDNT WANT TO KNOW! :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

The willfully ignorant left. Dont fuck up their narrative with facts!
Loved this interview with this typical college know it all left wing tart thinking she was going into an echo chamber of like minded leftists.

She didn't expect to be challenged.

I think you posted the wrong video, I didn't see anything but them agreeing.

Forget Joe. He is just still pissed that people would not get behind Tulsi.
I'm not in favor of much of what Rogan seems to endorse but he plays things straight down the middle
without favoritism or prejudicial artifice.

This will resonate with all the people who are not happy loosing their sacred right to vote
and having it turned to shit by Biden and his cabal of socialist lunatics.

The same people who screwed Tulsi Gabbard in favor of long time corrupt swamp creature Joe Biden,
(calling Tulsi a "Russian asset") are making enemies of Rogan and much of the country.

Is that who you stand with?
I stand with Joe Biden, President Elect of the United States of America. Totally willing to let the antics play out, but it will change nothing. Sort of depends on who legally voted and which side actually want them not to count. Every election has recounts. Every election both sides have the right to challenge a count if it is within certain parameters. Nobody has the "right" to declare the winning side cheated without evidence, as it is UN-American to do so. Do you think, if it does not get changed to trump's favor, Donnie will come out and say he was wrong and apologize? I don't think so.
Good. Now tell the rest of the Dem swine to get the fuck out of the way and let the audit commence.
You make yourself sound like an elitist trump bitch. Dem swine? You really think you are something or somebody. Make no mistake, the only people in the way are the judges that keep throwing the childish, poorly thought out lawsuits out or not granting the overreach remedies asked for. Can't you read? Don't you listen. Even Karl Rove says the election will not be overturned. Some of trump's own legal representation have pulled out of some of the cases. They are scared shitless for their own law licenses, and judges wrath for bringing frivolous lawsuits for purely political purpose. Trump is crying fraud, so when his lawyers show up in court, judges have asked during proceedings if the lawyer are accusing fraud or that the election has been rigged. The lawyers have stated on the record, that is not what they are saying and realize a false accusation in front of a judge can cost them their ass and their livelihood. Jones and Day (his favored legal firm) has made it clear, they will not represent Donald Trump in this ill advised quest.
All that said, I don't care, personally. Don't care if he is too stupid, too prideful, too scared to admit he lost. I don't care if he wastes your money in the legal system. I do not care that all donations under $7,000 dollars go not for the legal fight, but to RNC and campaign debt because he couldn't get enough money out of the deadbeat trumpers already to pay for the campaign, and blew more than he had. Heck, he has a history of bad management and not surprising he couldn't manage campaign money either. I don't care if he finishes off the republican party. I may have to do more voting third party, but I will not be voting for Republican enablers on national tickets for the next 8 or 12 years. They are proving they cannot be trusted to look out for the country right now, so I and many will not trust them until the current crop self purges or dies of old age. I may miss the Republicans, but not enough to care.
I don't have to care, because Joe Biden has got this. Hold up transition? No worries. He's been there and done this before successfully.
So, have your final hurrahs and move along, enjoying further defeats in the courts and in the minds of the people and voters across America. Life will be sweet here in Jackson.
He destroyed you and your 4 paragraphs is you sinking further into the quicksand of your ignorance that Bootney exposed.
Forget Joe. He is just still pissed that people would not get behind Tulsi.
I'm not in favor of much of what Rogan seems to endorse but he plays things straight down the middle
without favoritism or prejudicial artifice.

This will resonate with all the people who are not happy loosing their sacred right to vote
and having it turned to shit by Biden and his cabal of socialist lunatics.

The same people who screwed Tulsi Gabbard in favor of long time corrupt swamp creature Joe Biden,
(calling Tulsi a "Russian asset") are making enemies of Rogan and much of the country.

Is that who you stand with?
I stand with Joe Biden, President Elect of the United States of America. Totally willing to let the antics play out, but it will change nothing. Sort of depends on who legally voted and which side actually want them not to count. Every election has recounts. Every election both sides have the right to challenge a count if it is within certain parameters. Nobody has the "right" to declare the winning side cheated without evidence, as it is UN-American to do so. Do you think, if it does not get changed to trump's favor, Donnie will come out and say he was wrong and apologize? I don't think so.
Good. Now tell the rest of the Dem swine to get the fuck out of the way and let the audit commence.
You make yourself sound like an elitist trump bitch. Dem swine? You really think you are something or somebody. Make no mistake, the only people in the way are the judges that keep throwing the childish, poorly thought out lawsuits out or not granting the overreach remedies asked for. Can't you read? Don't you listen. Even Karl Rove says the election will not be overturned. Some of trump's own legal representation have pulled out of some of the cases. They are scared shitless for their own law licenses, and judges wrath for bringing frivolous lawsuits for purely political purpose. Trump is crying fraud, so when his lawyers show up in court, judges have asked during proceedings if the lawyer are accusing fraud or that the election has been rigged. The lawyers have stated on the record, that is not what they are saying and realize a false accusation in front of a judge can cost them their ass and their livelihood. Jones and Day (his favored legal firm) has made it clear, they will not represent Donald Trump in this ill advised quest.
All that said, I don't care, personally. Don't care if he is too stupid, too prideful, too scared to admit he lost. I don't care if he wastes your money in the legal system. I do not care that all donations under $7,000 dollars go not for the legal fight, but to RNC and campaign debt because he couldn't get enough money out of the deadbeat trumpers already to pay for the campaign, and blew more than he had. Heck, he has a history of bad management and not surprising he couldn't manage campaign money either. I don't care if he finishes off the republican party. I may have to do more voting third party, but I will not be voting for Republican enablers on national tickets for the next 8 or 12 years. They are proving they cannot be trusted to look out for the country right now, so I and many will not trust them until the current crop self purges or dies of old age. I may miss the Republicans, but not enough to care.
I don't have to care, because Joe Biden has got this. Hold up transition? No worries. He's been there and done this before successfully.
So, have your final hurrahs and move along, enjoying further defeats in the courts and in the minds of the people and voters across America. Life will be sweet here in Jackson.
He destroyed you and your 4 paragraphs is you sinking further into the quicksand of your ignorance that Bootney exposed.
Thanks for playing, kid. I feel pretty good about it, myself. Send trump some money. If you send more the $7 grand you can say you helped with the legal bills. If less, Donnie will spend or keep part of every donation. G-Nite OP.
I may miss the Republicans, but not enough to care.
I don't have to care, because Joe Biden has got this. Hold up transition? No worries. He's been there and done this before successfully.
So, have your final hurrahs and move along, enjoying further defeats in the courts and in the minds of the people and voters across America. Life will be sweet here in Jackson.
He destroyed you and your 4 paragraphs is you sinking further into the quicksand of your ignorance that Bootney exposed.
It is so adorable, I swear, when conservatives argue like Liberals give a shyte about law, Truth or justice at all.


Rogan about as neutral as you get. Bernie supporter. Reveals it even more.

Everyone knows how absolutely corrupt thd dem machine is in the cities
Especially the ones with a magnifying glass on em

Keep screaming America.
I read tucker went off tonight

dmdmd dx.jpeg

These two guys ,mericans standing the fuck up, internet autist ,and a shit posting website take on the establishment and globo homo inc ! Roflmao

go underdogs
go America

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